Layoff at Nephron Orlando Facilities

Run away from that company while you can, time is running out unless you want to wait in the unemployment line. Remember, we are the cream of the crop! Everyone is at stake even the son of a bitch

Run away from that company while you can, time is running out unless you want to wait in the unemployment line. Remember, we are the cream of the crop! Everyone is at stake even the son of a bitch

If only!!! I will jump for joy when I see MP living out of his BMW and flipping a sign on the side of the road. He's not really qualified for anything else. And he is not lucky enough to find two ceos as foolish as lou.

How can this be possible?? This was a very profitable organization years ago!!!It makes not sense. I can see the Orlando facility shutting down but there is not reason for SC not be productive, even if the if entire project has been mortgaged!! It will be interesting to hear management's point of view on the restructuring that Lou has mapped out.

Is she good at anything besides yelling at her employees?

Of course!!! She's good at:

1. Setting unrealistic project timelines
2. Forcing projects along even though they are done half-a**ed!
3. Sticking her head in the sand when she hears about a small problem.
4. Throwing a tantrum when the small problem turns into a big and expensive problem.
5. Spending money
6. Unknowingly breaking federal laws.

To be fair, Bill is better at violating the law than Lou. But hehas the sense to not sign anything.