Layoff at Nephron Orlando Facilities

I don't know how anyone could consider a position at this place after visiting this forum.

The pay is mediocre at best, the management is abysmal, and the culture is toxic. The only people that would consider working here are new graduates that don't know any better or experienced professionals that absolutely cannot find work anywhere else.

I don't know how anyone could consider a position at this place after visiting this forum.

The pay is mediocre at best, the management is abysmal, and the culture is toxic. The only people that would consider working here are new graduates that don't know any better or experienced professionals that absolutely cannot find work anywhere else.
Must be why the brilliant minds of Fred, Susan, and Cameron came calling.

I honestly did not expect such a quick response. I appreciate the insight. I've read through the comments. Care to elaborate on your thoughts? Specifics are great.

The company was turned over to the owners wife back in 2007 (?) Her educational background is in journalism and work experience is marketing. She apparently was / is a great sales person. Her mistake is believing that she has what it takes to run every aspect of the company. She doesn't hire anyone with experience or background necessary. She will put non engineers in engineering positions, people with no "quality " experience in a quality control job. She hires connected college grads and places them in major leadership roles when they have NO business being there and would be laughed out of any other business if they came in looking for those positions. She makes her hiring / firing decisions based on emotion and not fact. With all of this being said, she has hurt the business (as is evidenced by the multiple recalls and layoffs). No one can tell you to take the job or not. If you have a job already, then I would be very cautious about leaving it. Take a look at the turnover rate.
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How is that Micheos brothers always survive all the cuts and laid off? Someone is protecting them or she is makes it good!! Now they have jobs offert to SC

Are you referring to Michelle's kids, the Margios? If so, mommy arranged offers in SC because nobody else will take them l. They've tried reaching out to former employees who have moved on. They are getting the cold shoulder from folks who witnessed their talents and work ethic first hand. Don't be jealous of them; pity them. Kennedy companies are the best they can do. You'll see just how big a hellhole Nephron is when you are out of it.

I don't know about the rest of you but I am working my hardest and doing my best to show my value and loyalty to the company. I believe with the right attitude and some tenacity, I will be alright. Sorry to see many of you go, but you didn't plan accordingly. I planned and did what I had to do to stay with the company. I know deep down inside that I have shown my worth and will still be in Orlando providing solutions for the company.

thats why you suck big time you loser

The company was turned over to the owners wife back in 2007 (?) Her educational background is in journalism and work experience is marketing. She apparently was / is a great sales person. Her mistake is believing that she has what it takes to run every aspect of the company. She doesn't hire anyone with experience or background necessary. She will put non engineers in engineering positions, people with no "quality " experience in a quality control job. She hires connected college grads and places them in major leadership roles when they have NO business being there and would be laughed out of any other business if they came in looking for those positions. She makes her hiring / firing decisions based on emotion and not fact. With all of this being said, she has hurt the business (as is evidenced by the multiple recalls and layoffs). No one can tell you to take the job or not. If you have a job already, then I would be very cautious about leaving it. Take a look at the turnover rate.[/QUO

The company was turned over to the owners wife back in 2007 (?) Her educational background is in journalism and work experience is marketing. She apparently was / is a great sales person. Her mistake is believing that she has what it takes to run every aspect of the company. She doesn't hire anyone with experience or background necessary. She will put non engineers in engineering positions, people with no "quality " experience in a quality control job. She hires connected college grads and places them in major leadership roles when they have NO business being there and would be laughed out of any other business if they came in looking for those positions. She makes her hiring / firing decisions based on emotion and not fact. With all of this being said, she has hurt the business (as is evidenced by the multiple recalls and layoffs). No one can tell you to take the job or not. If you have a job already, then I would be very cautious about leaving it. Take a look at the turnover rate.[/QUO

Her hiring criteria is as follows; the proper astrological sign, blonde hair and being a single mother. Enough said.

I don't know how anyone could consider a position at this place after visiting this forum.

The pay is mediocre at best, the management is abysmal, and the culture is toxic. The only people that would consider working here are new graduates that don't know any better or experienced professionals that absolutely cannot find work anywhere else.

No one will be working there now. They are a sinking ship. Asthmanephron!!!!! Really. Setting up shop in Walmarts..... Way to go. All the smart ones got out before the demise. The loyal ones got a big fat ZERO for loyalty. Every Corporation has it's challenges and idiosyncrasies. Nephron had Lou the wrecking ball of destruction and toxic waste. Everything that woman touched went down in flames. People do not like nor do they respect her for obvious reasons. Every time she opens her mouth something foul falls out of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I went by what used to be Nephron Orlando today. It was so very very satisfying to see empty parking lots and a for sale sign on the headquarters. Lou destroyed what was, and could have been for a long time, a profitable company with many dedicated and hardworking employees, but we are all far better off away from Nephron. For years she could rant against people and talk a big talk about all these stupid meaningless plans (all designed to try to make her look good), but you can't hide or defend the loss of hundreds of jobs and the destruction of a company. This is something she can never get away from, never get out from under... It is all on her, and I hope she is tormented by the failure she caused each and every moment of the rest of her pathetic, meaningless, sad life.