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JNJ Recruiter

Read this, then suck my dick to completion. Who gives a fuck about how many companies they own....other than you?

(Reuters) - After a year in which Johnson & Johnson's product quality control was deemed such a shambles that the U.S. government will oversee some plants, the board had praise for Chief Executive William Weldon and awarded him almost $29 million in overall compensation.

The once golden reputation of the diversified healthcare giant was severely tarnished in 2010 by seemingly endless recalls of high profile consumer products as well as recalls of medical devices and products from other units.

U.S. consumer product sales fell by more than 19 percent in 2010 as recalls cost the company $900 million in sales, and the company's 2011 forecast for earnings growth of only 1 to 3 percent fell shy of Wall Street projections.

J&J has lost about $18.5 billion in market value since the end of 2009, its share price declining $6.75 through Wednesday's close.

Weldon's compensation was trimmed 7 percent, but in what appears to be a disconnect with a steady stream of bad news

J&J's board, in a year-end regulatory filing, said he "generally met expectations" in a year in which "operational sales declined and fell below the goals for the year."

"The board believes that Mr. Weldon provided strong leadership during a very demanding year and has worked to resolve multiple challenging issues and position the company for future growth," it said in the filing.

The rash of consumer medicine recalls in 2009 and 2010 were largely responsible for the first back-to-back years of company sales declines since World War II.

Last week, U.S. health regulators filed a consent decree against J&J's McNeil consumer unit that will put some of its manufacturing plants under government supervision for at least five years.

"It's pretty common for the board to be pretty forgiving of senior management," said Michael Dauchot, a senior analyst and portfolio manager at RCM Capital Management, which holds J&J shares.

"Obviously there are some endemic problems at the company that need to be addressed," Dauchot said, adding that the board clearly does not believe the blame lies with Weldon.

"The company's decentralized strategy approach to business has kind of backfired on them," he said.

The McNeil unit has recalled more than 300 million bottles and packages of Tylenol, Motrin, Rolaids, Benadryl and other products in the past year over faulty manufacturing and quality control problems.

And Weldon was called to testify before Congress about problems that left pharmacy and supermarket shelves without Children's Tylenol.

But Weldon's 2010 compensation only fell to $28.7 million from the $30.8 million he received in 2009. His performance bonus of $1.98 million was down 45 percent from 2009.

Children's motrin and manufacturing problems have nothing to do with Xerelto kicking Pradaxa's ass.

If it were only Children's Motrin that was recalled, maybe no big deal. But, it was not. Certainly will create some doubt when I 'accidentally' mention it to a couple of the cardiologists that I call on. And forget about the PC docs....they won't touch it.
Motrin, Tylenol, Benedryl, Rolaids, Sudafed, zyrtec, Mylanta, Invega....more than 40 products recalled this year. Sure hope they don't recall by crotch powder....don't want a case of swamp-ass.

Have fun representing that company!

Read this, then suck my dick to completion. Who gives a fuck about how many companies they own....other than you?

(Reuters) - After a year in which Johnson & Johnson's product quality control was deemed such a shambles that the U.S. government will oversee some plants, the board had praise for Chief Executive William Weldon and awarded him almost $29 million in overall compensation.

The once golden reputation of the diversified healthcare giant was severely tarnished in 2010 by seemingly endless recalls of high profile consumer products as well as recalls of medical devices and products from other units.

U.S. consumer product sales fell by more than 19 percent in 2010 as recalls cost the company $900 million in sales, and the company's 2011 forecast for earnings growth of only 1 to 3 percent fell shy of Wall Street projections.

J&J has lost about $18.5 billion in market value since the end of 2009, its share price declining $6.75 through Wednesday's close.

Weldon's compensation was trimmed 7 percent, but in what appears to be a disconnect with a steady stream of bad news

J&J's board, in a year-end regulatory filing, said he "generally met expectations" in a year in which "operational sales declined and fell below the goals for the year."

"The board believes that Mr. Weldon provided strong leadership during a very demanding year and has worked to resolve multiple challenging issues and position the company for future growth," it said in the filing.

The rash of consumer medicine recalls in 2009 and 2010 were largely responsible for the first back-to-back years of company sales declines since World War II.

Last week, U.S. health regulators filed a consent decree against J&J's McNeil consumer unit that will put some of its manufacturing plants under government supervision for at least five years.

"It's pretty common for the board to be pretty forgiving of senior management," said Michael Dauchot, a senior analyst and portfolio manager at RCM Capital Management, which holds J&J shares.

"Obviously there are some endemic problems at the company that need to be addressed," Dauchot said, adding that the board clearly does not believe the blame lies with Weldon.

"The company's decentralized strategy approach to business has kind of backfired on them," he said.

