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Madrigal Pharmaceuticals

How was it a payout for you?
Unless you're saying you got a 240k bonus? I read it as 240k including bonus.
If your bonus was that...why the hell would you leave? And who tf makes 240k in bonus ? Especially TLL level?

It would have been a pay cut. And a big one. I made 240k in bonus- 445k overall as a rep not as TLL. Who makes that- lots of people. I won't even win P club this year. I'm looking to leave as Amgen bought us, and they will eventually stop paying us Horizon-type pay. I might have left if they could have gotten me a base upwards of 275k and a decent equity package.

Some “interesting” field hires based on postings on LinkedIn. DV from Houston is a wing bat that is not a collaborative partner but hey, let them find out for themselves. For those who will slam me for “being bitter for not going through” to the end, actually, I backed out - no reason that these territories need to be so small Who wants to have to look for another gig in a year or two due to downsizing to make the headcount work. Bank what you can and don’t buy a BMW for a company car…..!

DV has zero self awareness, what a nightmare

Very impressed! It’s everything a rep needs for a successful launch that I have never had with prior launches! It’s very real impressive and refreshing!

It’s great we have so many educational tools to use.

Did anyone stop to think that “educating” IDNs only to pull their patients out to another SP may not go as planned?

perhaps someone with more than a cursory knowledge of how IDNs work would have thought of this.

It would have been a pay cut. And a big one. I made 240k in bonus- 445k overall as a rep not as TLL. Who makes that- lots of people. I won't even win P club this year. I'm looking to leave as Amgen bought us, and they will eventually stop paying us Horizon-type pay. I might have left if they could have gotten me a base upwards of 275k and a decent equity package.

cough cough cough BULLSHIT cough cough

It would have been a pay cut. And a big one. I made 240k in bonus- 445k overall as a rep not as TLL. Who makes that- lots of people. I won't even win P club this year. I'm looking to leave as Amgen bought us, and they will eventually stop paying us Horizon-type pay. I might have left if they could have gotten me a base upwards of 275k and a decent equity package.

Loser. You must be bottom of the barrel. I work at Horizon too and I made $900,000 in bonus and another $1,200,000 in salary plus $1,000,000 in equity last year. My company car was an upgraded matte black Lamborghini SUV. Walbert sends a private jet for me so I can travel to our NSM in style.

Turned down a TLL position. Coming from Horizon (now Amgen) they couldn't (or wouldn't) come close to my salary expectations. I'm at 205k base now; last year, I was over 240k in bonus. They knew this before bringing me in and interviewing me over the last month. The offer was 250k base 20% corp bonus and 45k sign-on along with 150k in shares that vest over 3 years.

I was very impressed with the people here. But needed 275-280k to leave where I'm at. I know I'll have to eventually take a pay cut, but that was too big of one too soon.

I think a sales rep could get 205-215k out of them if you have the right experience and the manager fights for you.

This is a lie. They haven’t even hired the VP yet let alone the the directors that will lead the TLL teams. No offers have been made

Horizon reps are the highest paid in the industry. That definitely could be true. Some reps selling Tepezza made 300k bonus per quarter when they launched.

Some meaning maybe two. I know a lot of people at Horizon. I interviewed with Horizon for a leadership job years ago and turned it down. I’ve interviewed reps from Horizon. It’s feast or famine there depending on which team you are on. A lot of reps say it’s cutthroat and shady the way they do things. Many looking to leave because for the majority, the bonus structure does not pay. The President of the company, TW made his wife, KW the SVP of the company. He also put other family members in high level positions. Nepotism at its finest and you better not say a word about it or you walk the plank.

Some meaning maybe two. I know a lot of people at Horizon. I interviewed with Horizon for a leadership job years ago and turned it down. I’ve interviewed reps from Horizon. It’s feast or famine there depending on which team you are on. A lot of reps say it’s cutthroat and shady the way they do things. Many looking to leave because for the majority, the bonus structure does not pay. The President of the company, TW made his wife, KW the SVP of the company. He also put other family members in high level positions. Nepotism at its finest and you better not say a word about it or you walk the plank.


Horizon leadership was shady and the reps were as well.

Some meaning maybe two. I know a lot of people at Horizon. I interviewed with Horizon for a leadership job years ago and turned it down. I’ve interviewed reps from Horizon. It’s feast or famine there depending on which team you are on. A lot of reps say it’s cutthroat and shady the way they do things. Many looking to leave because for the majority, the bonus structure does not pay. The President of the company, TW made his wife, KW the SVP of the company. He also put other family members in high level positions. Nepotism at its finest and you better not say a word about it or you walk the plank.

Sounds like someone that didn't get hired. Just about every rep at Horizon is making 180k+ in base and pulling in over 20k a quarter as a bonus. 16k is the plan. My wife works there. They are paid really really well. Not sure how long it will last under Amgen. Reps that can't sell get exposed and pushed out. That is true. She has been there 4 years, and her w2 for 3 of them has been over 375k. She is a rep, not a manager. These are facts I've seen with my own eyes. And honestly, I can't believe how much they pay them.