Kyle Tattle & Associates

Totally agree. No value adding and still not clear about the Onco business in AP. Worse - no people development. Only good at delegating her work and managing upwards.
I can truthfully share that losing Shilpa (a VP) in Asia, and having the vacancy has literally improved the business performance and culture 10 fold

What a company we work for when we place these useless people around us to offer nothing but corporate jargon.

well done David Peacock - now please move Noora out of her role and replace her with a donkey (a lame one will be an improvement). I learnt about her salary last week and it’s an embarrassing situation for us in the region. When the commercial teams bleed daily to make our targets and get paid terrible, we have Noora that does nothing that get paid more


Totally agree. No value adding and still not clear about the Onco business in AP. Worse - no people development. Only good at delegating her work and managing upwards.

Shilpa has landed a fancy gig in the US and laughing at all losers in AP! Joke is on people in AP and she would love to thank the leaders in MSD for a well deserved 2 years paid holiday in Singapore!!
Noora is in line to be promoted soon and so is the great George S. Enjoy the fun peeps

Shilpa has landed a fancy gig in the US and laughing at all losers in AP! Joke is on people in AP and she would love to thank the leaders in MSD for a well deserved 2 years paid holiday in Singapore!!
Noora is in line to be promoted soon and so is the great George S. Enjoy the fun peeps

Judging by the new and sudden self promotional activity that George S has been posting to Linked In, I'd say this statement is accurate.

Was watching a program on Harvey Weinstein and how he got away for several decades despite many women reporting the crime. This reminded of one expat who was in Korea and was accused of harassing a female colleague in the middle of the night and was conveniently moved out of the country by another expat MD within a few days. Wondering if he is still with Merck and would not be surprised if HR hushed it up. Looks like both moved to cushy roles from Korea and looked out for each other.

We had more serious issue than this but not MD or leadership blame I feel. We have high stress and some related harassment from sales managers that led to suicides.
We have had some and we do not discuss the stress internally but I know there are many people needing some better support. With the sexual harassing and suicide and some bad behaviours not getting address we can not move forward. Don and many his team were made to go but yes after Don avi let his leadership team get away with a few bad events. Kevin is better on compliance but needs to know the people and culture better as things are still happening behind the backs

Was watching a program on Harvey Weinstein and how he got away for several decades despite many women reporting the crime. This reminded of one expat who was in Korea and was accused of harassing a female colleague in the middle of the night and was conveniently moved out of the country by another expat MD within a few days. Wondering if he is still with Merck and would not be surprised if HR hushed it up. Looks like both moved to cushy roles from Korea and looked out for each other.

think the harasser is still at Merck and promoted

I was alerted to this forum recently.
There was Marcos and Kevin that were “guys”.
I worked with Kevin and he did not rule by fear at all. He was very fair to his teams. He actually saved the place from the predecessor and I know this first hand

let’s be fair - reading back on these threads I see it’s toxic

It's good to have an avenue to speak up and be heard. We are encouraged to Speak Up all the time yet receive performance feedback when we do. Are any of the feedback mechanisms even truly anonymous?

Could not help but giggle at the LinkedIn post I saw from Dorthe. Claiming progress under her leadership in Asia and sitting next to Noora the talented and engaged HR leader. I worked for Dorthe directly and can say hand on heart she was the most uninspiring leader ever. I had almost zero 1.1s and she managed rest of the APLT in the same way.
As for her care for people in Asia I can describe one meeting I was sat with her and we were being presented to by a staff who had just returned from serious sick leave. In his opening he briefly commented on the challenges in coming back from a very difficult illness. Post the close of the meeting she asked privately in our room why we needed to hear about his issues, high destain for emotions. Very little caring at all from Dorthe to any of her staff and for those that think differently I can share what she thought of each of you behind your backs so just write your name here. She didn’t rate any of you! Her own chief of staff was the most eager to run from this dark cloud of “leadership”
Those that moved post the split of organon are much happier to be here. Yes it’s not as glamorous but we have a nicer culture under Kaja.

Could not help but giggle at the LinkedIn post I saw from Dorthe. Claiming progress under her leadership in Asia and sitting next to Noora the talented and engaged HR leader. I worked for Dorthe directly and can say hand on heart she was the most uninspiring leader ever. I had almost zero 1.1s and she managed rest of the APLT in the same way.
As for her care for people in Asia I can describe one meeting I was sat with her and we were being presented to by a staff who had just returned from serious sick leave. In his opening he briefly commented on the challenges in coming back from a very difficult illness. Post the close of the meeting she asked privately in our room why we needed to hear about his issues, high destain for emotions. Very little caring at all from Dorthe to any of her staff and for those that think differently I can share what she thought of each of you behind your backs so just write your name here. She didn’t rate any of you! Her own chief of staff was the most eager to run from this dark cloud of “leadership”
Those that moved post the split of organon are much happier to be here. Yes it’s not as glamorous but we have a nicer culture under Kaja.

NOORA just can’t get another job outside and it’s no surprise to any of us. But she is trying hahaha

It’s all a big joke! HR, medical, commercial, MD’s
All of them are cashing in from the good work done by the teams that launched keytruda and were pushed out by thoughtless and selfish leaders. Nothing changes and the joke continues to play.

Happy New Year Asia PAC team

Let’s all help David make 2023 a great year for us all

1. Help each other
2. Avoid passive aggressive culture
3. Share real feedback
4. Take the time to identify the real workers, not just the networkers
5. Be fair in assessments

Was watching a program on Harvey Weinstein and how he got away for several decades despite many women reporting the crime. This reminded of one expat who was in Korea and was accused of harassing a female colleague in the middle of the night and was conveniently moved out of the country by another expat MD within a few days. Wondering if he is still with Merck and would not be surprised if HR hushed it up. Looks like both moved to cushy roles from Korea and looked out for each other.

Yep. Believe he is still with the company. Promoted, I think and in the US.

Yep. Believe he is still with the company. Promoted, I think and in the US.

Wonder who was head of HR during this period?

Noora has been at the helm of such bad complaints - Bullying, Sexual Harassment, Intimidation, Discrimination, Bias, Compliance Negligence, Patient Safety and the list goes on

Noora - Any defence. We can literally name the cases publicly if you would like

Wonder who was head of HR during this period?

Noora has been at the helm of such bad complaints - Bullying, Sexual Harassment, Intimidation, Discrimination, Bias, Compliance Negligence, Patient Safety and the list goes on

Noora - Any defence. We can literally name the cases publicly if you would like

wish someone brings this to the notice of office of ethics, copy CEO and legal head and if no action, share with media. People should be called out and held accountable. Noora is a joke and all she cares is to keep her role. David does not care as long as he gets his next gig as a CBL lead or move to EU.