Pharma Live! Town Hall Meeting

Sorry to hear about your division getting the “axe” before Christmas and thanks so much for carrying the uncle Novartis financial burden so long. No whining here lol, just ready for this chapter to be over as we have struggled here w/ this damn drug for over three years and everything short of beating our HCPs over the head has been tried, and we are at the end of our ropes. We have been beat on by the K Fink & Co Senior Leadership, our RDs and ABLs for too long and it’s been a frickin nightmare from hell here. Of course we are releasing our frustrations on here, so please respect our disappointment as I bet you have made more bonus there than most of us have here in CV. Good luck to everyone moving onto better opportunities soon.

Great post. All spot on.

Will be interviewing to see how badly the Midwest Region will be targeted and hit hard w/ cuts. Hey there B. Sherman, are you shaking in your boots a bit right now? You stand a big chance of going down for sure. Being dead last out of 13 regions nationally and doing us no favors here. Midwest ABLs, hello unemployment line to many of you too who have managed your reps by intimidation all year. I predict this layoff will be a total bloodshed with only four regions at or above goal.

Goodbye NOVARTIS, goodbye RAPID, and goodbye ENTRESTO!!!

Novartis understands that Doctors want to see reps that work for the actual manufacturer and not “contract” reps as they bring more value to their offices and are more experienced in the disease state. PDI reps will be on the chopping block.

Way to be positive unlike these ungrateful negative Nancy’s bringing us all down.

Who in the hell in their right mind is positive in this division when this drug has been a dog from the very beginning? And Fink basically told us by email a few wks ago the Seize the Summer Contest was a dud too. To keep the natives happy, she threw a 25% bonus out there to a few performers in areas more liberal where HCPs are apt to Rx new drugs. We were all positive here a long time ago cowboy!

I think it's about an upgrade to Entresto Central so no patient is left behind or maybe a new Dough Nut Hole sales aide.

Are you fucking kidding me? The donut hole would’ve been an issue to discuss way back in September not the last five weeks of 2018. Are you really thet clueless here? This will be a layoff. Face the facts.

Oncology laying off next week

Who in the hell believes the CEO regarding no layoffs the rest of this year. Really, no layoffs? Ok smart one, the post here says oncology is laying off next wk, (that’s on 11/28/2-0-1-8) right? Now do you still believe the CEOs empty promises? Wake up and smell the coffee darling

Who in the hell believes the CEO regarding no layoffs the rest of this year. Really, no layoffs? Ok smart one, the post here says oncology is laying off next wk, (that’s on 11/28/2-0-1-8) right? Now do you still believe the CEOs empty promises? Wake up and smell the coffee darling

Lmao, the poster above is a hoot. Kudos to you. There’s gonna be a lot of reps getting shit thrown in their faces next Wed still in disbelief that this town hall call is actually the layoff announcement they have all said wouldn’t happen anymore this year. Bend over folks and be ready to take it up the ass on the 28th.

wow you must be drunk already, stop slurping it down, it's not even Thanksgiving day yet.

It’s Drinks Giving night and I’m celebrating. Just received an offer last Fri for a new Pharma specialty sales gig starting next month. Hoping like hell the Town Hall is announcing a layoff and I get cut - HAPPY DOUBLE DIPPING. Yeah baby... it’s time for another drink. Hell, it’s drinks on the house.

Omg, I almost wet myself reading this post.

PDI Rep here and I almost shit my pants reading the post the one above me replied to here. Doctors don’t give a rats ass who we are anymore. This industry became hostage to the gov’t w/ the enactment of the Sunshine Act 15 years ago in case some of you have forgotten

It’s Drinks Giving night and I’m celebrating. Just received an offer last Fri for a new Pharma specialty sales gig starting next month. Hoping like hell the Town Hall is announcing a layoff and I get cut - HAPPY DOUBLE DIPPING. Yeah baby... it’s time for another drink. Hell, it’s drinks on the house.

