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Layoff Rumors?


Anyone have any insight to the layoff rumors that are coming out of Connecticut? Hearing mid to late Decemeber? I just started with this company and really don't feel like going through the interviewing process again.


Anyone have any insight to the layoff rumors that are coming out of Connecticut? Hearing mid to late Decemeber? I just started with this company and really don't feel like going through the interviewing process again.

Since you just got hired then you were hired to our contract and should always expect to be let go. You were only hired temporary so - yes, you should update your resume.

To remind you: all new hires are only for PCP positions only. BI people are safe but the Ashfield people are not safe nor should you even feel safe. Your job is temporary to begin with and to last a few months at the most. If you are lucky it will go further. Your interview process was required through contract specifics to state that your job is a Contract Sales position expecting to end at a time BI deems appropriate. So going through a layoff should have been expected by you. Can you give us the location and any names of the hiring people involved? My gut tells me you probably heard this and during the on-boarding process and took it to mean ALL BI was going through a lay-off instead of Ashfield reps "should" expect a lay-off by Christmas should numbers deem it appropriate to change.

What do expect hired in to BI as contract? Your job is a place holder and quite honestly I hope there is a lay-off because that means you get to leave before any of us. It's the breaks kid. I want you to go before I do since I was here first and hired on by the company: you were hired after and hired by a contract company. Buh-bye.

Since you just got hired then you were hired to our contract and should always expect to be let go. You were only hired temporary so - yes, you should update your resume.

To remind you: all new hires are only for PCP positions only. BI people are safe but the Ashfield people are not safe nor should you even feel safe. Your job is temporary to begin with and to last a few months at the most. If you are lucky it will go further. Your interview process was required through contract specifics to state that your job is a Contract Sales position expecting to end at a time BI deems appropriate. So going through a layoff should have been expected by you. Can you give us the location and any names of the hiring people involved? My gut tells me you probably heard this and during the on-boarding process and took it to mean ALL BI was going through a lay-off instead of Ashfield reps "should" expect a lay-off by Christmas should numbers deem it appropriate to change.

What do expect hired in to BI as contract? Your job is a place holder and quite honestly I hope there is a lay-off because that means you get to leave before any of us. It's the breaks kid. I want you to go before I do since I was here first and hired on by the company: you were hired after and hired by a contract company. Buh-bye.

What if...
This time we reorganize so that all remaining PCP reps are converted to Ashfield? That could save the company a lot of money and allow people to keep a job. Granted, it would pay much less but the company does need to return to profitability. Those could also be the breaks kid.
I don't know if that is what's coming, but given the state of the industry - nothing would surprise me.
Anyone in this industry, in any division, should expect a wild ride.

Best of luck to us all.

What if...
This time we reorganize so that all remaining PCP reps are converted to Ashfield? That could save the company a lot of money and allow people to keep a job. Granted, it would pay much less but the company does need to return to profitability. Those could also be the breaks kid.
I don't know if that is what's coming, but given the state of the industry - nothing would surprise me.
Anyone in this industry, in any division, should expect a wild ride.

Best of luck to us all.
No, I'm in the home- office. with attrition rates there is no need to reclassify PCP since all new will be Ashfield. It's known that Ash is temporary and those who willing have chosen to work for Ash are temporary to fill a contract that can change month to month. The rumors of lay-off is about the month-to-month -"ness" of Ashfield not BIPI. The OP asked about keeping up his resume. Yes, he should Ashfield is set up to take on disposable reps to fill a headcount vacuum. These are not permanent BIPI jobs. He probably had a bad interview and misunderstand the game plan.

No, I'm in the home- office. with attrition rates there is no need to reclassify PCP since all new will be Ashfield. It's known that Ash is temporary and those who willing have chosen to work for Ash are temporary to fill a contract that can change month to month. The rumors of lay-off is about the month-to-month -"ness" of Ashfield not BIPI. The OP asked about keeping up his resume. Yes, he should Ashfield is set up to take on disposable reps to fill a headcount vacuum. These are not permanent BIPI jobs. He probably had a bad interview and misunderstand the game plan.

Thanks for sharing that. It would be nice to hear officially. Everyone in the field with BIPI is really concerned about losing their job. So much so that I tend to think it affects productivity. Just my opinion.

Why would any one officially say this? It's been posted in at least 3 emails. read the ones that says Ashfield are the new temporary workforce there will be NO more new hires into BI. It's going to an expendable sales force. Look, the days of 30 years plus a gold watch ended decades ago. read any new MBA textbook and the idea is to only have a workforce that works about 10 years for you. After that the productivity slips and then your stuck with a pension for them. New model is keep for decade, use contract whenever possible. In this case the GTM strategy involves sending anything they can to outside 3rd party - this means employees as well. They take on all headaches of lawsuits, personnel greivences, low performers. Just simply change the contract and poof, you are gone. No contract worker will be expected to work longer than 2 years. It's a fact.
There are no rumors of lay-offs. The OP is confused. he said he was a new hire, what he fancifully forgot to mention to get you all worked up and bothered and scared is that he's a contract employee for Ash and at most his time is (and should be IMHO) limited. Attrition rates will drive most to CSO employees in 5 years. There's no need for a layoff. Hell, even new leader sent out an email saying the damn same thing today. No more BI, only CSO model. CSO = your ass will be laid off. So stop getting your panyties all bunched. If you are BIPI rep then you are good. If you are Ashfield update the rez and keep looking your job isn't meant to long term. You want permanent employee either move to France or be a Congressman.

