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Karyopharm - oncology

RP is a clown..................she is girl clown. How can they repeatedly make mistakes with running trials when you know that the life of company depends on getting to data................it's unreal.

Can we have real discussion here for once…..can someone please explain to me the disconnect bw Siendo 2 data so far and the slow enrollment ?? How is it that the docs are praising data as “amazing” “unprecedented” yet it can’t get enrolled. I just listened to one doc say he site has been opened one year and zero enrolled. How can this be when the company is near death? Do t you put everything you got into this trial like your life depends on it. Is this a poor reflection on leadership,
Docs, patients, or the drug itself ??! Could it be that patients really do t want it ??? Please advise

Little dickey’s 3 pillars of careerist lack of accountability: Deny, Deflect, Delay
year but he just had 4 percent rev growth last Q......unreal..................lol lol. Maybe they need to zoom out a little and all the excuses about the IRA, PAP, and foundations. They used that to squirm through last year.....what will this year's BS be ???????

Too bad delisting doesn't get you out of the reach of the SEC. Those misleading statements about trial status and company prospects are still securities fraud even for an OTC stock. Little Dickey should buckle up.
Yeah it is interesting to see what happens...one thing to just be bad at your job. Another thing to knowingly mislead investors. I think he is at risk...

thank god CFO is gone. Hope he was canned. Shame it wasnt three years ago. A lot of lost time and money that we carried that dead weight. What value was added there ?? Much more value gained now that he isn't sucking cash any more........adios

In my opinion, this is typical corporate America. Leader has the wrong people under him for years. They only make a change when it’s clearly time for someone (certainly not him/her) to take the blame for a few years of bad decisions. A group of people in a room nod their heads and agree that only one person was the problem. Pat on each others’ backs as they leave with verbals congratulations.

I wonder what the first clue was that “he was wrong for the job”. Was meager growth? Plunging market cap; bad debt deals; lack of creativity or business acumen ?? I think it’s indicative of whole team. Would t be surprised if the belly dancer also rolls.