The McNeil unit has recalled more than 300 million bottles and packages of Tylenol, Motrin, Rolaids, Benadryl and other products in the past year over faulty manufacturing and quality control problems.

And Weldon was called to testify before Congress about problems that left pharmacy and supermarket shelves without Children's Tylenol.

But Weldon's 2010 compensation only fell to $28.7 million from the $30.8 million he received in 2009. His performance bonus of $1.98 million was down 45 percent from 2009.

The bigger the company the bigger the problems-put things into perspective

If it were only Children's Motrin that was recalled, maybe no big deal. But, it was not. Certainly will create some doubt when I 'accidentally' mention it to a couple of the cardiologists that I call on. And forget about the PC docs....they won't touch it.
Motrin, Tylenol, Benedryl, Rolaids, Sudafed, zyrtec, Mylanta, Invega....more than 40 products recalled this year. Sure hope they don't recall by crotch powder....don't want a case of swamp-ass.

Have fun representing that company!

Be careful many of those docs own J&J stock, as do regular people, even reps that never worked for J&J, the bigger competition is coumadin, branded coumadin, not warfarin. J&J will always be in second place because of launch timing. J&J can price xareltro less expensive, and yes compete in volume. But xareltro as a P450 drug, it's dirty. Slow and steady wins the race, as pradaxa will come out with more indications and in time different delivery systems ie extended release, for GI tubes etc etc. BI is launching pradaxa conservatively and will build a multi billion dollar brand , I predict within 7 years. So don't discredit yourself with cardiologists etc- pradaxa is clearly a cleaner drug and has efficacy - xareltro will also have efficacy so you will never see a head to head study of pradaxa vs xareltro so sell efficacy now of pradaxa because we have it- but nail xareltro with what a dirty dirty drug it is and with that comes a big fear for practioners, it's called medical liability. zzzzzz xareltro is not competition. And PCP's will prescribe pradaxa, they are part of the patient's care. BI knows what they are doing, been around a few blockbuster product launches and this is exactly how they started out. J& J will always be in second place. This isnt a sprint. If offered a J&J interview I will respectively decline, don't show them your cards, have more respect for yourself as a professional. Don't like to post on cafepharma, but don't want to see BI reps shooting themselves in the foot. So play nice . The best weapon you can have is build your product knowledge, build your knowledge of the disease state etc etc. Pradaxa will be the superior brand and will benefit more patients than what is currently on the market and what is to come. It is truly an incredible molecule,the science of pradaxa speaks for itself.

Run don't walk away from J&J! They haven't had a decent new product lauch in forever! Why do you think they are trying to hire 50% of the new CV reps from outside of J&J. I'ts a
sinking ship

JnJ's drug is going to have major problems.
Look at their board.
They're hated more by there employess, then any other company, and their recent disasters with the FDA are all their for your reading entertainment.

The company is a nightmare, everyone's trying to get out, and JnJ is constantly laying people off around the world and in the US.

The drug, well, lets see, rumors are that the PI will not be as clean as pradaxa's is, including either a warning, or even required monitoring of liver enzymes. In addition, it's not better efficacy then warfarin and will have MC issues for another year.

Good luck with that. Pradaxa will have such a head start, and after all these doc's are dealing with the multac issues, it will be easy for me to go in and bring up the same problems with Xarel-NO sales.....

Just look at what happened in Europe when Riva cam out Xarelto lost 60% of it's sales, if you think Pradaxa will survive, you are smoking something..

I have scheduled 3 face to face interviews this coming Wednesday. They are holding a mass interviewing day. Two of us are riding together.
Do you think when BI corporate hears that the hospital legacy reps are going to Johnson and Johnson for an office based job and still getting a pay increase they will realize there are major management issues here in the central region?????


Amen! Can we please have an HR intervention? There have been several calls to HR made by myself and several colleagues and nothing changes. Here in the central region-we are all looking.

Amen! Can we please have an HR intervention? There have been several calls to HR made by myself and several colleagues and nothing changes. Here in the central region-we are all looking.

Must be required to make excuses to work in the middle of the country. East and West coasts seem to do just fun with product launches as well as current portfolio.

You central clowns screw things up for the rest of us that actually DO perform.

Must be required to make excuses to work in the middle of the country. East and West coasts seem to do just fun with product launches as well as current portfolio.

You central clowns screw things up for the rest of us that actually DO perform.

We are the CENTRAL REGION STORM for your information! We were named storm because our RD moved Lilly into our region and took over with out any warning. This isn't about not hitting numbers. If you look as regions we are ranked second out of three. This is about an environment that is not a good one and has nothing to do with the launch other than TL made a mistake in who he put into place. The RD and the AE's are poor team members and cackle like hens behind everyones back. I cannot leave right now since I just came to BI which was the biggest mistake I have ever made, but this is not about products or numbers!