List the worst managers ever.

Why do you care what other people say? Some people need to vent anonymously and this is a great outlet to do so. I know who BK is and I agree with the previous posters. I agree that he would be extremely difficult to work with. He doesn't create an environment where his team feels comfortable. In fact, they are probably afraid to fail. This is NOT the reps fault, this is HIS fault. As reps we shouldn't be afraid to fail or take chances. As he is the leader, he needs to set the example and the expectations. He should be creating an environment where people aren't afraid to speak up, be heard, bounce ideas off of, failing and sharing the reason why, being personal, being funny, etc. It seems to me his motto (and a lot of other managers in the DBU) is all business and nothing else. These managers needs to take a good long look at themselves and ask what else they could be doing to create a productive and comfortable selling environment. Within the DBU it's all GO GO GO and NEVER let off the gas pedal. People need to chill and stop and smell the roses. Life it beautiful and we only get one shot at it, so make it count. Don't worry about the little things. Focus on God, family, friends and improving yourself. Don't worry about a stupid DM who is power hungry. Okay I'm done. Sorry for the rant.

im very sorry too.. please believe me, I have nothing to offer here other than my own experience. But I only stopped and smelled the roses after I left Lilly.

You’ve clearly never experienced real bad management. It’s clear you have something personal against your manager. Calling people out on their crap is good management but some can’t handle the truth, get butt hurt and post anonymously about it.

Said the manger who doesn’t like reading the truth when it’s about them....

This is exactly why you are on probation terrible tude and an idiot
Watch our KM you may be gone on the next reshuffle! We don’t care who your friends are and why they keep you here! There needs to be a reorganization in upper management! People that used to side more with reps and their experience have drank more and more koolaid! They have done this to get to their 80-90 points! The DBU used to be a great division to work in but with many biomedicine rejects in upper positions in this division, it’s going to sink soon!

Watch our KM you may be gone on the next reshuffle! We don’t care who your friends are and why they keep you here! There needs to be a reorganization in upper management! People that used to side more with reps and their experience have drank more and more koolaid! They have done this to get to their 80-90 points! The DBU used to be a great division to work in but with many biomedicine rejects in upper positions in this division, it’s going to sink soon!
I hope you are done in the next reshuffle KM!! You are a DM with no backbone that never sticks up for your team!