
Dear Garry,
You have failed miserably at fuckin my mothers ass in ExosomeDx Men’s room Do you have anything to say on your behalf besides I’m commin I’m commin

This last post was the lovely and disrespected Methboy RSM of the west coast. A real foul mouthed loser, who was fired from 4K and lied about it on his ExoDx employment application. James, everyone knows you are a scumbag, do you have anything to say on your behalf? How is the Betty Ford program going?
If you are thinking of applying to BT think again.
They are replacing reps in the following regions:


Don’t let management fool you. This is mainly a salary job. Which is between $90-$100k, based on experience. After that you can expect $6,000 per quarter max. BT developed a 5 tiered Comp Plan last year, and it’s designed to only pay a fraction of the total possible $20k payout.
On top of that you will work with RSM’s that should be working as ASR’s underneath you, and an NSM and VP that have no clue on how to run, what should have been a hyper growth business. The business is in ruins, and doctors have largely departed using BT’s technology. Do your homework before accepting any offer.

Lots of interviews taking place. ExoDx to resemble a real live ghost town by December 21... Can’t sell product without reps to sell it. Management has yet again outsmarted themselves. The ignorance never ceases to amaze.
FDA grants breakthrough designation to urine-based liquid biopsy for prostate cancer
October 26, 2020
Jason M. Broderick

The miR Sentinel PCC4 Assay is a non-invasive test that has achieved sensitivity and specificity rates above 90% for both detecting and classifying prostate tumors.

Looks like trouble in paradise folks. When their sales force opens we will close. It’s that simple folks. we are a risk assessment tool, they diagnose cancer. Which product will your urologist use? Maybe the AHK’s can save the day!!
If you are thinking of applying to BT think again.
They are replacing reps in the following regions:


Don’t let management fool you. This is mainly a salary job. Which is between $90-$100k, based on experience. After that you can expect $6,000 per quarter max. BT developed a 5 tiered Comp Plan last year, and it’s designed to only pay a fraction of the total possible $20k payout.
On top of that you will work with RSM’s that should be working as ASR’s underneath you, and an NSM and VP that have no clue on how to run, what should have been a hyper growth business. The business is in ruins, and doctors have largely departed using BT’s technology. Do your homework before accepting any offer.

Sadly, this is accurate.
Garry Couett will be out of a job real soon. Probably in time for the Christmas holiday. Upper management knows that the EPI business is dead in the water. The numbers are flat. Steve Silverman stresses about the low numbers everyday. Karla and Garry wasted a ton of money on Cal Ripken, and that was a big dud! The bills will not get paid at 65 tests a day. With MiR Scientific hiring sales people as we speak, the nails are going in the Exosome coffin. Its over people! Nothing to see here!
Garry Couett will be out of a job real soon. Probably in time for the Christmas holiday. Upper management knows that the EPI business is dead in the water. The numbers are flat. Steve Silverman stresses about the low numbers everyday. Karla and Garry wasted a ton of money on Cal Ripken, and that was a big dud! The bills will not get paid at 65 tests a day. With MiR Scientific hiring sales people as we speak, the nails are going in the Exosome coffin. Its over people! Nothing to see here!

except for GC’s schlong inserted into JR’s rectum.
FDA grants breakthrough designation to urine-based liquid biopsy for prostate cancer
October 26, 2020
Jason M. Broderick

The miR Sentinel PCC4 Assay is a non-invasive test that has achieved sensitivity and specificity rates above 90% for both detecting and classifying prostate tumors.

Looks like trouble in paradise folks. When their sales force opens we will close. It’s that simple folks. we are a risk assessment tool, they diagnose cancer. Which product will your urologist use? Maybe the AHK’s can save the day!!

Disgraced NSM GC failing miserably at his job. Big layoffs Dec 21...
A truly sad state of affairs.

