So to be a manager means you have class?? Obviously a rep is a low life that is there to ruin your management edicts. The problem is that most managers know less than their direct reports.Take a territory for a quarter and see how well you do. you will fail. Most managers have no animal health experience and you will reach PIP status within 6 weeks. All reps cheat and are dishonest. Now we know what Robin and her dwarfs believe. Go out and sell and you will fail miserably. You have no class or sales ability. but your comment regarding reps that cheat and act poorly with customers is a reflection of what Robin wants her managers to be. Policeman. I challenge you to name reps that cheat . You have no definitive proof and are incompetent. If your example of a manager and your type is the majority of MAH manages had such info the rep would be terminated. You have no proof just pre conceived. impressions based on a paranoid leader. You are a disgusting example of a manager. You distrust all and with that attitude have no chance of developing successful reps. You are a loser that is so disgusting that for you to be a manager is a disgrace. Unfortunately you are a reflection of your hiring director.No, they would rather go on an anonymous blog and criticize management when they probably do not have a clue as to what it takes to run a department or company. That takes class! Suppose managers had a blog to vent about all their incompetent sales people and all the crap they have to put up with in managing them...and they mentioned names. I think you all would be very interested to hear how some of your fellow employees cheat the company and act poorly with customers.