Lab West Upper Management?

Cytology is known for having fk up supervisors, but there is NO crappier boss. The problem is that this economy sucks and there are no jobs. Use you head. If the lab is only going to last a few more months, sk is the last person you would want making decisions about anyone's future. Her mind is warped. Have you ever heard of a supervisor who gleefully hunts through a retrospective review hoping to find missed abnormal cells because the current pap is abnormal? (That is a potential law suit, by the way.) She doesn't even go through the motions of trying to hide her enthusiasm. If she finds anything on the previous slide that had been signed out normal, she can brow beat and try to stress out the tech who missed the case.That is how she leverages power and that is who she is. Fkd up. But if you are one of her little crew, that missed case will conveniently disappear if it is even reviewed in the first place.

None of her so called "crew" has the balls to cross her, (at least, not openly) because she has the complete backing of management. It is not out of any sort of friendship that she keeps them in check. It is through rewards and punishment. Straight out of the B.F. Skinner pay book. How do you become one of her crew? Well it helps if you immigrated her from another country and don't speak English well. Next you must follow the pecking order and stick you nose up her ass. Finally, you must keep her secrets.

JG? I hate to burst your bubble, because that is highly questionable.

She clowned JG and KH from HR when they were in Monrovia. She had JG eating some of that s***-sandwich right out of her hand. She set up a tech there, just to show her that she could. Probably because that tech seemed a little too sure of herself and sk wanted to knock her down a peg or two. Or could be that she was using the tech as the distraction tactic mentioned in a previous post..... All eyes on the tech and sk's inadequacies are overlooked.

The above mentioned tech, who had no reason to be untruthful, told JG what happened, but he didn't care what she said. He chose to listen to sk because he wanted to. It was just too much effort for him to call in some of us to back up the tech because the truth or the right thing to do wasn't the point. Instead, he threatened that tech's job and had SK, "Cytology Manager," write her up. In essence, that tech was disrespected and told to suck it up or leave. HR was only there to cosign. JG's and KH's cover was all the license SK needed to do whatever evil that pleased her.

Lies are a two-edge sword. When will you ever know if a pathological liar is being truthful? Never. Her motives are not logical. The same way she lied ON that tech, she also lied TO Mr. G.

Geez. Before this, she caused one cytotech to loose his job because he stood up for himself. He became annoyed with her moving him from desk to desk and finally confronted her. Bullies will not abide self respect. She fired a transcription secretary because she was 2 minutes late for work. No warning. Nothing. She fired the lead in processing because she did not like her. Both the transcriptionist and the lead were kind of chubby, and SK has an aversion to overweight people.

Warning: if you do decide to drop a dime on unethical or illegal activity, don't let any of the Monrovia management get wind who you are. SK is a viper. But you know that , don't you?

Labcorp is really going to shut down Monrovia, ther is an obligation to the patients and the techs .

We heard that the meeting was more like a kangaroo court. The tech was completely caught off guard. When sk told obvious lies and no one corrected her, just made excuses for her, she knew that the fix was in. Heard that Sk said that when she went through orientation for supervisor with former Westcliff HR Manager, J. Sweeney, he told her to be conservative when evaluating employees.

LOL First of all, she does not know the difference between the bi-annual employee report approving the cytotech's daily slide limits and HR's Annual Employee Performance Appraisal for raises? She says that Sweeney told her to be conservative on a six months slide limit report??? I DON"T THINK SO. The last time the techs got an annual employee performance evaluation was 4 years ago when they got our last raise. Any they can thank Sylvia Calderon for that.

If it was that easy for her to get away with an obvious lie, no wonder they are so easily manipulated and we all got crappy reviews. Like the previous posts said, sk does not represent us.

Not trying to discourage you here, but do you really know what you are dealing with? These are corporate raiders who could not give a damn about your code of ethics.Medicine by any other name is just business to them The FTC, whose purpose is to regulate these entities is just a toothless tiger right now. What is happening here is happening all over the USA. See the big picture yet?

Yes. The game is a race to see how many billionaires can be made while they still can.

I care about a lot besides myself but this thread is a complete waste of time. A bunch of introverted, about to unemployed cytotechs, whining about a bunch of crap that wont matter in a few months. Crawl out from behind your computers and go back to school.

What do you mean by hot water HERE? We are anonymous here, aren't we?This is a warning. I know for a fact that you cannot trust LCA management with information like that. Do it and they will trump up some bull shyt against you and label you the trouble maker. They will all gang up against you. Including HR.Then they will threaten your job if you tell anyone else about it. Unless you are willing to take it all the way to the end, no matter the outcome, you have to do it anonymously.

You are not alone. I know some stuff too. I don't know if they are just ignorant or trying to cut corners. I have worked at a couple places where personalities might have clashed and management used unseemly tactics to keep wages low, but the people in supervision were knowledgeable, qualified, and compliance was never an issue. This is why managerial persons with experience, ethics and intestinal fortitude matter in the workplace. Someone has to advocate for the patient, not just the all mighty dollar.

