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Managers answer this please


Please tell me how someone with just a few years (less than 3) pharma experience, this being their only pharma gig, gets chosen for several roles /special assignments reporting directly to the RBD? Tenure and experience does not seem to factor into selection criteria for promotions, special assignments, etc— it appears instead to be a detriment for selection. What exactly is the selection criteria you are using? It’s only fair that you post the criteria you are basing these decisions on. If not, many may assume age discrimination. Which many of us are assuming that.


Maybe because they are more talented and motivated than you and actually sought out these extra things in order to advance their career? Not knowing anything beyond your post, that is my hunch.

Nope. Less talented, less experience. Many people make themselves available for help on special projects and are not given the opportunity. My point is you should post these opportunities, the criteria for getting these projects and let people FAIRLY apply. Not just pick favorites. There are opportunities given to people that the rest of us aren’t even aware of.

Nope. Less talented, less experience. Many people make themselves available for help on special projects and are not given the opportunity. My point is you should post these opportunities, the criteria for getting these projects and let people FAIRLY apply. Not just pick favorites. There are opportunities given to people that the rest of us aren’t even aware of.

This company is the most nepotistic I’ve ever seen. That’s your answer. And it’s never changing.

Please tell me how someone with just a few years (less than 3) pharma experience, this being their only pharma gig, gets chosen for several roles /special assignments reporting directly to the RBD? Tenure and experience does not seem to factor into selection criteria for promotions, special assignments, etc— it appears instead to be a detriment for selection. What exactly is the selection criteria you are using? It’s only fair that you post the criteria you are basing these decisions on. If not, many may assume age discrimination. Which many of us are assuming that.

Never confuse tenure or experience as a qualification. It just means you’ve been doing stuff for a long time, not that you’ve ever stood out or been great at your job. People get chosen for special projects/promotions for many reasons - performance, competencies, IDP career path, proactively seeking things out, etc. I don’t know you or whoever was selected over you, so it’s incredibly difficult to say why someone might have been chosen over you. But, if your argument is tenure and experience, then you’re not really focusing on the right things when comparing yourself to others. Most managers would take someone who won 2 COEs in 3 years over someone who won 2 COEs in 10 years. But, I would encourage you to start be examining how you could have been more ready as opposed to tearing down someone else and assuming some sort of discrimination. Sometimes you just get beat out for a spot. It’s happened to all of us. Get better and be more prepared for the next opportunity.

Might be a lot of opportunity if you are willing to work for So Flo !!! Crazy train and her Kronies if you want an opportunity look no further than SO FLO plus you have beaches and Lakes and lots of white male Mangers ready to give out PIMPS.

Recently offered 127k to join pod here. I have 12 years experience and juggling with it. Is the culture that great like it was years ago. I heard you guys went to Denmark like 10 years ago. Does this still happen?

Actually, we went to Denmark twice; 2005 and 2013. In 2005, the trip was on the QE2. One helluva trip. In 2013, not so much. I was told by a rep who had many more years in than I that I should watch my back. There was a move to “weed out” more tenured reps. Shortly after returning, this rep was “weeded out”. Think of NNI as an interim stop on your career path, nothing more.

Just be happy you got an offer, I know someone who was axed after 7 years because he was no longer liked by one manager. He went into deep depression and hasn’t been the same since.

Just be happy you got an offer, I know someone who was axed after 7 years because he was no longer liked by one manager. He went into deep depression and hasn’t been the same since.

That sounds like an incredibly self-serving excuse for getting fired. It couldn’t be anything that he did or didn’t do - it must have been because his manager didn’t like him. It was all completely out of his control. That poor, poor victim. Riiigghhhtt…. Here’s a newsflash for you: managers like good employees, and they don’t like bad ones.

