Lab West Upper Management?

Probably not. She is too busy playing cytocop.

Its a new system for everyone. Errors are bound to be made. Instead of informally showing or explaining a mistake to an employee, or having a general employee meeting to show what common errors are being made (as any normal person operating in good faith would ) she documents and files every tiny knit picking error. Same old blame game.

Can she get any pettier? If you sneeze, she would probably insert into her notes the exact time of day of your sneeze, the decibal level, how many times you sneezed and how long each sneeze lasted, if you sprayed saliva from your mouth or failed to cover your nose, etc. Then she would have to report you to higher ups. That would be her duty. After all, there must be some infraction that you just made. And she will be able to show that she does serve a purpose and she IS working. Talking about anal.

But its ok, because documenting can go both ways.

Absolutely it goes both ways!! Even if you think it useless...document it. It will help you sleep at night (I know from experience) and SK will eventually get hers. She will not get away with torturing hard-working cytos for much longer. Think of this as a pathetic example of what her life must be - and take special care to not be like that.

You guys are so funny moaning about your management. Just wait a few months when Labcorp is done with Dyer and turns its eye toward eliminating duplication in the pathology services.

Then you can document to your heart's content at your next job about your next crappy boss.

Keep it up, though. It is terribly fun to read.

You guys are so funny moaning about your management. Just wait a few months when Labcorp is done with Dyer and turns its eye toward eliminating duplication in the pathology services.

Then you can document to your heart's content at your next job about your next crappy boss.

Keep it up, though. It is terribly fun to read.

That's what I've been saying, but these cytotechs don't want to listen. Tomorrow, LabCorp is eliminating most of the rest of the lab workers in Santa Ana. After August 12, there will only be a skeleton crew running the few specimens that will remain there. The transition to San Diego is basically complete. It will now turn it's eyes on dumping Monrovia. You idiots should look for jobs instead of wasting your time on cafepharma bitching about a situation that will not be happening in a few months.

That's what I've been saying, but these cytotechs don't want to listen. Tomorrow, LabCorp is eliminating most of the rest of the lab workers in Santa Ana. After August 12, there will only be a skeleton crew running the few specime, Iens that will remain there. The transition to San Diego is basically complete. It will now turn it's eyes on dumping Monrovia. You idiots should look for jobs instead of wasting your time on cafepharma bitching about a situation that will not be happening in a few months.

Geez, you are making me so sick and nervous about getting rifed. NOT!

What makes you think we are not searching feverishly for another job? Who in their right mind would put up with this crap? This vicious, lying little creep has no business in the decision making process for anyone in the lab.

Some good is coming out of these posts. Yes, we know that you are reading these posts, sk and company. Keep it up. It is making you a better person, even if it is just for show.

That's what I've been saying, but these cytotechs don't want to listen. Tomorrow, LabCorp is eliminating most of the rest of the lab workers in Santa Ana. After August 12, there will only be a skeleton crew running the few specimens that will remain there. The transition to San Diego is basically complete. It will now turn it's eyes on dumping Monrovia. You idiots should look for jobs instead of wasting your time on cafepharma bitching about a situation that will not be happening in a few months.

Oh get real. You don't care what happens to us. You just want to shut us up.

You guys are so funny moaning about your management. Just wait a few months when Labcorp is done with Dyer and turns its eye toward eliminating duplication in the pathology services.

Then you can document to your heart's content at your next job about your next crappy boss.

Keep it up, though. It is terribly fun to read.

That's hilarious coming from a low-life sales rep whose main purpose is to kiss as much ass as possible just NOT to loose an account. News flash...LabCorp doesn't care about you even more. Don't you guys get 6 months to show productivity and then you're out?? At least we are educated, board-certified and licensed you twit.

Even if LabCorp is thinking about phasing out the Pap, Paps are still there and we are producing and LC is collecting for it - not to mention the ancillary testing that comes with it.
What are you going to do, switch careers and try to sell Herbalife when they can you? Then again that may be a stretch, entry-level telemarketing is all you can handle right now.

