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Lay Offs in March


Lay Offs are coming in March. Do not believe the hype that contract reps will be let go. BI is cutting loose every employee in Primary Care and keeping contract. Cardio will merge with Pulm. Spiriva and Pradaxa will be the only drugs sold. After another year, there will be another layoff in Specialty. The game is over.

Someone who knows someone who knew someone who talked to someone in management


Lay Offs are coming in March. Do not believe the hype that contract reps will be let go. BI is cutting loose every employee in Primary Care and keeping contract. Cardio will merge with Pulm. Spiriva and Pradaxa will be the only drugs sold. After another year, there will be another layoff in Specialty. The game is over.

Someone who knows someone who knew someone who talked to someone in management

I believe you only because this is the pharma trend. It will happen to Pradaxa as soon as the competitor drugs are up and running, rumor has it Spring of 2011, besides once the drug is somewhat established, it takes less reps to keep it going. There will be no more 'coasting" while the drug sells itself, those days are over. By December 2011, all pharma will look a lot different. For those non-believers, I'm sorry.

so just spiriva and pradaxa?
how about the other 3-4 products that will be out in the next 3 years?
oh let me guess, live web-casts and mailers will be promoting those.

mind your business and get off our site troll.

Lay Offs are coming in March. Do not believe the hype that contract reps will be let go. BI is cutting loose every employee in Primary Care and keeping contract. Cardio will merge with Pulm. Spiriva and Pradaxa will be the only drugs sold. After another year, there will be another layoff in Specialty. The game is over.

Someone who knows someone who knew someone who talked to someone in management

F ck you go put a bullet in your head and leave us alone!

Lay Offs are coming in March. Do not believe the hype that contract reps will be let go. BI is cutting loose every employee in Primary Care and keeping contract. Cardio will merge with Pulm. Spiriva and Pradaxa will be the only drugs sold. After another year, there will be another layoff in Specialty. The game is over.

Someone who knows someone who knew someone who talked to someone in management

F ck you go put a bullet in your head and leave us alone!

so just spiriva and pradaxa?
how about the other 3-4 products that will be out in the next 3 years?
oh let me guess, live web-casts and mailers will be promoting those.

mind your business and get off our site troll.

Oh, let's not forget the 3-4 products that might be out in the next 3 years, well, we won't need as many reps as we for those either. DENIAL............ It's called 'cost cutting' if you don't believe it, look everywhere on this board, done by either mergers or layoffs!

We will be increasing the size of the sales for over the next 3 months in anticipation of pipeline approval.

BI is only hiring from the outside for Oncology and contract reps for the joke diabetes med. The goal is to cut as much of the full time sales force as possible and play with contrat like pons. Layoffs in March for sure. My RD already told us at the last POA.

In my territory, very few offices allow reps back. In the offices that actually allow reps, many have the ominous "do not detail physician" sign. (i.e. "just give me the free meds and don't speak" okkkkkk). Access has become much more restricted in the 10 years I have been a rep. All this to say that a layoff would force me to go in a different direction - and I can only believe that it would not be as lame as this job has become. I think everyone is playing like all is well and ignoring the white elephant in the room.

In my territory, very few offices allow reps back. In the offices that actually allow reps, many have the ominous "do not detail physician" sign. (i.e. "just give me the free meds and don't speak" okkkkkk). Access has become much more restricted in the 10 years I have been a rep. All this to say that a layoff would force me to go in a different direction - and I can only believe that it would not be as lame as this job has become. I think everyone is playing like all is well and ignoring the white elephant in the room.

Absolutely. Ride the wave till it hits the shore then pick up water skiing or water polo. There will be no reps in the next 3 years. I feel sorry for the 48 year old rep who refuses to believe this. I have been interviewing outside the industry for the last 18 months and EVERY interviewer has said a pharma rep with 10 years experience is a horrible hire. Sad but true. I still think this has been a good ride. I may manage a Burger King.

The OP is correct in some aspects, but not completely. BI had no idea if Flibanserin was coming out or if Pradaxa will be a hit within 6 months. Now that the muddy water has cleared, upper mgmt now knows to get rid of 50% of the contract reps and retain the other 50% as full time employees most likely in Sept of 11 to take a 3rd quarter hit again and ride out the year strong with fuzzy math in the 4th quarter like last year. IT is all smoke and mirrors on paper for the socialists in Germany. The future is Spiriva combos and Pradaxa. The diabetes drug will be a tester to see if BI can get into the market since that disease state is rising due to all the fat fast food eating people out there.

GO BI!!!

good. I hate BI...I got laid off and actually they did me a favor...I have a great new job with way more $$$ and way cooler people.....I am happy that I got the axe..... you guys will too..this company sucks..

good. I hate BI...I got laid off and actually they did me a favor...I have a great new job with way more $$$ and way cooler people.....I am happy that I got the axe..... you guys will too..this company sucks..

Give it time and your new company will suck too-You just have rose colored glasses on for now

Funny how all of the stuff on this board comes true. How the hell do you get all of the info?

I don't see them hacking PCP 1 yet though. They will wait until we launch Linagliptin. Love the way they motivate for a product launch.

Lay Offs are coming in March. Do not believe the hype that contract reps will be let go. BI is cutting loose every employee in Primary Care and keeping contract. Cardio will merge with Pulm. Spiriva and Pradaxa will be the only drugs sold. After another year, there will be another layoff in Specialty. The game is over.

Someone who knows someone who knew someone who talked to someone in management

So what is the magic date in March? I am soooo excited to get out!!!!

A corporate leak says that Sleave 2 will get axed big time. 60% of these reps are contract and are not loyal, thus Pradaxa is a joke in Primary Care. Cardio is pulling the weight. Merging Cardio and Pulm, maybe adding a few to this mix, but Primary Care is toast in Sleave 2. This is the truth. They will do it 2 months after the launch of Januvia the 3rd so there is no exact date. Perhaps June 15th.

Tator Tot Tommy