Lantheus Medical Imaging

WOW. This is their primary contract manufacturer for Cardiolite, Neurolite and Definity?! How does BD manage to keep his job after taking them down this path? BVL to Hollister is like going from the frying pan to the fire. Can imagine the finger pointing and blame gaming going on over this one!

BD is front and center whenever there is credit to be had and always finds a goat to avoid taking blame. A total phony and a real piece of work!

Cardinal Health has the last LAUGH...

Tell me something... Who is Lantheus selling generators, Tl-201, Ga-67, Cardiolite and Xe-133 to now that Cardinal Health said screw you to the price increases and gave ALL their business to Mallincrodt?

Has the layoffs started yet?

What a bunch of boobs!

I've never met such a large number of arrogant idiots as I have at Lantheus.
They couldn't run a lemonade stand, let alone a pharma company.

Their reputation is in the toilet and now they don't have customers.
All that will be left soon is a radioactive long-term decay bunker.

Maybe then they can collect other people's radioactive waste...after they take care of their own...

That's what happens when you treat your employees like $h!t. Their only plumber was laid off 2 years ago...around the same time they got rid of R&D. What a bunch of boneheads!

They did the math. Long time employee plumber at top of salary grade with PAID holidays, vacation (mucho) , sick time, insurance etc... Easy call for them to bring down overhead, since a plumber isn't considered "essential". Just pay a private plumber on an as needed basis. Then more math and impact assessment. Guess what, "we could use a full time plumber". So they'll hire some kid at a cut rate price and get what they pay for or penny pinch someone more experienced but desperate for a job that will leave as soon as something better comes along. THE LANTHEUS WAY! Any questions on how they got to where they are today?

Can you believe Lantheus actually has 12 job openings posted ..... the only one that looks important is Master Plumber. Flush Flush!!

They always keep a dozen or so fictitious openings posted. Makes it look like there is a healthy business running in the background. Those jobs are just for show, like everything else beyond the guard shack.

They always keep a dozen or so fictitious openings posted. Makes it look like there is a healthy business running in the background. Those jobs are just for show, like everything else beyond the guard shack.

They are either fictitious positions or attempts to hire replacements at reduced pay/benefits.

Remember Phoenixes are not hot - they just love to burn people...

And yet...somehow they still have hundreds of people still earnig a paycheck, products are still being sold, and imagine it's being done without the whiners, and know it alls on this board..