That's what I've been saying, but these cytotechs don't want to listen. Tomorrow, LabCorp is eliminating most of the rest of the lab workers in Santa Ana. After August 12, there will only be a skeleton crew running the few specimens that will remain there. The transition to San Diego is basically complete. It will now turn it's eyes on dumping Monrovia. You idiots should look for jobs instead of wasting your time on cafepharma bitching about a situation that will not be happening in a few months.

If that is the case and MOnrovia is next, then I have a question for longtime Labcorp employees. If an employee sees potentially illegal or non-ethical behavior and does what the comapny has told us to do, report it to the compliance dept,, can Labcorp fire you, or does that give you a little more power because you have something bad on them?

I thought about reporting it to someone outside of labcorp, but wasnt sure if I should report it to the internal compliance dept. Is it anonymous? If I am going to get riffed anyway and they r closing Monrovia, I want to do what it right for the patients.

Geez, you are making me so sick and nervous about getting rifed. NOT!

What makes you think we are not searching feverishly for another job? Who in their right mind would put up with this crap? This vicious, lying little creep has no business in the decision making process for anyone in the lab.

Some good is coming out of these posts. Yes, we know that you are reading these posts, sk and company. Keep it up. It is making you a better person, even if it is just for show.

it is funny that you mentioned it
word on the street is that SK's bullying techniques and the employees complaints have made it down to JG in San Diego. That can't be good for her, so keep it up because good is coming out of it

you crap on enough people and make their lives miserable for no good reason it will come back to you in a giant s***-sandwich. take a big bite susie-Q!

If that is the case and MOnrovia is next, then I have a question for longtime Labcorp employees. If an employee sees potentially illegal or non-ethical behavior and does what the comapny has told us to do, report it to the compliance dept,, can Labcorp fire you, or does that give you a little more power because you have something bad on them?

I thought about reporting it to someone outside of labcorp, but wasnt sure if I should report it to the internal compliance dept. Is it anonymous? If I am going to get riffed anyway and they r closing Monrovia, I want to do what it right for the patients.

If there is a compliance issue, then report it to the appropriate department within LabCorp. If no action is taken, then go for the regulating entities. There must be some "whistleblower" protection available (Google it for Pete's sake) but bitching about these things here will do absolutely nothing but possibly get you in some hot water.

If there is a compliance issue, then report it to the appropriate department within LabCorp. If no action is taken, then go for the regulating entities. There must be some "whistleblower" protection available (Google it for Pete's sake) but bitching about these things here will do absolutely nothing but possibly get you in some hot water.


What do you mean by hot water HERE? We are anonymous here, aren't we?This is a warning. I know for a fact that you cannot trust LCA management with information like that. Do it and they will trump up some bull shyt against you and label you the trouble maker. They will all gang up against you. Including HR.Then they will threaten your job if you tell anyone else about it. Unless you are willing to take it all the way to the end, no matter the outcome, you have to do it anonymously.

You are not alone. I know some stuff too. I don't know if they are just ignorant or trying to cut corners. I have worked at a couple places where personalities might have clashed and management used unseemly tactics to keep wages low, but the people in supervision were knowledgeable, qualified, and compliance was never an issue. This is why managerial persons with experience, ethics and intestinal fortitude matter in the workplace. Someone has to advocate for the patient, not just the all mighty dollar.

This is a low point in my career. You can teach a person technical skills, but you cannot teach morality, integrity, compassion or consciousness. Having to deal with greedy selfish persons who are always right no matter how wrong they may be is so frustrating.

And bitching here is cathartic. This is a good place to do it and get some answers.

it is funny that you mentioned it
word on the street is that SK's bullying techniques and the employees complaints have made it down to JG in San Diego. That can't be good for her, so keep it up because good is coming out of it

you crap on enough people and make their lives miserable for no good reason it will come back to you in a giant s***-sandwich. take a big bite susie-Q!

JG? I hate to burst your bubble, because that is highly questionable.

She clowned JG and KH from HR when they were in Monrovia. She had JG eating some of that s***-sandwich right out of her hand. She set up a tech there, just to show her that she could. Probably because that tech seemed a little too sure of herself and sk wanted to knock her down a peg or two. Or could be that she was using the tech as the distraction tactic mentioned in a previous post..... All eyes on the tech and sk's inadequacies are overlooked.

