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I was let go today along with 6 others. Only 4/12 kept, Manager gone too. A lot of districts getting decimated. Seeing the numbers, I'm kind of glad I'm gone. It looks like the territories are going to be huge. More work, less pay overall.

California rep here ! Disgusted on how they did this. Been with the company for 11 years with great numbers! I was completely caught off guard. Seems like Shire Rep’s were not much affected.

California rep here ! Disgusted on how they did this. Been with the company for 11 years with great numbers! I was completely caught off guard. Seems like Shire Rep’s were not much affected.

Sorry you were let go, but caught off guard..........really? This is the 4th one of these you’ve been thru. You should have been well prepared.

California rep here ! Disgusted on how they did this. Been with the company for 11 years with great numbers! I was completely caught off guard. Seems like Shire Rep’s were not much affected.

Not much affected??? Half my team and one of the best bosses I’ve ever had was let go. People I have known for almost 10 years across my zone. We lost some really great reps and managers. It hit both sides very hard.

So many shire reps retained that were hoping to be cut. The territories make zero sense ZS did another bang up job. Guess they are hoping legacy shire reps quit so they win on paying out low salary severance to Takeda reps and then shire reps leave and they can hire cheap again

I was retained but this is a very sad day. I think i was just lucky in where I live. Tomorrow all of us go full steam ahead I guess but my heart is so heavy I can’t imagine how we will do that. I lost many of my most admired colleagues today. This industry is slowly taking us all down. No company out there is any better. It had its day of great rewards and one by one we are paying the price. Praying for everyone impacted.

I was retained but this is a very sad day. I think i was just lucky in where I live. Tomorrow all of us go full steam ahead I guess but my heart is so heavy I can’t imagine how we will do that. I lost many of my most admired colleagues today. This industry is slowly taking us all down. No company out there is any better. It had its day of great rewards and one by one we are paying the price. Praying for everyone impacted.

I second this. Being retained didn’t feel great either. But my team is decimated. Almost everyone is gone. Moving forward just feels odd. I’m sure I’ll settle into it but I agree my heart is very heavy right now too. I don’t know if you’re Shire or Takeda. It doesn’t really matter actually we are all feeling it. But I know on the Shire side we had a lot of tenured reps that have known each other for 10,15, 20 years. Those are irreplaceable relationships.

Very true ! Lost many great colleagues today!

But the thing that really pissed me off, is hearing 2 different managers say ..

congratulations on being retained ..

Ummm ok thx

I was retained but this is a very sad day. I think i was just lucky in where I live. Tomorrow all of us go full steam ahead I guess but my heart is so heavy I can’t imagine how we will do that. I lost many of my most admired colleagues today. This industry is slowly taking us all down. No company out there is any better. It had its day of great rewards and one by one we are paying the price. Praying for everyone impacted.

All true statements. A friend of mine told me about a book he got when he was laid off last year and it really helped him. I bought it today. Its on Amazon called Acing The Sales Interview. I bought the second edition. I am hoping it helps me. Good luck to all.

All true statements. A friend of mine told me about a book he got when he was laid off last year and it really helped him. I bought it today. Its on Amazon called Acing The Sales Interview. I bought the second edition. I am hoping it helps me. Good luck to all.
Cmon..is this the author coming here to promote his book amidst people’s misfortune?

So many shire reps retained that were hoping to be cut. The territories make zero sense ZS did another bang up job. Guess they are hoping legacy shire reps quit so they win on paying out low salary severance to Takeda reps and then shire reps leave and they can hire cheap again

I think you’re right. I’m on a new team with some tenured Shire reps and the only ones let go from their old teams were newer hires. My guess is Takeda knows it’s soul crushing for someone calling on psychs solo for 15-20 years to be put on a PC team with partners and they’ll leave.

My Takeda DM was retained, unfortunatly, and he’s pretty green. They were peppering him with questions today and he just glossed over it as usual. I bet they’re gone within 6 months. I don’t blame them, but it sucks because those positions could have gone to displaced reps who were happy to have the job.

I second this. Being retained didn’t feel great either. But my team is decimated. Almost everyone is gone. Moving forward just feels odd. I’m sure I’ll settle into it but I agree my heart is very heavy right now too. I don’t know if you’re Shire or Takeda. It doesn’t really matter actually we are all feeling it. But I know on the Shire side we had a lot of tenured reps that have known each other for 10,15, 20 years. Those are irreplaceable relationships.

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