Layoff at Nephron Orlando Facilities

How does this company make money if the only facility making that was making money was from Orlando?

I don't understand this company at all.

I doubt the company does make money anywhere anymore. Please don't waste your energy looking for logic in the decisions of stupid and/or crazy people. It will drive you mad. Just let this terrible joke of a company wither and die. Those who can (and that IS most of us) will move on to better things.

The Kennedys will never be as lucky as the rest of us, because they can't escape themselves or each other.

As a former employee of the Kennedy Nazi Pharmaceutical corp. my advise is there is great big beautiful world of jobs that have wonderful smart friendly people to work for and not Hitler in drag. Nephron is living proof that you can start out as a receptionist and end up marrying the owner than becoming CEO with a background in journalism from an obscure South Carolina college. Isn't America Great!

Where is she? Can't look those you have destroyed in their eyes? Just stay in SC, please!!!!!! Longtime, loyal employees mean nothing to you, well you are nothing to us.