
I do not know of anyone working right now....everyone is going to wait until September until the reorg happens. Catch up on getting some rays! Consider it vacation from now till then! ENJOY!

At this point im just trying to out wait my jackoff of a boss and hope this person is gone during the re-org. I'm making my number but the amount of BS thrown at me lately is beyond unreal. Looks like they are laying paper trails...

It's what they AREN'T saying that makes me believe we will have significant layoffs. They have never said "Don't worry- you'll all have jobs- we are just shifting things around". They have spent 4 months justifying why they need to lay people off. I would rather have known nothing until the ax falls. "Full transparency" has been nothing but opaque. They talk transparency but are clear as mud.

Could not have been said better!! There has to be some layoffs but will be dependent on geography.

It's what they AREN'T saying that makes me believe we will have significant layoffs. They have never said "Don't worry- you'll all have jobs- we are just shifting things around". They have spent 4 months justifying why they need to lay people off. I would rather have known nothing until the ax falls. "Full transparency" has been nothing but opaque. They talk transparency but are clear as mud.

They just axed VP of sales for Ethicon, Gynecare, Endo. Trust me when I say, it's going to get ugly. Why is Rich the only one sticking around for "short-term spearheading over the next few months" when everyone else is sent packing??
Ethicon managers are all heading to NJ next week for the town hall so it should be very interesting............cue the jaws music

Yep, I heard the managers are heading to NJ next week. Are ALL of them going? Is this when they fire the majority of them?

Trust me, I can't wait for the day my manager gets axed. He is the biggest douche bag. He just keeps drinking the kool aid. He thinks everything is going to be alright. Yep, right!

Finally! The time has come. It has been 2 long of a wait! Let's get it over with. This should have been done months ago!!

At the end of the day, the new pay for the reps for the reorg will be around $130k. What a joke. You can be a drug rep, drop off your doughnuts and work 10-2 and make the same.

They just axed VP of sales for Ethicon, Gynecare, Endo. Trust me when I say, it's going to get ugly. Why is Rich the only one sticking around for "short-term spearheading over the next few months" when everyone else is sent packing??
Ethicon managers are all heading to NJ next week for the town hall so it should be very interesting............cue the jaws music

They didn't say they axed the VPs.....they said the VPs were seeking other opportunities......didn't say the opportunities were outside the company......these guys could very easily bump a lower level manager out of a position! Fun, fun, fun.....let the games begin!

The only thing happening on the 9th is the rollout of what the new structure will look like

This is true. So, the 10th will be each person's choice to stay and put up with the "new" rep position and possible "new" salary or leave........but the choice is up to the employee...and if you choose to leave, NO unemployment/benefits. If you stay, yeah you have a job but this new structure will be ever evolving so you will never be secure in your position, it will constantly be re-evaluated and changed and yes, at that time possible "displacement".

This is true. So, the 10th will be each person's choice to stay and put up with the "new" rep position and possible "new" salary or leave........but the choice is up to the employee...and if you choose to leave, NO unemployment/benefits. If you stay, yeah you have a job but this new structure will be ever evolving so you will never be secure in your position, it will constantly be re-evaluated and changed and yes, at that time possible "displacement".

Sounds like corporate Mumbo jumbo. You will not be laid off but maybe displaced. Lol

This is true. So, the 10th will be each person's choice to stay and put up with the "new" rep position and possible "new" salary or leave........but the choice is up to the employee...and if you choose to leave, NO unemployment/benefits. If you stay, yeah you have a job but this new structure will be ever evolving so you will never be secure in your position, it will constantly be re-evaluated and changed and yes, at that time possible "displacement".

Even Johnson and Johnson is above this kind of situation. Who would ever stay and work in an environment like that? This company is not the only company to work for and many people want nothing to do with it already. Products and innovation are not so great. If the scenario above ever happened, who would take their jobs seriously anymore? Everyone would always be looking to leave and no work would get done. There is other fish in the sea besides this company.