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JNJ Recruiter

We are the CENTRAL REGION STORM for your information! We were named storm because our RD moved Lilly into our region and took over with out any warning. This isn't about not hitting numbers. If you look as regions we are ranked second out of three. This is about an environment that is not a good one and has nothing to do with the launch other than TL made a mistake in who he put into place. The RD and the AE's are poor team members and cackle like hens behind everyones back. I cannot leave right now since I just came to BI which was the biggest mistake I have ever made, but this is not about products or numbers!

The RD, RL is terrible.
Old team culture that only puts up walls.

I hate to see anyone leave, but I certainly understand that people can only take so much! HR is completely clueless and as a previous poster stated, you can complain all you want but nothing seems to change. I can't speak for the Central Region, but in my Region, the the greatest frustration is just trying to make a good business decision with all of the BI processes and "check-the-box" exercises. It seems that every week my PC and Specilaty partners are having some sort of emergancy T1/T2, Reach and Frequency conference call. They are constantly being beaten up for trying to call on people who can actually write Pradaxa. Their Target Lists are completely screwed up! They have customers that are wanting to write and have far more potential than the T1/T2 docs on their lists but they have not been called on because they are not on the "List"! Instead they are having to put all of their focus on docs who have no anti-coag volume. The DMs are being forced to drive this behavior.They all agree it is idiotic. You should have heard them at our last Geo-Team meeting. They are just as frustrated as us. Are we just going to ignore these issues and keep going blindly down this path? What needs to happen to get someone to listen? Everyone is so busy blaming someone else that no one is doing anything about it. I have only been with BI for 6 months, but I can tell you I have NEVER seen such a poorly run company! This company also has no regard for family or personal time. My partners are great and I could not have asked for a better DM, but JnJ is looking better every day! I just dont want to go through another 4 months of training. I keep hoping it will get better, but it just gets worse every day. I do think TL is fighting the good fight. We have far fewer "emergancies" we have to deal with than our PCP brethern, and we can still make decisions that drive business rather than the number of T1/T2 calls we make or targets we get to a program. Now I hear we have a Vendor who is going to recruit the T1 and T2 docs for us! Great! I am sure the docs are just in their offices waiting to take that call. Does this company have a Vendor for every function? If Germany or BJ or whoever is making these decisions would just TRUST the DMs and Reps to call on the docs they know drive the business, perhaps it is not too late to save Pradaxa!

Leaving to go to JNJ is a step in the right direction as they have so many opportunities in pharma and non pharma. For those of you who are brave enough to leave the industry.....Congratulations on believing in yourself and breaking free from the golden handcuffs and leave the industry. Only the most hardworking and successful of people are brave enough to move to greener pastures in this economy. Everyone here who's coasting and hanging on until each yearly layoff is not going to recognize the pharma divisions in the next year. This is not the BI of a few years ago.
Whether it's with BI or another company there are a few things that won't change...the industry is dying. The Sunshine Act will foster that at the end of this year.
If you are a high performer you will succeed anywhere. I am retiring next year and will stick it out here, but I don't expect the divisions to be this plump in 2012.

Leaving to go to JNJ is a step in the right direction as they have so many opportunities in pharma and non pharma. For those of you who are brave enough to leave the industry.....Congratulations on believing in yourself and breaking free from the golden handcuffs and leave the industry. Only the most hardworking and successful of people are brave enough to move to greener pastures in this economy. Everyone here who's coasting and hanging on until each yearly layoff is not going to recognize the pharma divisions in the next year. This is not the BI of a few years ago.
Whether it's with BI or another company there are a few things that won't change...the industry is dying. The Sunshine Act will foster that at the end of this year.
If you are a high performer you will succeed anywhere. I am retiring next year and will stick it out here, but I don't expect the divisions to be this plump in 2012.

Pharma isn't dying... sales is. Good luck and enjoy retirement.

Pharma isn't dying... sales is. Good luck and enjoy retirement.

Have had discussions with JNJ DM about a local position. Not biting. If you thought BI mgmt was delusional. These guys are delusion on a fucking acid trip. Their only shot they have is rebating the hell out of this for MHC acceptance or by bribing ppl to write. Efficacy is failure. VTE is failure. I don't even like BI but the momentum that the reps have built is going to be a problem...they'll get pradaxa failures that's it. BI should lower price momentarily and rebate Pradaxa to ice these guys.....leave pharma or leave pharma that should be anyone under 40's main goal. Unless you were going to the stent division or ethicon straight up from BI it isn't worth it.

Have had discussions with JNJ DM about a local position. Not biting. If you thought BI mgmt was delusional. These guys are delusion on a fucking acid trip. Their only shot they have is rebating the hell out of this for MHC acceptance or by bribing ppl to write. Efficacy is failure. VTE is failure. I don't even like BI but the momentum that the reps have built is going to be a problem...they'll get pradaxa failures that's it. BI should lower price momentarily and rebate Pradaxa to ice these guys.....leave pharma or leave pharma that should be anyone under 40's main goal. Unless you were going to the stent division or ethicon straight up from BI it isn't worth it.

I used to work at JnJ......It was a great place then. I interviewed with the spec DM last week. Great guy....very canid. He said that he would not pursue this option unless unemployed. Risky endeavor. Take that for what its worth!

I used to work at JnJ......It was a great place then. I interviewed with the spec DM last week. Great guy....very canid. He said that he would not pursue this option unless unemployed. Risky endeavor. Take that for what its worth!

Thanks for putting it out there! I got that feeling last week talking to the spec DM in my area as well.

What gives? Got a call from a JNJ recruiter for new CV drug. She set an appt. for the following day and never called me back. I tried calling her number and only get an automated phone service. Any feedback?

They have started the interview process. The DMs at JNJ say they are flooded with BI resumes. there is about to be a huge exodus. Even if they don't hire BI reps, Pradaxa is toast. Way to go BI! Great job launching a drug with a contract sales force. Biggest mistake any pharma company has ever done in history. BJ should be fired for being one of the most worthless humans on the planet.

That's what happens when companies hire washed up old previous pharma directors, like KG, really a mistake BI!

What gives? Got a call from a JNJ recruiter for new CV drug. She set an appt. for the following day and never called me back. I tried calling her number and only get an automated phone service. Any feedback?

not sure if you're ventiv or BI but hearing from my pcp team that JNJ is going after the Ventiv folks first.....this may be why you hadn't heard back if you are a BI rep.

not sure if you're ventiv or BI but hearing from my pcp team that JNJ is going after the Ventiv folks first.....this may be why you hadn't heard back if you are a BI rep.

Not true at all....I am a BI employee and I got a spec interview. I know many JNJ managers (as a former employee). JNJ does not want contract reps....trust me!

JNJ interviewed several of us BI reps only to discover we don't meet their standards. BI is not regarded very highly in the pharma world.
It was disappointing to alot of us who wanted out of here!