Marcia Marcia Marcia

Karma girls. Look in the mirror. Yes, I understand KJ won’t fit in the mirror. Look how you both have treated people. Normal places would have dumped you both by now. Your lucky it’s this sh*# hole!

Interesting- for some reason she would take sides and stick up for her managers that had alcohol problems and never would address how it had a negative impact on the reps that reached out for direction.

Miss MS is telling reps to let friends who are thinking of leaving that they will be missing out on $100,000 IPO money by year end Can this be true ?

Reps will make nothing additional on the IPO. New ownership will come in and it will be more focused on share price and such. Not much different than it is now. Now get back to studying for your cert.

She is friendly with my coworker and said this is her golden ticket to early retirement. Will she make a lot of money ? So unfair if she does. She has suggested everyone can by shares really cheap and then sell them in a year.

She is already regretting her latest BY promo…reps are frustrated by their new lackluster leader…lots of chatter behind her unqualified back…giving it 12 months till she gets kicked to the curb…that promotion was an impulse purchase at best.

You all now need to embrace Tretinoin. Forget about Adapalene . We are #1 Derm company and #1 reps. The folks that left had no grit. We will show them. We have 4 RX and 22 OTC. What do they have? products not even approved. Now let's have fun , you will be rewarded, we will promote you even if your not interested or qualified. We love you Flemming.