Wow that’s awesome. Congrats to you for being proactive and not waiting w/ a new job confirmed.. I am down to my final interview next week on one and have a second interview the first week of December with the other company. In both cases the base is more than what I’m making here, the managers are awesome unlike my nightmare ABL, and the products are sellable. I too hope this is a and I get cut. This place is so toxic and I will gladly take the package. Happy Thanksgiving everyone and be thankful there’s gonna be light at the end of this prison sentence soon. Remember, “As one door closes in life, a new and brighter door opens up for everyone,” but we have to make it happen. Not easy, but everyone here is worthy of better than dying on the vine here @ Novartis. Accept the fact that this ship is about to sink and don’t bury your heads in the sand. Your next jobs are out there rn, so get online and apply. It actually has been refreshing to go thru all this interviewing. I hope all of you are pulling off everything you need online, email attaboys, field coaching reports, mid year and year end reviews, W-2 from past two years if here that long, and last two pay stubs for the bragbooks while you still can. Don’t wait, you will later regret. I’ve been there before and regretted procrastinating. Good luck!!!!

PDI Rep here and I almost shit my pants reading the post the one above me replied to here. Doctors don’t give a rats ass who we are anymore. This industry became hostage to the gov’t w/ the enactment of the Sunshine Act 15 years ago in case some of you have forgotten

Your post is so true.

I'm a PDI rep too and when I read some of the ridiculous posts from the esteemed NVS reps it always makes me chuckle. The thing is PDI signed up to get laid off at some point and let's all face it, if this is the end of this contract this has gone on far longer than any of us wanted it to because the way we were treated and Entresto hasn't moved an inch in 5 years so we have all hung on despite the adversity much longer than anticipated.

But let's face it, one of the main reason none of this worked out was because of the attitude and toxicity of the NVS personal. NVS from day one has placed road blocks after road block between us and them. Never taking accountability in their own drug and always placing blame on PDI. I've never witnessed such inaccountability in all my life over a 4 year period. It's not PDI's drug NVS and we are still getting paid and even though we have made the calls, did the lunches and the dinner programs some how even after 4 years and literally being TRAINED by YOUR COMPANY 4 years ago you all still seem to think that you are still the cats meow. We were effectively TRAINED by YOUR SALES TRAINING DEPARTMENT the same one YOU were trained by but yet somehow you believe you are different. This alone makes me chuckle monthly but I'll gladly keep cashing your checks. Thank you for your stupidity number 1.

Next, literally after we were out of training your ABLS were told to give us a harder time. Again literally trained by your company and your ABLs, instead of focusing on selling Entresto focused on re-training or chasing around PDI reps. ineffectively using new excited trained head count but instead decided to undo everything your Sales Training department spent 3 weeks on. Bravo! on stupidity 2.

In addition to the above, the brilliant ABLs gave direction to their NVS Reps to "Not be affraid to Coach" the PDI reps because they felt they lacked. Now if this dosen't create a toxic and divided team I don't know what does. How do you accomplish team work when you literally have ABLs dividing the cohesiveness of the team? And remember again, NVS SALES TRAINING trained everyone the same and now you have ABL verbalizing to their own team to play adversary. Brilliant! on stupidity 3.

Yes I have more.

NVS Management and Reps have spent so much time on the above activities they forgot why they were in the field. They forgot to talk about their own DRUG!!! 5 years, and NO FOCUS just a lot confrence calls, coaching and running in circles. Your people are literally seeing the same people we are, they DO NOT have any better access. Access is terrible for everyone so when you say you are seeing MD X, and I know they are a no see...I KNOW YOU ARE LYING but I don't give a Sh$$ because a check will soon show up and I will cash it, entresto is not my drug, I don't care and at some point I signed up to get laid off. Besides our Reg Coordinators are worthless if we try to talk to them about NVS, they will throw us under the bus in one second flat and have no loyalty so you guys can keep playing that you are seeing all these NO SEEs becasue we all know you are not. I will continue to cash your checks until I'm told the gig is over, remember I signed up to get laid off and this job has out lasted any of our expected expectations so thank you for the Benefits, the Checks and chuckles of your character and how you run your lives and business. It's much lacking in business acumen.

