Justice seekers

You know why? Bc people actually really believe in the product, have made tremendous headway with their customers, streamlined workflow, are in a good groove, and don’t want to just hand over their years of hard work and building trust to some recently laid off schmuck who hasn’t worked their ass off to grow the territory.
Everything was great and no one was complaining here before MC was let go. Good things were happening and people wanted to work hard. For themselves and for the market. THAT is why people are not wanting to just walk away. People actually give a shit. That is the culture BE is destroying.

business is business

business is business

business is business? Business is only half of the equation. What good is the business if you have a group of people demotivated to work and strive to move up and deliver more to the organization bc there is lack of trust and the leader they would work for they won’t like? Sounds like a mediocre business to me. Everyone should be going straight to Michelle kock. If you ask around enough both in office and in the field about Beth, everyone has the same feeling. The problem is too that HR will wait this out and assume it will go away. Next Gallup gives everyone the chance to use the open comments and survey to speak their mind. Most likely J-Andy and CD will jump right on the Jake train and know that they will be the voice that feeds the beast that led to all of this. Keep putting things in the hotline and to Michelle until Beth is forced to come out and address this change.

Business is business….sure you can have a business but if it is full of people who are unmotivated and there is a lack of trust, that turns into a mediocre business quickly. The east is full of people who don’t trust and or gave up on moving up bc they don’t want to work under Beth. J-Andy and CD will jump on the Jake band wagon quickly and will be the line of communication on what they are seeing and hearing so watch out for them. Keep the noise going through the hotline and to Michelle Kock bc she is very interested in seeing how Beth is acting and how HR (Juliet) tend to show favoritism and cover things up. We need to keep the noise up to force Beth to address change. If you want to eliminate the number SDHM from last year, sure that seems to make good business sense….

Be happy you are getting paid to do very little. People whine and complain, yet are still here… go find a new job if things are really that bad. Yes, things aren’t perfect but no company is.

Business is business….sure you can have a business but if it is full of people who are unmotivated and there is a lack of trust, that turns into a mediocre business quickly. The east is full of people who don’t trust and or gave up on moving up bc they don’t want to work under Beth. J-Andy and CD will jump on the Jake band wagon quickly and will be the line of communication on what they are seeing and hearing so watch out for them. Keep the noise going through the hotline and to Michelle Kock bc she is very interested in seeing how Beth is acting and how HR (Juliet) tend to show favoritism and cover things up. We need to keep the noise up to force Beth to address change. If you want to eliminate the number SDHM from last year, sure that seems to make good business sense….
In the meantime investigate Bozo the Clown in Ohio. MC ran circles around ECs lab buddy. Fing joke. Thank you for always reminding us how great you are.

Sounds great and all, but unless he’s heading up a launch I doubt he’s gonna land a job with an entire market full of vacancies.

Just wait…vacancies or not MC will make an impact wherever he goes. The leader MC was is hard to come by. Cared genuinely and professionally about each and every person and customer. He pushed, he held people accountable, he challenged, he cared, he developed, he was the best in his craft. No matter what he will succeed. Blessing in disguise.

Just wait…vacancies or not MC will make an impact wherever he goes. The leader MC was is hard to come by. Cared genuinely and professionally about each and every person and customer. He pushed, he held people accountable, he challenged, he cared, he developed, he was the best in his craft. No matter what he will succeed. Blessing in disguise.
Dude was ok at best. You are beginning to sound unhinged about your love for this man. BE sucks as do several others but we have to be somewhat honest about MC. MC cared about MC. He would do whatever it took to shine the light on him. Finally caught up with him.