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JNJ Recruiter


They have started the interview process. The DMs at JNJ say they are flooded with BI resumes. there is about to be a huge exodus. Even if they don't hire BI reps, Pradaxa is toast. Way to go BI! Great job launching a drug with a contract sales force. Biggest mistake any pharma company has ever done in history. BJ should be fired for being one of the most worthless humans on the planet.

Yeah the DM's are amazed at the tenured reps begging to leave here. Can you imagine the damage that can be done with reps going over there?
Before I gave my notice I copied everything. Really...our territory action plans will come in handy again. Now I know what worked and what didn't work.
This is a perfect gig with $30,000 increase to boot!

Not so fast sport. This is from the Ortho-McNeil board.

Re: When will the interviews for the new CV jobs start?
We were told they would begin in February. They didn't. We were told Managers would be announced in February. They were not. They were hoping for an expedited review from the FDA. Apparently that did not happen. The silence has been deafening.

The devil you know vs. the devil you don't. Sure, BI has its issues, but JnJ is certainly no different. At a minimum, BI has nowhere near the manufacturing issues that JnJ has been toiling with lately. Heck, they can't even get my kid's motrin right....and you want my grandma to take Xarelto? You high?

In addition, we HAVE an approved drug to sell. No guarantees that they get approval or if they do, what the PI will look like. There is a ton more certainty in selling a drug that IS available and IS 1st to market.

But, for some, the grass is always greener. If you do not wish to be here, go and open up a spot for someone that actually wants to be here.

The devil you know vs. the devil you don't. Sure, BI has its issues, but JnJ is certainly no different. At a minimum, BI has nowhere near the manufacturing issues that JnJ has been toiling with lately. Heck, they can't even get my kid's motrin right....and you want my grandma to take Xarelto? You high?

In addition, we HAVE an approved drug to sell. No guarantees that they get approval or if they do, what the PI will look like. There is a ton more certainty in selling a drug that IS available and IS 1st to market.

But, for some, the grass is always greener. If you do not wish to be here, go and open up a spot for someone that actually wants to be here.

You just may be the dumbest human being on the planet. You have to be in Management at this company to be that stupid. Wow! You have no idea what you are talking about.

The devil you know vs. the devil you don't. Sure, BI has its issues, but JnJ is certainly no different. At a minimum, BI has nowhere near the manufacturing issues that JnJ has been toiling with lately. Heck, they can't even get my kid's motrin right....and you want my grandma to take Xarelto? You high?

In addition, we HAVE an approved drug to sell. No guarantees that they get approval or if they do, what the PI will look like. There is a ton more certainty in selling a drug that IS available and IS 1st to market.

But, for some, the grass is always greener. If you do not wish to be here, go and open up a spot for someone that actually wants to be here.

You have to be the biggest moron at BI. You have no clue what you are talking about. You would make a great manager at this dump.

Not so fast sport. This is from the Ortho-McNeil board.

Re: When will the interviews for the new CV jobs start?
We were told they would begin in February. They didn't. We were told Managers would be announced in February. They were not. They were hoping for an expedited review from the FDA. Apparently that did not happen. The silence has been deafening.

I have just left to go to JNJ. It is happening. Sorry BI-you lose.
The DM's are being put into place as we speak and many of your counterparts are interviewing.
Expect FDA approval June or July

Congrats on getting out. I hope to be there soon. JNJs drug will pass Pradaxa like the wind. Primary Care is not writing the drug, and the contract sales force plan is a complete disaster. Layoffs are coming for sure for sleave 2. BJ doesn't want to pay PC reps to drop samples when no one is writing. The whole thing has blown up worse than Japan.

His points seemed pretty on par.

What 'clues' can you impart?

JNJ's drug will get approved with multiple indications and it is QD. Plus, JNJ will get it on plans immediately since they have leverage and understand the business model, unlike BI. Does this make any since to you reach and frequency pieces of shit in sleave 2?

JnJ's drug is going to have major problems.
Look at their board.
They're hated more by there employess, then any other company, and their recent disasters with the FDA are all their for your reading entertainment.

The company is a nightmare, everyone's trying to get out, and JnJ is constantly laying people off around the world and in the US.

The drug, well, lets see, rumors are that the PI will not be as clean as pradaxa's is, including either a warning, or even required monitoring of liver enzymes. In addition, it's not better efficacy then warfarin and will have MC issues for another year.

Good luck with that. Pradaxa will have such a head start, and after all these doc's are dealing with the multac issues, it will be easy for me to go in and bring up the same problems with Xarel-NO sales.....

JNJ's drug will get approved with multiple indications and it is QD. Plus, JNJ will get it on plans immediately since they have leverage and understand the business model, unlike BI. Does this make any since to you reach and frequency pieces of shit in sleave 2?

Absolutely NO guarantee of approval for either indication. They will NOT get it on plans immediately. Medicare plans will sit and wait, just like they have done so with Pradaxa. Keep in mind that their product is not the same category/moa of Pradaxa, and Pradaxa already has many top cards and ep's on board.

Understand the business model??? Is that some catch-phrase you heard in your college business class? What leverage do they have? Aciphex? Risperdal? I know....axert will get them the access for xarelto.

You are a fucking moron that only knows how to throw around buzz words.

You talk a big game but if you really understood the numbers youvayong realize BI is in panick mode. J&J will bring it hard and fast. Money talks in managed care negotiations and BIPI's lack of experience an inabilty to respond quickly to market change will once again sink the ship. Just think Spiriva vs. Advair. Sure, cool aid drinkers believe that we are outpacing advair in the "factored COPD" market but just look at gross sales. BIPI just doesn't have the foresight or the inginuity to own the market...... But they sure as he'll can micromanage T1 calls!

Actually, Spiriva does own the factored market. However, we are certainly not growing. And having he Spiriva DM's hike up to present to corporate is just a waste of time.

This effort should be used for putting together a game plan vs. Symbicort. In addition, maybe a little help (or should i say 'any') from our co-promote partners???

What this has to do with xarelto and JnJ recruiters in beyond me.

Doesn't matter how 'hard and fast' JnJ brings it. They have very little to bargain with, and their profits are shrinking. Giving away loads of rebates will only hurt their low margins. In addition, they can't rebate the hell out of xarelto because it will mortgage their future. Hard to pull back rebates once you have given them to a plan.

Actually, Spiriva does own the factored market. However, we are certainly not growing. And having he Spiriva DM's hike up to present to corporate is just a waste of time.

This effort should be used for putting together a game plan vs. Symbicort. In addition, maybe a little help (or should i say 'any') from our co-promote partners???

What this has to do with xarelto and JnJ recruiters in beyond me.

Doesn't matter how 'hard and fast' JnJ brings it. They have very little to bargain with, and their profits are shrinking. Giving away loads of rebates will only hurt their low margins. In addition, they can't rebate the hell out of xarelto because it will mortgage their future. Hard to pull back rebates once you have given them to a plan.

JNJ's profits are shrinking? JNJ holds more than 300 companies dipshit and is the largest publicly held healthcare stock globally. You have to be a DM with your insane nonsense.