
With Zilmax being pulled from the cattle division that leaves a gap of $169 million in sales. Should be no problem adding it on to our Avctivyl sales quota for Q4. After all we will soon be number 2 in the flea and tick market. Have a great Monday. I personally am taking Monday off because no matter what I do our "Titanic" division is on it's way to the bottom.

Ok troll. Titanic division?? We have the best pipeline in Animal Health! We will have a flea/tick pill, a flea/tick/heartworm pill, not to mention many other drugs.

Ok troll. Titanic division?? We have the best pipeline in Animal Health! We will have a flea/tick pill, a flea/tick/heartworm pill, not to mention many other drugs.
Yup. Titanic as in designed not to sink but still sank.. Merial will be first to the market with the broad spectrum pill leaving Merck again in a poor marketing position. Get real home office cheer leader. mother Merck will spin off or sell MAH. Then you will learn how valuable your Merck management experience is in the real world.

Yup. Titanic as in designed not to sink but still sank.. Merial will be first to the market with the broad spectrum pill leaving Merck again in a poor marketing position. Get real home office cheer leader. mother Merck will spin off or sell MAH. Then you will learn how valuable your Merck management experience is in the real world.

We are all PRAYING you are right and mother Merck sells us off. To not be owned by human pharma would be stellar! Sadly, I think we are more likely to be the buyer, unless there is a twist related to our Zilmax numbers.

We will not be sold. Probably will be buying something soon. Our pipeline is diverse and we will be just fine. Keep complaining.

You are dreaming. The company right now is laying off people left and right on the other side just to make earnings estimates. They have little money to be buying things at this time, especially in animal health.

You are an idiot. Maybe we should post how managers railroaded people out of the company for no reason and then got promoted. Oh I forgot, they were classy doing it. I would be interested in hearing your stories about employees cheating the company, let's hear them. Talk about throwing bullshit out on a anonymous blog.

I know a great manager in Ohio who is awesome and classy. Best most supportive manager ever.

You bloated bag of pompous air represents all that is wrong with our managers. In addition to being conceited and ignorant to say you have class and reps that are dishonest is delusional and false. Any manager that could prove a rep was dishonest and treated clients poorly would rush to terminate them. You are a perfect example of the type of manager we have to deal with. Delusional, conceited, naive and inexperienced.If you are dedicated to the company do what is best for the division and resign.

No, you are conceited and ignorant because you think you are smarter than any manager and are therefore qualified to critique everything they do. None of the managers in your company are good by your standards yet you have never been a manager nor ever will be because you do not have what it takes. Keep armchair quarterbacking you loser. You are the perfect example of someone that cannot admit that they have failed to prove themselves competent beyond the level of a salesman. Oh, and save us the dribble about how you are not a manager because it is all about politics and kissing ass.

No, you are conceited and ignorant because you think you are smarter than any manager and are therefore qualified to critique everything they do. None of the managers in your company are good by your standards yet you have never been a manager nor ever will be because you do not have what it takes. Keep armchair quarterbacking you loser. You are the perfect example of someone that cannot admit that they have failed to prove themselves competent beyond the level of a salesman. Oh, and save us the dribble about how you are not a manager because it is all about politics and kissing ass.

I am confident that 9 out of ten reps know more about the animal health business then their managers. look at the last four hires for RM and none have any animal health experience. Some did not even have any type of managerial experience. We have had strong candidates from within our sales force apply for these positions and all were disregarded. our Florida manager is experienced other then he we have one sorry cluster of managers.
I will continue to comment because I have no doubt that I would be a successful manager.

I am confident that 9 out of ten reps know more about the animal health business then their managers. look at the last four hires for RM and none have any animal health experience. Some did not even have any type of managerial experience. We have had strong candidates from within our sales force apply for these positions and all were disregarded. our Florida manager is experienced other then he we have one sorry cluster of managers.
I will continue to comment because I have no doubt that I would be a successful manager.

But you aren't a manager so how do you know you would be successful? Might as well say you would be a successful brain surgeon, idiot. How did Merck ever become successful by only hiring non-experienced, not knowledgeable people for their management? Oh yeh, according to your thoery of corporate success they must have kissed the asses of their customers to get them to buy their products. So if that is how everythihng works you do not need good managers or good sales people. So your managers aren't managers and the sales people aren't sales people, they are all just good ass kissers. Follow your own logic loser.

No, you are conceited and ignorant because you think you are smarter than any manager and are therefore qualified to critique everything they do. None of the managers in your company are good by your standards yet you have never been a manager nor ever will be because you do not have what it takes. Keep armchair quarterbacking you loser. You are the perfect example of someone that cannot admit that they have failed to prove themselves competent beyond the level of a salesman. Oh, and save us the dribble about how you are not a manager because it is all about politics and kissing ass.

If some of you blowhards were as competent as a salesman, as you seem to think is something bad, this division would not be so f&&* up. Sounds like someone is a little paranoid about how they got into management. Tell us how you proved yourself, bet this is something special that we could all learn from, us low life salesman.

But you aren't a manager so how do you know you would be successful? Might as well say you would be a successful brain surgeon, idiot. How did Merck ever become successful by only hiring non-experienced, not knowledgeable people for their management? Oh yeh, according to your thoery of corporate success they must have kissed the asses of their customers to get them to buy their products. So if that is how everythihng works you do not need good managers or good sales people. So your managers aren't managers and the sales people aren't sales people, they are all just good ass kissers. Follow your own logic loser.

Some were excellent at setting up bootlegging distributors to get ahead.

If some of you blowhards were as competent as a salesman, as you seem to think is something bad, this division would not be so f&&* up. Sounds like someone is a little paranoid about how they got into management. Tell us how you proved yourself, bet this is something special that we could all learn from, us low life salesman.

Get a grip. Do you actually think that if all the current managers were fired and replaced by some of the sales people you consider competent that within a month all of you would not be blogging about what you perceive as their inadequacies? For real. No two people manage alike and you will not agree with their management style because it is not yours.

The facts are obvious. Very qualified and experienced territory managers apply for Regional Manager positions and are disqualified and individuals with no animal health sales or managment back ground are hired. If you look at recent RM hires they were former SP human side reps that lost their job when Merck purchased SP. Very similar to the situation that brought the CA national Sales Director to her position. One can easily assume that knowing someone that knows the national sales director receives special consideration for open positions despite their lack of animal health experience. Add to that the fact that proven performers are not considered and you see why our CA division is losing market share and the future for bios and Activyl are discouraging. Managers that can not train their sales team to sell against the competition because they do not know our products or the competitors are doomed to failure. Our division is failing.

Could you two quit your little pissing match about reps vs. managers please? Really - what is the point? Do you think you're going to convince each other?

I have to wonder, too - many of both your posts are during hours you are actually expected to be working. Leads me to believe the pro-rep poster is completely skating and the pro-manager poster is likely from home office.

Could you two quit your little pissing match about reps vs. managers please? Really - what is the point? Do you think you're going to convince each other?

I have to wonder, too - many of both your posts are during hours you are actually expected to be working. Leads me to believe the pro-rep poster is completely skating and the pro-manager poster is likely from home office.
I guess I am considered a pro rep poster. I view my position as an anti contrived ,managerial position selection system.. For the record I have stated a few times that I pick and choose the days I work because my manager is too naive to figure it out. So yes today is a skating day. You realize many of our peers are doing the same because they understand how out of touch with reality their manager is?