Labcorp mangement

If our Managed Care Reps would actually get off their fat butts they might have the relationships to get something done and leave that consultant out of the picture. What have they done lately or ever for that matter. Waste of assets for sure.

Your just jealous and you wish you had a MC position. MC reps work really hard and are respected by all. We know our job and could do your job at the same time. trim/trim/cut

It's always interesting to me how people post things on here when they have no idea how other departments work. They just make up stuff and put it up here. It's actually quite funny. They make such asses of themselves. Good thing this is anonymous. LMAO!

the answer is basically nothing! buttering up the current contracts main contacts and are in full on protection mode. no new business!

Plus we have to hear about all the screw ups that the couriers, lab, IT, sales reps etc - messed up, but really don't have control over. It's frustrating. The job is pretty easy for the most part but it also sucks too in a lot of ways.

It always cracks me up when I see sales reps bashing the managed care team. If it weren't for them, you would have to sell your services instead of showing the client a letter saying, "See, I know you don't want to use us, but you have to...see it says so in the letter".

Also, an interesting observation is when the President awards are given out, it's usually to a sales rep in a territory where there was a managed care win.

You should treat them with more respect...

It always cracks me up when I see sales reps bashing the managed care team. If it weren't for them, you would have to sell your services instead of showing the client a letter saying, "See, I know you don't want to use us, but you have to...see it says so in the letter".

Also, an interesting observation is when the President awards are given out, it's usually to a sales rep in a territory where there was a managed care win.

You should treat them with more respect...
How many of the current managed care reps had anything to do with the current contracts. LCA drops their drawers to gain market share. The managed care reps have about as much to do with it as the reps do. many hours does the average managed care rep work in a week?