Probably not. She is too busy playing cytocop.
Its a new system for everyone. Errors are bound to be made. Instead of informally showing or explaining a mistake to an employee, or having a general employee meeting to show what common errors are being made (as any normal person operating in good faith would ) she documents and files every tiny knit picking error. Same old blame game.
Can she get any pettier? If you sneeze, she would probably insert into her notes the exact time of day of your sneeze, the decibal level, how many times you sneezed and how long each sneeze lasted, if you sprayed saliva from your mouth or failed to cover your nose, etc. Then she would have to report you to higher ups. That would be her duty. After all, there must be some infraction that you just made. And she will be able to show that she does serve a purpose and she IS working. Talking about anal.
But its ok, because documenting can go both ways.
Absolutely it goes both ways!! Even if you think it useless...document it. It will help you sleep at night (I know from experience) and SK will eventually get hers. She will not get away with torturing hard-working cytos for much longer. Think of this as a pathetic example of what her life must be - and take special care to not be like that.