Marcia Marcia Marcia

I keep hearing MS is almost guaranteeing we can make a lot of $$$ with IPO.

We can purchase shares for almost nothing at year end and when IPO estimate of $18 to $26 keep or sell. She has had many serious discussions about it.

is this a possibility ? Please let us know. Thank you

Serious question. MS was bashing some friends last nite that recently left Galderma with personal insults.
Is it worth reporting to HR ? Will they keep it confidential?

Thank you

Sadly to say it's not worth it. As soon as you hang up HR calls her and discusses the allegations. You are red flagged until you are gone. The only confidential complaint s are compliance. She has a history of trash talk and nothing has ever happened. Focus on something positive instead.

I wouldn’t invest too much energy on her. The people who left are going to be far happier in their new roles…escaping the toxic environment she fosters both in the northeast and company wide. No amount of money or promises of an IPO could make them stay and that should be a prime indicator of how bad things have truly gotten under her. MS will have her day and all the karma she deserves whether it is professionally, personally or both.

She still has her group drinking the Kool Aid and reporting to her whose on the good list and bad list. Be careful who you tell about interviews or anything too personal, it all gets reported to MS, former drama college major .

There are a bunch of reps who play the game and act like they don't care from her but they think by giving her the trash talk they stay in her favor. She will throw anyone under the bus especially smart achievers that she feels threatened by. BEWARE look at some social media of the ones who fawn over her in Hawaii or praise her at awards ceremony and have nothing good to say about her at meetings . Easy to figure out.

Sadly to say it's not worth it. As soon as you hang up HR calls her and discusses the allegations. You are red flagged until you are gone. The only confidential complaint s are compliance. She has a history of trash talk and nothing has ever happened. Focus on something positive instead.
She won’t be fired because she a woman. A man would be gone

BY britnayyyy is a damp wet rag at best and has the personality of a stale saltine….I was in Hawaii with her and her goober fiancé and got stuck in the conversation that went nowhere hahahahha….snooze fest

Marcia is on the war path seeking anyone interviewing for BMS because her friend is JB and trying to steal her reps. JB can run circles around MS .
Be careful who you share info with.
She’s asking managers if they sense any negativity about the launch of our new Acne drug or lack of enthusiasm. If reps are not making at least 6 extra calls per week then what they were, they don’t belong here.

The pressure is on her from above.

I sent an email to Dan to have a survey out for the North East. We really want to stay and launch the new products, make $, but can't deal with MS much more. I hope he comes through.