So now you are all running around all scared about the conference call, seriously? let me get this straight. 5 years w/ limited sales and constant adversaral behaviors but now you are all mad about your holidays getting ruined. Guys you have been on a 5 YEAR PARTY!!! You have all wasted your companies time and money for literally 5 YEARS and now you again want to place the blame on Upper Management. Please, quit embarassing yourselves even more and blame yourselves, the ABLs and poor Regionals for their below average business acumen. Entresto should go down as a Harvard Case Study as how NOT to launch a product.

Finally to the PDI folks. When these idiots can't get a job w/ a manufacture over the next 4-6 months don't even answer the phone when they call we all know the quality of their character and let's face it, it's not very gracious or eloquent at all.

Thank you for the 4 years of checks, benefits and chuckles there will only be smiles when some of you get laid off and/or this contract ends.

Your post is so true.

I'm a PDI rep too and when I read some of the ridiculous posts from the esteemed NVS reps it always makes me chuckle. The thing is PDI signed up to get laid off at some point and let's all face it, if this is the end of this contract this has gone on far longer than any of us wanted it to because the way we were treated and Entresto hasn't moved an inch in 5 years so we have all hung on despite the adversity much longer than anticipated.

But let's face it, one of the main reason none of this worked out was because of the attitude and toxicity of the NVS personal. NVS from day one has placed road blocks after road block between us and them. Never taking accountability in their own drug and always placing blame on PDI. I've never witnessed such inaccountability in all my life over a 4 year period. It's not PDI's drug NVS and we are still getting paid and even though we have made the calls, did the lunches and the dinner programs some how even after 4 years and literally being TRAINED by YOUR COMPANY 4 years ago you all still seem to think that you are still the cats meow. We were effectively TRAINED by YOUR SALES TRAINING DEPARTMENT the same one YOU were trained by but yet somehow you believe you are different. This alone makes me chuckle monthly but I'll gladly keep cashing your checks. Thank you for your stupidity number 1.

Next, literally after we were out of training your ABLS were told to give us a harder time. Again literally trained by your company and your ABLs, instead of focusing on selling Entresto focused on re-training or chasing around PDI reps. ineffectively using new excited trained head count but instead decided to undo everything your Sales Training department spent 3 weeks on. Bravo! on stupidity 2.

In addition to the above, the brilliant ABLs gave direction to their NVS Reps to "Not be affraid to Coach" the PDI reps because they felt they lacked. Now if this dosen't create a toxic and divided team I don't know what does. How do you accomplish team work when you literally have ABLs dividing the cohesiveness of the team? And remember again, NVS SALES TRAINING trained everyone the same and now you have ABL verbalizing to their own team to play adversary. Brilliant! on stupidity 3.

Yes I have more.

NVS Management and Reps have spent so much time on the above activities they forgot why they were in the field. They forgot to talk about their own DRUG!!! 5 years, and NO FOCUS just a lot confrence calls, coaching and running in circles. Your people are literally seeing the same people we are, they DO NOT have any better access. Access is terrible for everyone so when you say you are seeing MD X, and I know they are a no see...I KNOW YOU ARE LYING but I don't give a Sh$$ because a check will soon show up and I will cash it, entresto is not my drug, I don't care and at some point I signed up to get laid off. Besides our Reg Coordinators are worthless if we try to talk to them about NVS, they will throw us under the bus in one second flat and have no loyalty so you guys can keep playing that you are seeing all these NO SEEs becasue we all know you are not. I will continue to cash your checks until I'm told the gig is over, remember I signed up to get laid off and this job has out lasted any of our expected expectations so thank you for the Benefits, the Checks and chuckles of your character and how you run your lives and business. It's much lacking in business acumen.

So now you are all running around all scared about the conference call, seriously? let me get this straight. 5 years w/ limited sales and constant adversaral behaviors but now you are all mad about your holidays getting ruined. Guys you have been on a 5 YEAR PARTY!!! You have all wasted your companies time and money for literally 5 YEARS and now you again want to place the blame on Upper Management. Please, quit embarassing yourselves even more and blame yourselves, the ABLs and poor Regionals for their below average business acumen. Entresto should go down as a Harvard Case Study as how NOT to launch a product.

