Let's play "Antibodies for Alzheimers!"

The new study bolsters the notion that Alzheimer's disease and related dementias are diseases promoted by modern environments and lifestyles,
researchers said.

Dementia was rare in ancient Greece, analysis shows - UPI.com

Maybe if we all would gather together for hours discussing philosophical matters, like the futility of excess wealth, the value of self-control, and what makes a truly virtuous life, we would be free at a last.

Free at last!

Why hire a consultant? From what I gather, from all of the references included here, this is all easy peasy science that is all public domain. But the company's business model has almost always been me-too drugs, please correct me if I am wrong here.

You learn about a culture by experiencing it, not from a fucking textbook in a classroom. What is he eating? Keep wondering, bitch.

You learn about a culture by experiencing it, not from a fucking textbook in a classroom. What is he eating? Keep wondering, bitch.

this is the best cafepharma post ever, illustrating the money dominated culture just looking for the next bigger house, the next trophy wife as an objective. It is a mirage. You will not be happier with material things. I tried that. In the long run, honesty and truth will win.