If you are thinking of applying to BT think again.
They are replacing reps in the following regions:


Don’t let management fool you. This is mainly a salary job. Which is between $90-$100k, based on experience. After that you can expect $6,000 per quarter max. BT developed a 5 tiered Comp Plan last year, and it’s designed to only pay a fraction of the total possible $20k payout.
On top of that you will work with RSM’s that should be working as ASR’s underneath you, and an NSM and VP that have no clue on how to run, what should have been a hyper growth business. The business is in ruins, and doctors have largely departed using BT’s technology. Do your homework before accepting any offer.

You just don’t get it, do you?
Garry Couett will be out of a job real soon. Probably in time for the Christmas holiday. Upper management knows that the EPI business is dead in the water. The numbers are flat. Steve Silverman stresses about the low numbers everyday. Karla and Garry wasted a ton of money on Cal Ripken, and that was a big dud! The bills will not get paid at 65 tests a day. With MiR Scientific hiring sales people as we speak, the nails are going in the Exosome coffin. Its over people! Nothing to see here!

Karler & Garry are both useless turds who never should have been hired. How much $ did you blow on Cal Ripken you morons? We are still at 65 tests a day on tracker.
Karler & Garry are both useless turds who never should have been hired. How much $ did you blow on Cal Ripken you morons? We are still at 65 tests a day on tracker.

soon they will shellack the rest of the salesforce and just pull rev from RnaScope & CDx. At that point, there won’t be a need for RSM’s or an NSM. Keep that in your pocket and think that one through. Chuck will not continue to hemorrhage cash for a test that doesn’t make a profit. Congratulations to the clown team from TFS for ruining a perfectly good product in just under 24 months. Time for all of us to polish the ole resumes. ALL IN.
FDA grants breakthrough designation to urine-based liquid biopsy for prostate cancer
October 26, 2020
Jason M. Broderick

Garry the Clown

The miR Sentinel PCC4 Assay is a non-invasive test that has achieved sensitivity and specificity rates above 90% for both detecting and classifying prostate tumors.

Looks like trouble in paradise folks. When their sales force opens we will close. It’s that simple folks. we are a risk assessment tool, they diagnose cancer. Which product will your urologist use? Maybe the AHK’s can save the day!!
Silverman is a zero and hasn’t provided any value to this organization whatsoever. Steve needs his walking papers. He has failed miserably. Steve you are only here because Chuck placed you here. You are a loser!
CEO Recent Trades:

  • CEO Charles R. Kummeth sold 5,000 shares of TECH stock on 12/07/2020 at the average price of $308. The price of the stock has decreased by 2.06% since.
CFO Recent Trades:

  • CFO James Hippel sold 10,991 shares of TECH stock on 11/11/2020 at the average price of $307.95. The price of the stock has decreased by 2.05% since.
Directors and Officers Recent Trades:

  • SVP - General Counsel Brenda S. Furlow sold 10,857 shares of TECH stock on 11/30/2020 at the average price of $301.94. The price of the stock has decreased by 0.1% since.

  • Director Robert V Baumgartner sold 5,000 shares of TECH stock on 11/18/2020 at the average price of $303.34. The price of the stock has decreased by 0.56% since
CEO Recent Trades:

  • CEO Charles R. Kummeth sold 5,000 shares of TECH stock on 12/07/2020 at the average price of $308. The price of the stock has decreased by 2.06% since.
CFO Recent Trades:

  • CFO James Hippel sold 10,991 shares of TECH stock on 11/11/2020 at the average price of $307.95. The price of the stock has decreased by 2.05% since.
Directors and Officers Recent Trades:

  • SVP - General Counsel Brenda S. Furlow sold 10,857 shares of TECH stock on 11/30/2020 at the average price of $301.94. The price of the stock has decreased by 0.1% since.

  • Director Robert V Baumgartner sold 5,000 shares of TECH stock on 11/18/2020 at the average price of $303.34. The price of the stock has decreased by 0.56% since