This is a low point in my career. You can teach a person technical skills, but you cannot teach morality, integrity, compassion or consciousness. Having to deal with greedy selfish persons who are always right no matter how wrong they may be is so frustrating.

And bitching here is cathartic. This is a good place to do it and get some answers.

Hey sk and crew, here is a tip for you
A person can still drop dime on you and your illegal, unethical tactics and not be afraid of losing their job because
they no longer work there...duh! You guys aren't too bright are you? Have you been tossing the cytots desks looking for clues? I bet you are..

Stupid LabCorp! Running a business at a profit! They should run it like Westcliff and go broke!

What does Westcliff have to do with LabCorp making a profit? If Westcliff had not been overburdened with debt from venture captial group, Parthenon's purchase of Healthline and Westcliff, they could have used the same simple LCA corporate raider model. Remember NHL? The same people who ran Westcliff are the ones who started LCA. Do your homework.

I care about a lot besides myself but this thread is a complete waste of time. A bunch of introverted, about to unemployed cytotechs, whining about a bunch of crap that wont matter in a few months. Crawl out from behind your computers and go back to school.

"Methinks thou doth protest too much." Why are do you want us to shut up and what makes you think we are still working for LabCorp? Besides, your insults say more about you than us. Remember, we already have college degrees. So take a chill pill and follow your own advice. And if you are SK and company, eat our grits .

You have a worthless college degree. Might as well have went to school for basket weaving. You will have to retrain since there are no cytology jobs anymore. Is that you Romel?

Take it from someone who also went thru an acquisition - LC does not listen to what good people have to say. They have an agenda and it is not to "learn" from the leaders in the old company. Those that fight that and try to prove their point is seen as a trouble-maker..not good.
They dont' care about anything but following the master plan to turn everyone into faceless worker bees, pay them as little as they can, make them fear losing their job to control them and keep them quiet, and get rid of who they dont need.
wait until they threaten you to falsify documents to look legitimate, and you do it because you need your job. Such BS but everyone is scared and will not fight it.
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Ahhhh. Is that you sk?

Take it from someone who also went thru an acquisition - LC does not listen to what good people have to say. They have an agenda and it is not to "learn" from the leaders in the old company. Those that fight that and try to prove their point is seen as a trouble-maker..not good.
They dont' care about anything but following the master plan to turn everyone into faceless worker bees, pay them as little as they can, make them fear losing their job to control them and keep them quiet, and get rid of who they dont need.
wait until they threaten you to falsify documents to look legitimate, and you do it because you need your job. Such BS but everyone is scared and will not fight it.
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Ahhhh. Is that you sk?

Are you serious. Not on your life. The one threatening your job if you don't falsify the documents? That would be sk. Way better fit on her profile.

Cytology is known for having fk up supervisors, but there is NO crappier boss. The problem is that this economy sucks and there are no jobs. Use you head. If the lab is only going to last a few more months, sk is the last person you would want making decisions about anyone's future. Her mind is warped. Have you ever heard of a supervisor who gleefully hunts through a retrospective review hoping to find missed abnormal cells because the current pap is abnormal? (That is a potential law suit, by the way.) She doesn't even go through the motions of trying to hide her enthusiasm. If she finds anything on the previous slide that had been signed out normal, she can brow beat and try to stress out the tech who missed the case.That is how she leverages power and that is who she is. Fkd up. But if you are one of her little crew, that missed case will conveniently disappear if it is even reviewed in the first place.

Take heart. Things have a way of working out. Some call it poetic justice that every dog has its day. Some have two. Ain't life grand?

None of her so called "crew" has the balls to cross her, (at least, not openly) because she has the complete backing of management. It is not out of any sort of friendship that she keeps them in check. It is through rewards and punishment. Straight out of the B.F. Skinner pay book. How do you become one of her crew? Well it helps if you immigrated her from another country and don't speak English well. Next you must follow the pecking order and stick you nose up her ass. Finally, you must keep her secrets.

Right except for nobody kiss her ass. Just tolerate her because we need job.

Are you saying that controls are not being run with special stains like immunological stains ? these are serious compliance issues. Who is in charge? What the hell is going on there?

Like PAS stains, silver stains, etc.....
whose in charge there? Your guess is as good as minde. Guess its JG's teflon cytotcop. What a girl.
Wonder who will get scapegoated this time.

That is minor compared to other stuff.

OMG! No wonder there is no integrity there. You're working for the mob.

Labcorp even has its own Teflon Donna. Sk is not a snazzy dresser, but she has has been able to get away with some sick, illegal, and even criminal behavior. I have seen others get canned for way less. You can't say management did not know either. The seemed to admire the ruthlessness of it all. When this is all over, she may end up in jail. And for what? a job as a LabWest supervisor?