Let's play "Antibodies for Alzheimers!"

Let the immune system do the work


Now, a preclinical study by Dr. Cao and colleagues indicates that an antigen-presenting dendritic vaccine with a specific antibody response to oligomeric Aβ may be safer and offer clinical benefit in treating Alzheimer's disease. The vaccine, called E22W42 DC, uses immune cells known as dendritic cells (DC) loaded with a modified Aβ peptide as the antigen.

The Alzheimer's mouse model study of this new investigational vaccine was published early online Oct. 13 in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease.

One of the two hallmark pathologies of Alzheimer's disease is hardened deposits of Aβ that clump together between nerve cells (amyloid protein plaques) in the brain; the other is neurofibrillary tangles of tau protein inside brain cells. Both lead to damaged neurological cell signaling, ultimately causing the onset of Alzheimer's disease and symptoms.

"This therapeutic vaccine uses the body's own immune cells to target the toxic Aβ molecules that accumulate harmfully in the brain," said principal investigator Dr. Cao, a neuroscientist at the USF Health Taneja College of Pharmacy, USF Health Morsani College of Medicine and the university's Byrd Alzheimer's Center. "And, importantly, it provides strong immunomodulatory effects without inducing an unwanted, vaccine-associated autoimmune reaction in the aging mice."

Unfortunately, clinical trials of all anti-amyloid treatments for Alzheimer's disease so far have failed—including the initial vaccine trial targeting Aβ (AN-1792), which was suspended in 2002 after several immunized patients developed central nervous system inflammation. "Inflammation is a primary symptom of Alzheimer's disease, so any possible treatment with neural inflammation as a side effect essentially pours gas on the fire," Dr. Cao said.

It will be interesting to see what their plan is. I just hope they don’t make the mistake that Biogen made in hiring so many damn people. I hear it’s a nightmare. No doubt plenty of them will be looking to come over here.
Biogen Reps will be gone soon except TAM’s in field. The liaisons will be gone because TAM’s are doing their job now.

Biogen Reps will be gone soon except TAM’s in field. The liaisons will be gone because TAM’s are doing their job now.

There’s usually a pretty big range in any company. I know that PC neuro reps are paid much lower than specialty. In my experience, companies always screw over their existing employees by offering new people quite a bit more money, especially when adding a new sales force. We shall see, I guess.

Starting to feel like we are pushing snake oil or doing some sort of witchcraft and sorcery!

Pushing extremely small real world benefits at crazy costs.

Almost as bad as:
Purdue Pharma and opioids
Martin Shkreli ‘pharma bro ‘with darapim
Cigarette company’s lies
Pfizer vaccine side effects
List can go on and on$