That sounds like an incredibly self-serving excuse for getting fired. It couldn’t be anything that he did or didn’t do - it must have been because his manager didn’t like him. It was all completely out of his control. That poor, poor victim. Riiigghhhtt…. Here’s a newsflash for you: managers like good employees, and they don’t like bad ones.
I sincerely hope that someone dumps on your career some day, when you’re trying your very best, you're honest and hard-working, and providing for your family.
Many times things are out of your control, and clearly there are times when it’s on you.
It’ll happen to you, you little turd. And your family will likely think you’re a loser and maybe your spouse checks out. Your kids will be embarrassed bc you’re depressed and not working.
I’ve been blessed with a phenom career through Novo and left with millions+++ in my stock awards, base, bonus, LTI, 401k and yes, that healthcare reimbursement account that so few knew about.
So yeah, I was lucky, but I worked my a** off for years and sacrificed a ton.

You’re a pompous ‘jack’, and you wreak of being new in your ED or VP position.

Your. Day. Will. Come.
You’re cold, and flawless.

And you’ll be unemployed for a long, long time.

I sincerely hope that someone dumps on your career some day, when you’re trying your very best, you're honest and hard-working, and providing for your family.
Many times things are out of your control, and clearly there are times when it’s on you.
It’ll happen to you, you little turd. And your family will likely think you’re a loser and maybe your spouse checks out. Your kids will be embarrassed bc you’re depressed and not working.
I’ve been blessed with a phenom career through Novo and left with millions+++ in my stock awards, base, bonus, LTI, 401k and yes, that healthcare reimbursement account that so few knew about.
So yeah, I was lucky, but I worked my a** off for years and sacrificed a ton.

You’re a pompous ‘jack’, and you wreak of being new in your ED or VP position.

Your. Day. Will. Come.
You’re cold, and flawless.

And you’ll be unemployed for a long, long time.
Wow! You are an angry little frat boy!!

Recently offered 127k to join pod here. I have 12 years experience and juggling with it. Is the culture that great like it was years ago. I heard you guys went to Denmark like 10 years ago. Does this still happen?
Depends what area you are considering. The culture is dependent on local DBM, but also region and area. If you are looking at NYS, run. NYC, completely different beast. Penn, again very very different, etc....name your region, you will get feedback fast enough.

I sincerely hope that someone dumps on your career some day, when you’re trying your very best, you're honest and hard-working, and providing for your family.
Many times things are out of your control, and clearly there are times when it’s on you.
It’ll happen to you, you little turd. And your family will likely think you’re a loser and maybe your spouse checks out. Your kids will be embarrassed bc you’re depressed and not working.
I’ve been blessed with a phenom career through Novo and left with millions+++ in my stock awards, base, bonus, LTI, 401k and yes, that healthcare reimbursement account that so few knew about.
So yeah, I was lucky, but I worked my a** off for years and sacrificed a ton.

You’re a pompous ‘jack’, and you wreak of being new in your ED or VP position.

Your. Day. Will. Come.
You’re cold, and flawless.

And you’ll be unemployed for a long, long time.

People get dumped on everyday folks. Lots of times, it just that one thing, or they spoke up...and it is all over for them. There are so many people here now that are "fragile", mostly their egos, but it is true. This isnt about business anymore, it is a look-at-me-selfie club. And it is a club.

Never confuse tenure or experience as a qualification. It just means you’ve been doing stuff for a long time, not that you’ve ever stood out or been great at your job. People get chosen for special projects/promotions for many reasons - performance, competencies, IDP career path, proactively seeking things out, etc. I don’t know you or whoever was selected over you, so it’s incredibly difficult to say why someone might have been chosen over you. But, if your argument is tenure and experience, then you’re not really focusing on the right things when comparing yourself to others. Most managers would take someone who won 2 COEs in 3 years over someone who won 2 COEs in 10 years. But, I would encourage you to start be examining how you could have been more ready as opposed to tearing down someone else and assuming some sort of discrimination. Sometimes you just get beat out for a spot. It’s happened to all of us. Get better and be more prepared for the next opportunity.
Valid points. However I still argue that people should be made aware of the opportunities and qualifications posted. There is a lot of favoritism. That shouldn’t not be a qualification. In my opinion experience and tenure are grossly undervalued.

This company is the most nepotistic I’ve ever seen. That’s your answer. And it’s never changing.
Unfortunate. I actually would like to see some ownership by managers in this. There should be posted opportunities and listed criteria/experience needed for special projects/promotions for all to see. If people are not given equal opportunity or even know about these special projects people are led to believe there is favoritism or discrimination. .