Let's talk about setting expectations since you don't get out of the office much. I guess I better change my sales strategy to include the following topics so that my customers can fully understand the process that management has come up with. I will let my customers expect to...have patients approved internally and then fitted with the vest only to learn that insurance has denied. The result will be the patient paying 3k a month or as management likes to say 10 dollars a week for life. I will tell them that I put orders in with supporting paperwork that shows clearly a previous MI and an EF under 35, only to learn that the patient is denied because the 5 dollar an hour employee you hired to interpret documents can only read swahealy. I will also set the expectation that the Dr might get a phone call on a Friday evening around 11 pm, because a patient called in and complained about something in which a PSR visit could easily rectify, but tech support told the patient to call their Dr and the vest is now being removed. I will then tell the Dr not to worry about the vest being removed on our end without his written or verbal orders because we have a policy in place. This policy will inform sales before any action is taken with the patient. Problem is no one inside has a copy of the policy or doesn't give a shit or is compensated to get vests back from customers for some godly reason. Next I will let the dr know that there is a pretty good chance of an inappropriate shock and if that doesn't kill em Zoll will balance bill the patient to make sure he certainly dies. I will let the Dr know that there is a good chance that if one of his patients dies with the vest on, that customer service will call the day of the funeral and try and retrieve the vest. I will let the Dr know I will be speaking with him with catch phrases such as car seats and parachutes, instead of cardiology terminalogy. I will make sure I tell the Dr that I don't have any more vests in my territory because my account rep is paid to control my inventory. I will also let the Dr know that my PSR may not be in a good mood because my account rep took money away from her, after she drove 3 hours in a snow storm, because she didn't fax back some stupid form that we shred 5 minuets after it hits the Zoll fax machine. In conclusion per one of your previous posts, thank you management and engineering for the well oiled cluster fuck you created. I thank you for "the job" and appreciate all the extra work you have created for me so I can continue to be employed. One question, can you find anymore incompetent people and continue hiring them as managers, tech support and execs? This way you'll always need me to clean up the mess they create!
All on point however, you forgot that you will let your doctors know that when they say they have given you all their appropriate patients you will whip out the trusty AMI calculator. That way they will know how wrong THEY are...