Finally to the PDI folks. When these idiots can't get a job w/ a manufacture over the next 4-6 months don't even answer the phone when they call we all know the quality of their character and let's face it, it's not very gracious or eloquent at all.

Thank you for the 4 years of checks, benefits and chuckles there will only be smiles when some of you get laid off and/or this contract ends.

Greatest Post in CP history!

Your post is so true.

I'm a PDI rep too and when I read some of the ridiculous posts from the esteemed NVS reps it always makes me chuckle. The thing is PDI signed up to get laid off at some point and let's all face it, if this is the end of this contract this has gone on far longer than any of us wanted it to because the way we were treated and Entresto hasn't moved an inch in 5 years so we have all hung on despite the adversity much longer than anticipated.

But let's face it, one of the main reason none of this worked out was because of the attitude and toxicity of the NVS personal. NVS from day one has placed road blocks after road block between us and them. Never taking accountability in their own drug and always placing blame on PDI. I've never witnessed such inaccountability in all my life over a 4 year period. It's not PDI's drug NVS and we are still getting paid and even though we have made the calls, did the lunches and the dinner programs some how even after 4 years and literally being TRAINED by YOUR COMPANY 4 years ago you all still seem to think that you are still the cats meow. We were effectively TRAINED by YOUR SALES TRAINING DEPARTMENT the same one YOU were trained by but yet somehow you believe you are different. This alone makes me chuckle monthly but I'll gladly keep cashing your checks. Thank you for your stupidity number 1.

Next, literally after we were out of training your ABLS were told to give us a harder time. Again literally trained by your company and your ABLs, instead of focusing on selling Entresto focused on re-training or chasing around PDI reps. ineffectively using new excited trained head count but instead decided to undo everything your Sales Training department spent 3 weeks on. Bravo! on stupidity 2.

In addition to the above, the brilliant ABLs gave direction to their NVS Reps to "Not be affraid to Coach" the PDI reps because they felt they lacked. Now if this dosen't create a toxic and divided team I don't know what does. How do you accomplish team work when you literally have ABLs dividing the cohesiveness of the team? And remember again, NVS SALES TRAINING trained everyone the same and now you have ABL verbalizing to their own team to play adversary. Brilliant! on stupidity 3.

Yes I have more.

NVS Management and Reps have spent so much time on the above activities they forgot why they were in the field. They forgot to talk about their own DRUG!!! 5 years, and NO FOCUS just a lot confrence calls, coaching and running in circles. Your people are literally seeing the same people we are, they DO NOT have any better access. Access is terrible for everyone so when you say you are seeing MD X, and I know they are a no see...I KNOW YOU ARE LYING but I don't give a Sh$$ because a check will soon show up and I will cash it, entresto is not my drug, I don't care and at some point I signed up to get laid off. Besides our Reg Coordinators are worthless if we try to talk to them about NVS, they will throw us under the bus in one second flat and have no loyalty so you guys can keep playing that you are seeing all these NO SEEs becasue we all know you are not. I will continue to cash your checks until I'm told the gig is over, remember I signed up to get laid off and this job has out lasted any of our expected expectations so thank you for the Benefits, the Checks and chuckles of your character and how you run your lives and business. It's much lacking in business acumen.

So now you are all running around all scared about the conference call, seriously? let me get this straight. 5 years w/ limited sales and constant adversaral behaviors but now you are all mad about your holidays getting ruined. Guys you have been on a 5 YEAR PARTY!!! You have all wasted your companies time and money for literally 5 YEARS and now you again want to place the blame on Upper Management. Please, quit embarassing yourselves even more and blame yourselves, the ABLs and poor Regionals for their below average business acumen. Entresto should go down as a Harvard Case Study as how NOT to launch a product.

Finally to the PDI folks. When these idiots can't get a job w/ a manufacture over the next 4-6 months don't even answer the phone when they call we all know the quality of their character and let's face it, it's not very gracious or eloquent at all.

Thank you for the 4 years of checks, benefits and chuckles there will only be smiles when some of you get laid off and/or this contract ends.

Cannot wait to watch the season finale of NVS CV!! Must watch reality show!! Grab your popcorn!!!