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Madrigal Pharmaceuticals

Territories are too small…..
170+/- reps is going to lead to layoffs

the goal is to sell anyway.

one of the ways a buyer will make it work on paper is to eliminate half the reps and open access to IDN SPs so they get assistance from inside to impact HCPs who may not view this product positively given other options.

make sure you get enough equity to justify the move.

Bowdoingroup did a great job. If they n-house took over maybe it’s because most people already have their offers. Now only a few positions left to start on February start date?

the goal is to sell anyway.

one of the ways a buyer will make it work on paper is to eliminate half the reps and open access to IDN SPs so they get assistance from inside to impact HCPs who may not view this product positively given other options.

make sure you get enough equity to justify the move.

CEO has already addressed this rumor with those of us currently employed. He confirmed that there will be no buying/selling of the company.

CEO has already addressed this rumor with those of us currently employed. He confirmed that there will be no buying/selling of the company.

I have been told that several times in my career. Right up till they sold.

everyone and everything has a price.

this goes one of two ways. 1) you make some headway and show some initial uptake and get bought. 2) there is a lack of interest and uptake and you get laid off.

there is no third option.

I have been told that several times in my career. Right up till they sold.

everyone and everything has a price.

this goes one of two ways. 1) you make some headway and show some initial uptake and get bought. 2) there is a lack of interest and uptake and you get laid off.

there is no third option.

Best and most accurate assessment of the current situation. Been through a couple of these too. Executive leadership will always claim there is no plan for a buyout and then magically happens.

Did everyone see the jump on the stock today. Madrigal was listed as one of the premier companies as a protential buy out companies if this drug gets approved and is semi successful.

Did everyone see the jump on the stock today. Madrigal was listed as one of the premier companies as a protential buy out companies if this drug gets approved and is semi successful.

That shouldn't be a surprise to anyone ... And don't worry leadership will deny it adamantly until it's sold and they walk away with their sweetheart of a golden parachute - just wait / watch ...