Why would any one officially say this? It's been posted in at least 3 emails. read the ones that says Ashfield are the new temporary workforce there will be NO more new hires into BI. It's going to an expendable sales force. Look, the days of 30 years plus a gold watch ended decades ago. read any new MBA textbook and the idea is to only have a workforce that works about 10 years for you. After that the productivity slips and then your stuck with a pension for them. New model is keep for decade, use contract whenever possible. In this case the GTM strategy involves sending anything they can to outside 3rd party - this means employees as well. They take on all headaches of lawsuits, personnel greivences, low performers. Just simply change the contract and poof, you are gone. No contract worker will be expected to work longer than 2 years. It's a fact.
There are no rumors of lay-offs. The OP is confused. he said he was a new hire, what he fancifully forgot to mention to get you all worked up and bothered and scared is that he's a contract employee for Ash and at most his time is (and should be IMHO) limited. Attrition rates will drive most to CSO employees in 5 years. There's no need for a layoff. Hell, even new leader sent out an email saying the damn same thing today. No more BI, only CSO model. CSO = your ass will be laid off. So stop getting your panyties all bunched. If you are BIPI rep then you are good. If you are Ashfield update the rez and keep looking your job isn't meant to long term. You want permanent employee either move to France or be a Congressman.

Ok. So how does GTM fit in work this strategy?

Anyone have any insight to the layoff rumors that are coming out of Connecticut? Hearing mid to late Decemeber? I just started with this company and really don't feel like going through the interviewing process again.
If you are in sales you should always be ready for the interviewing process at the drop of a dime. That's what being in sales is all about - moving onward and upward. If you are in sales and you hate interviewing then sales isn't the job for you, may I suggest Starbucks barista.

If you are not in sales the STFU, since this is a board used mostly by sales people and your ambiguous post isn't terribly applicable.

It does not matter if you are BI employee or not, the company will be reducing its cost by at least 10 to 20 percent, maybe more next year, check your history the company did it before in the late 80s. The current leadership does not know how to grow the business but do know how to cut costs.

Good Luck! Hard times ahead. Prepare yourselves for the inevitable. Numbers are not being shared because Company is not achieving their goals. Trust me the planning has been in the works on systemwide reduction. Get ready for the roller coaster ride in 2016. Merry Christmas to all.

Good Luck! Hard times ahead. Prepare yourselves for the inevitable. Numbers are not being shared because Company is not achieving their goals. Trust me the planning has been in the works on systemwide reduction. Get ready for the roller coaster ride in 2016. Merry Christmas to all.
The "inevitable" is only death, taxes, and since we live in America the daily mass shootings. You get on this site pouting about "hard times" because you know you are a shitty rep. Real reps go through life working their asses off and know because they are good they can jump ship at any time. Seriously, if you aren't happy here and worried about a layoff then you shouldn't be here - listen to your inner voice and get the duck out. Create a linked-in profile and network to get another job. In my 25 years in this business I can tell you the ones that bellyache about an "upcoming layoff" are the ones that should grow a set and move along to greener pastures. Here's what's also true, the ones that says theirs rumblings of a layoff also come in CP every year and start a post that says layoffs are inevitably here. Go check the history posts at CP for BI, Pfizer, AZ, etc. every few months some chucklehead puts about a post of upcoming layoffs because we aren't making money, or no need for reps, or a democrat white house etc, etc, etc.

My advice to you.

Chill out bra, enjoy the ride while it lasts and jump ship whenever you think it's goi g to end.

The "inevitable" is only death, taxes, and since we live in America the daily mass shootings. You get on this site pouting about "hard times" because you know you are a shitty rep. Real reps go through life working their asses off and know because they are good they can jump ship at any time. Seriously, if you aren't happy here and worried about a layoff then you shouldn't be here - listen to your inner voice and get the duck out. Create a linked-in profile and network to get another job. In my 25 years in this business I can tell you the ones that bellyache about an "upcoming layoff" are the ones that should grow a set and move along to greener pastures. Here's what's also true, the ones that says theirs rumblings of a layoff also come in CP every year and start a post that says layoffs are inevitably here. Go check the history posts at CP for BI, Pfizer, AZ, etc. every few months some chucklehead puts about a post of upcoming layoffs because we aren't making money, or no need for reps, or a democrat white house etc, etc, etc.

My advice to you.

Chill out bra, enjoy the ride while it lasts and jump ship whenever you think it's goi g to end.

This person was just telling people to be prepared, and that's a good idea. These rumblings are real, and people should at least have a back up plan.

I agree. This has nothing to do about being dissatisfied. It is a reality check in and people have a right to be nervous and voice their opinions. Yes, the pharmaceutical world is a volatile industry and layoffs are inevitable and don't tell people to chill. It's life and anyone's right to post their feelings. It's not about them being angry but concerned!

I agree. This has nothing to do about being dissatisfied. It is a reality check in and people have a right to be nervous and voice their opinions. Yes, the pharmaceutical world is a volatile industry and layoffs are inevitable and don't tell people to chill. It's life and anyone's right to post their feelings. It's not about them being angry but concerned!
Jeebus h Christ, every 3 months there's a new post on here saying I hear rumors of a layoff. So do you get on here every 3 months saying "there there now chile life gonna bees better"?!?!? You're a fucking joke with your feigned just helping people bullshit.