Live meetings=financially irresponsible


Why are having in person/live meetings when we need to cut dollars and peoples jobs are at stake? Ridiculous to spend money to send sales force to some dump regional location and pay for travel, hotel and food! All of this just to check a box when the EXACT same thing can be accomplished via Microsoft teams!!! The company expects us to be away from our home responsibilities and sends us to useless meetings then spends tons of dollars on these meetings and then cuts JOBS!!! Save us all the misery and do virtual meetings!


Why are having in person/live meetings when we need to cut dollars and peoples jobs are at stake? Ridiculous to spend money to send sales force to some dump regional location and pay for travel, hotel and food! All of this just to check a box when the EXACT same thing can be accomplished via Microsoft teams!!! The company expects us to be away from our home responsibilities and sends us to useless meetings then spends tons of dollars on these meetings and then cuts JOBS!!! Save us all the misery and do virtual meetings!

Agreed. And if one person from the meeting gets sick, we are each at risk as are our loved ones. And then we are in quarantine. How does that help sales?

We get the same information from virtual meetings. And we have zero risk of getting Covid and save the company a lot of money by doing virtual meetings.

Save the company money and have healthy sales reps working? Go virtual.

Neuroscience is spending millions on a meeting next week at Disney. I lost my job so they can piss away money on this. 300 people in a room how many come home with covid?

Neuroscience leadership has little to no concern for our safety. Orlando this week with all the managers exposed to COVID last week. Seriously? This meeting serves zero purpose.

Neuroscience leadership has little to no concern for our safety. Orlando this week with all the managers exposed to COVID last week. Seriously? This meeting serves zero purpose.

Is this a joke? So 20 people in a room and they have a Covid breakout. Now put a couple of hundred in a room. Novartis has no concern for our safety.

Shameful that certain CRM regions are having live meetings this week! You can accomplish the same thing over teams meeting and save money!!! The company is laying off lots of people but this franchise chooses to spend money and have corporate people fly in so we can check the box! So disrespectful to those losing jobs! Be sure to congratulate yourselves on how wonderful the Leqvio launch is going!!! Not! It’s all smoke and mirrors here! Nobody wants a live meeting so don’t think for a second the region should feel lucky to get this! Get in touch with reality and fix the real problems..

Corporate doesn’t care what anyone thinks about anything. They ignore the disaster in front of them that they created, and expect the ground troops to “figure it out”.

Corporate doesn’t care what anyone thinks about anything. They ignore the disaster in front of them that they created, and expect the ground troops to “figure it out”.
Sounds exactly like our Prez, Speaker of House, and Senate Leader - now all our company needs to do is try to distract us as much as they can and bury the disasters they created

This makes me lol. Covid is dead, you're worried about a cold at this point. Are you vaccinated? You should be fine. Lol. After all, everyone who went to Costa Rica were vaccinated and got Covid. lol. We are living in clown world when you work for a healthcare company and are afraid of a virus you supposedly protected yourself from.

This makes me lol. Covid is dead, you're worried about a cold at this point. Are you vaccinated? You should be fine. Lol. After all, everyone who went to Costa Rica were vaccinated and got Covid. lol. We are living in clown world when you work for a healthcare company and are afraid of a virus you supposedly protected yourself from.

This thread is about financial irresponsibility, not COVID. Comprehension is a skill that you seem to struggle with (although three lol's are a nice touch). If you're looking for a venue to keep fighting your culture wars, might I suggest facebook?
It is embarrassing that they waste money on live meetings when they are in the process of laying off 8,000 people. Its disgraceful.

This thread is about financial irresponsibility, not COVID. Comprehension is a skill that you seem to struggle with (although three lol's are a nice touch). If you're looking for a venue to keep fighting your culture wars, might I suggest facebook?
It is embarrassing that they waste money on live meetings when they are in the process of laying off 8,000 people. Its disgraceful.
Thousands are being terminated, budgets are frozen, projects at a stand still. It’s definitely not the right time for live meetings. On top of sending the wrong message to the workforce it’s financially irresponsible.

Why is OBU having a National sales meeting in Texas? We need new leadership. SR is leading his people with fear rather than motivation. He’s so outta touch with reality. He needs to go.

The last virtual meeting two weeks ago was a joke. Ohh if you make x amount of calls on this doctor your numbers go up. However, his bar graph was up and down. WTH we’re all adults and I feel like it just gets demotivating by the week. Bobbing heads. Now they have someone coming to the sales meeting to determine if OBU should stick around? Who does that? More fear…yes= less motivation. Get a clue!

Let’s be honest, not traveling for last 2.5 years has been wonderful. I haven’t missed any of the kids games or activities. Home every night accomplishing household projects and being with the family. Only thing I miss about Live meetings is the food.

Agreed. And if one person from the meeting gets sick, we are each at risk as are our loved ones. And then we are in quarantine. How does that help sales?

We get the same information from virtual meetings. And we have zero risk of getting Covid and save the company a lot of money by doing virtual meetings.

Save the company money and have healthy sales reps working? Go virtual.

omg get over it. COVID isn’t ever going away. There will always be a risk. Virtual meetings aren’t nearly as effective. If you don’t believe me, look at how well your “virtual sales interactions” are going…. Laughable.

This makes me lol. Covid is dead, you're worried about a cold at this point. Are you vaccinated? You should be fine. Lol. After all, everyone who went to Costa Rica were vaccinated and got Covid. lol. We are living in clown world when you work for a healthcare company and are afraid of a virus you supposedly protected yourself from.

haha exactly. This!! Finally someone with some sense on this thread.

omg get over it. COVID isn’t ever going away. There will always be a risk. Virtual meetings aren’t nearly as effective. If you don’t believe me, look at how well your “virtual sales interactions” are going…. Laughable.

1) You prove your idiocy by conflating virtual sales meetings with virtual sales calls. They aren't similar in any form or fashion.
How you determine the effectiveness of a sales meeting? How do you know one is more effective than the other? I'll save you the trouble, the answer to both questions is you don't.
2) How do you know virtual sales interactions aren't as effective as in-person? Doesn't it depend on the account? Some larger health-systems have been avoiding in-person rep visits for years, so having virtual sales calls certainly beats the alternative.
3) If I read the most recent comments correctly, they aren't about COVID, they are about a company trying to save 1.5 billion dollars pissing money away on in-person meetings (hotel rooms, plane tickets, expensive dinners). In-person meetings are wasteful, especially when a company is in the process of firing eight-thousand people.
It is clear that you don't like being at home, and that is your problem. Find other ways to get away from your spouse for a week.

Live meetings are nothing more than to showcase upper management to see how well they can read from a teleprompter on stage. Grandstanding hey look at me at it’s best. Biggest waste of money, resources, and time.