on NBR (PBS) tonight -- Eli Lilly is trying hard but it's not easy.indeed
Let's hope Dave goes to the library and picks up a few books written by gerontologists on AD, something John clearly did not do. It's a multifactorial condition - vascular primarily, but those who fall quickly often have less education and don't stay active throughout life with challenges to their intellect (or their bodies).
#1 preventative factor: Lifelong education
#2 good fitness
There is much, much more -- it's all been said before but there is no magic bullet folks
Sola was dead on arrival. The latest twist in the company's efforts to get it approved merely underline the despiration to try and shoehorn a square peg into a round hole.
It's Disgraceful that this facade in deceipt is being allowed to continue by the regulators.
Lilly & Amiloid treatment = A complete snake oil Fraud.
And a new committee is born!
Amazing, the company had to pay someone to tell them this!
(this is why getting rid of employees at age 40 is a terrible, terrible idea)
Merck's BACE inhibitor doesn't work. Not a good sign for Lilly/AstraZeneca compound.