The above mentioned tech, who had no reason to be untruthful, told JG what happened, but he didn't care what she said. He chose to listen to sk because he wanted to. It was just too much effort for him to call in some of us to back up the tech because the truth or the right thing to do wasn't the point. Instead, he threatened that tech's job and had SK, "Cytology Manager," write her up. In essence, that tech was disrespected and told to suck it up or leave. HR was only there to cosign. JG's and KH's cover was all the license SK needed to do whatever evil that pleased her.

Lies are a two-edge sword. When will you ever know if a pathological liar is being truthful? Never. Her motives are not logical. The same way she lied ON that tech, she also lied TO Mr. G.

Geez. Before this, she caused one cytotech to loose his job because he stood up for himself. He became annoyed with her moving him from desk to desk and finally confronted her. Bullies will not abide self respect. She fired a transcription secretary because she was 2 minutes late for work. No warning. Nothing. She fired the lead in processing because she did not like her. Both the transcriptionist and the lead were kind of chubby, and SK has an aversion to overweight people.

Warning: if you do decide to drop a dime on unethical or illegal activity, don't let any of the Monrovia management get wind who you are. SK is a viper. But you know that , don't you?

JG? I hate to burst your bubble, because that is highly questionable.

She clowned JG and KH from HR when they were in Monrovia. She had JG eating some of that s***-sandwich right out of her hand. She set up a tech there, just to show her that she could. Probably because that tech seemed a little too sure of herself and sk wanted to knock her down a peg or two. Or could be that she was using the tech as the distraction tactic mentioned in a previous post..... All eyes on the tech and sk's inadequacies are overlooked.

The above mentioned tech, who had no reason to be untruthful, told JG what happened, but he didn't care what she said. He chose to listen to sk because he wanted to. It was just too much effort for him to call in some of us to back up the tech because the truth or the right thing to do wasn't the point. Instead, he threatened that tech's job and had SK, "Cytology Manager," write her up. In essence, that tech was disrespected and told to suck it up or leave. HR was only there to cosign. JG's and KH's cover was all the license SK needed to do whatever evil that pleased her.

Lies are a two-edge sword. When will you ever know if a pathological liar is being truthful? Never. Her motives are not logical. The same way she lied ON that tech, she also lied TO Mr. G.

Geez. Before this, she caused one cytotech to loose his job because he stood up for himself. He became annoyed with her moving him from desk to desk and finally confronted her. Bullies will not abide self respect. She fired a transcription secretary because she was 2 minutes late for work. No warning. Nothing. She fired the lead in processing because she did not like her. Both the transcriptionist and the lead were kind of chubby, and SK has an aversion to overweight people.

Warning: if you do decide to drop a dime on unethical or illegal activity, don't let any of the Monrovia management get wind who you are. SK is a viper. But you know that , don't you?

HR is a joke. Do you know how many times the employees at Monrovia tried calling KH in HR for help and only got voice mail. She never returned one phone call or made an acknowledgment.The only time that she responded to email was when CC was attached to the address field. Does California have a professional HR department?

You guys are so funny moaning about your management. Just wait a few months when Labcorp is done with Dyer and turns its eye toward eliminating duplication in the pathology services.

Then you can document to your heart's content at your next job about your next crappy boss.

Keep it up, though. It is terribly fun to read.

Cytology is known for having fk up supervisors, but there is NO crappier boss. The problem is that this economy sucks and there are no jobs. Use you head. If the lab is only going to last a few more months, sk is the last person you would want making decisions about anyone's future. Her mind is warped. Have you ever heard of a supervisor who gleefully hunts through a retrospective review hoping to find missed abnormal cells because the current pap is abnormal? (That is a potential law suit, by the way.) She doesn't even go through the motions of trying to hide her enthusiasm. If she finds anything on the previous slide that had been signed out normal, she can brow beat and try to stress out the tech who missed the case.That is how she leverages power and that is who she is. Fkd up. But if you are one of her little crew, that missed case will conveniently disappear if it is even reviewed in the first place.

Not trying to discourage you here, but do you really know what you are dealing with? These are corporate raiders who could not give a damn about your code of ethics.Medicine by any other name is just business to them The FTC, whose purpose is to regulate these entities is just a toothless tiger right now. What is happening here is happening all over the USA. See the big picture yet?