Let's play "Antibodies for Alzheimers!"

Genco Olive Oil Co.

Sure, or buy some land in Texas and start your own groves... by the time you retire, you'll be set.... but wait - here's another idea ... breathing exercises lower amyloid???

Can slow breathing guard against Alzheimer's?

I suppose that mosaic kind of approach is best - lifestyle, exercise, stress reduction, and medication (if in fact that turns out to be necessary). Oh.... and olive oil ...

Sure, or buy some land in Texas and start your groves... by the time you retire, you'll be set.... but wait - here's another idea ... breathing exercises lower amyloid???

Can slow breathing guard against Alzheimer's?

I suppose that a mosaic kind of approach is best - lifestyle, exercise, stress reduction, and medication (if in fact that turns out to be necessary). Oh.... and olive oil ...

I was listening to the radio on the way to work recently and the DJ said someone famous (can't remember who) died at 96 from Alzheimer's. I found that comical.

I was listening to the radio on the way to work recently and the DJ said someone famous (can't remember who) died at 96 from Alzheimer's. I found that comical.

did you girls see this yet?

Tributyrin May Have Practical Potential for Improving Cognition in Early Alzheimer ’ s Disease Via Inhibition of HDAC 2
Some years ago, Levenson and colleagues reported that acetylation of histone 3 in area CA1 of the hippocampus increases following stimulation of NMDA receptors in that area; inhibition of ERK blocked this effect, whereas alternative strategies which activated ERK mimicked it. 1 A reasonable interpretation of this finding is that appropriate histone acetylation promoted the new protein synthesis required for long term memory formation. Consistent with this view, preadministration of two histone deacetylase inhibitors, trichostatin A or sodium butyrate, enhanced late-phase long term potentiation in Shaffer collateral synapses of area C1; this effect was blocked by coadministration of a transcription inhibitor. Moreover, when rats were injected with sodium butyrate one hour before a session of one-shock contextual fear conditioning, significantly more freezing behavior (indicative of their remembering the prior shock) was observed in the rats when they were placed in the shock chamber again 24 hours later. More recently, other researchers have found that preadministration of these two histone deacetylase inhibitors aided learning and memory of young mice in two other learning paradigms, eyeblink classical conditioning and object recognition memory. 2 A similar effect was observed in SAMP-8-mutant mice, a model of premature senility associated with increased amyloid beta levels.

I want to tailor my education in public health around the important role that exercise plays in every facet of wellness but I can't because it doesn't exist in the number one program in the country.

Then you can base your thesis on that topic. I agree completely about exercise. It awakens so much within our bodies and can be a very social activity too. I have seen articles that project the health care savings as a result of increased park land and other opportunities for exercise.


But back to the topic --- RNA editing may be something more valuable to look at that protein clumping. Free open access

The Q/R editing site of AMPA receptor GluA2 subunit acts as an epigenetic switch regulating dendritic spines, neurodegeneration and cognitive deficits in Alzheimer’s disease | Molecular Neurodegeneration | Full Text

Then you can base your thesis on that topic. I agree completely about exercise. It awakens so much within our bodies and can be a very social activity too. I have seen articles that project the health care savings as a result of increased park land and other opportunities for exercise.


But back to the topic --- RNA editing may be something more valuable to look at that protein clumping. Free open access

The Q/R editing site of AMPA receptor GluA2 subunit acts as an epigenetic switch regulating dendritic spines, neurodegeneration and cognitive deficits in Alzheimer’s disease | Molecular Neurodegeneration | Full Text

You've completely missed the point, but yeah, Q/R editing sites.

Remarkable natural product: anti-anxiety, sleep inducing and muscle relaxant in larger doses (no toxicity) AND reduces low-grade neuroinflammation related to AD ... what is not to like? Maybe slap on an acetate group for better absorption - I don't know - you girls are the geniuses

Curcumin and Apigenin – novel and promising therapeutics against chronic neuroinflammation in Alzheimer's disease