Let's play "Antibodies for Alzheimers!"

It has always been about supporting a process of idiocy and churn; burning through countless R&D research $$. The shareholders would be aghast at the fiduciary fecklessness.
Been gone from the puzzle palace for over two years now and when I saw the "20 new drugs by 2023" I spit Bourbon all over my computer.

I have the over/under at 6.

Big Pharma is not capable of innovation...good people kept incompetent by a cumbersome and bureaucratic system.

You see, while most R&D efforts attempt to understand and harness programmed cell death, our programs are led by cells trying to ensure program death from day one. How can such an entity continue to make outlandish claims of 20 new products in 10 yrs? Even if all 20 were bought, they would be driven to failure.