Jamie - You have to do something

Let's talk about setting expectations since you don't get out of the office much. I guess I better change my sales strategy to include the following topics so that my customers can fully understand the process that management has come up with. I will let my customers expect to...have patients approved internally and then fitted with the vest only to learn that insurance has denied. The result will be the patient paying 3k a month or as management likes to say 10 dollars a week for life. I will tell them that I put orders in with supporting paperwork that shows clearly a previous MI and an EF under 35, only to learn that the patient is denied because the 5 dollar an hour employee you hired to interpret documents can only read swahealy. I will also set the expectation that the Dr might get a phone call on a Friday evening around 11 pm, because a patient called in and complained about something in which a PSR visit could easily rectify, but tech support told the patient to call their Dr and the vest is now being removed. I will then tell the Dr not to worry about the vest being removed on our end without his written or verbal orders because we have a policy in place. This policy will inform sales before any action is taken with the patient. Problem is no one inside has a copy of the policy or doesn't give a shit or is compensated to get vests back from customers for some godly reason. Next I will let the dr know that there is a pretty good chance of an inappropriate shock and if that doesn't kill em Zoll will balance bill the patient to make sure he certainly dies. I will let the Dr know that there is a good chance that if one of his patients dies with the vest on, that customer service will call the day of the funeral and try and retrieve the vest. I will let the Dr know I will be speaking with him with catch phrases such as car seats and parachutes, instead of cardiology terminalogy. I will make sure I tell the Dr that I don't have any more vests in my territory because my account rep is paid to control my inventory. I will also let the Dr know that my PSR may not be in a good mood because my account rep took money away from her, after she drove 3 hours in a snow storm, because she didn't fax back some stupid form that we shred 5 minuets after it hits the Zoll fax machine. In conclusion per one of your previous posts, thank you management and engineering for the well oiled cluster fuck you created. I thank you for "the job" and appreciate all the extra work you have created for me so I can continue to be employed. One question, can you find anymore incompetent people and continue hiring them as managers, tech support and execs? This way you'll always need me to clean up the mess they create!

All on point however, you forgot that you will let your doctors know that when they say they have given you all their appropriate patients you will whip out the trusty AMI calculator. That way they will know how wrong THEY are...

Selling to the Japanese was the worst thing that ever happened to Zoll. I left this year after several years. It used to be a great place to be with realistic goals and the device was a lot of fun to sell. Then they got greedy and started expanding and driving unrealistic expectations which I believe were created when RP and the AK execs were sitting around drinking sake. Those guys didn't understand the model or the American healthcare system and were totally bamboozled. It makes me sad to come on this board and see how unhappy people are, and I agree, they have now burned so many bridges with certain cards and really good reps that they have created irreparable damage. The thing is, they don't realize it. They don't understand cardiology and the networking and relationships and how important it is to doctors to build long-term relationships with reps in this field. Parroting a core message doesn't buy you trust. Understanding how doctors think relating to evidence-based medicine does. When the company is driving these goals without an outcomes study and very little support from governing bodies (i.e. AHA, HRS), they are also driving away reps whose primary goal is to hit plan, not what's best for the patient or the doctor's practice. The roof is on fire. There are other ways to make $200k a year. I hoped for a year and a half that things would change and they didnt. So I got out. I'm proud of the lives that were saved under my watch. I still have many friends in the trenches. I wish you all the best of luck.

Hopefully I will get a rely now!! Zoll terminated me NOV,12 on a HIPAA violation. There was no investigation with the hospital that it happened at. Just the word of my RM that road with me one day. He apparently had no ideal the Director of Purchasing gave me a BAA (business associates agreement) with the hospital Which gives me authority to look at charts without HIPAA violation. In addition I HAVE the physicians consent to identify patients. The Hospital was Pissed because Zoll was accusing the hospitals Charge Nurse and floor Supervisor with the HIPAA violation since they gave me the charts. Barry was anxious to fire me from what I was told. ZOLL tossed me in the streets with NO insurance, severance or explanation. As a single dad of 4 this is really taking a toll on me mentally, physically and emotionally. You fired me on FALSE allegations!!! Since you don't give a shit about me or my family!! I have informed all 4 of my hospitals about the practice of "stragitic PSR". This is a HIPAA violation waiting to happen , I was told. Zoll wants us to find RN that have access to potential patients, look in there charts and "identify" if they meet the requirements for LV. Hospitals informed me this breaks the "Minimum Necessary Information rule" and "Patient Privacy Rule". Anybody that knows little about HIPAA will tell you this is in violation because the RN is doing it for personal financial gain by looking at the patients chart. This carries the maximum HIPAA criminal penalty of 10 years prison and $250,000 fine, look it up. Both hospitals informed me if that happens the TM and Zoll will go down with them. Territory managers are playing with fire and Zoll does not give a shit just get MO's. Just ask ANY hospital Director of Nursing, don't take my word. ALSO why are the PSR not VCS or Reptrac credentialed??? Ive spoke with my hospitals about this. They ALL said Zoll knows better since Zoll make all there employees credentialed. Next time you check in your hospital ask the purchasing director about it. They will say yes they have to check in. SHIT they wont the florist to check in, that's why they leave flower at front desk so they don't have to be VCS.... ZOLL you tossed me in the streets for false allegation that have been proven false by the hospital. You also fit all 3 patients that you said i obtained patient information ILLEGALLY or with a HIPAA violation. You processed the order charged the patients insurance with the illegally obtained information and fit them.. I'M pretty sure that's INSURANCE FRAUD. Using patient information that you fired me for... HUMMMM. Don't worry hospitals doing the investigation. Can anybody let me know why Zoll did this to me. I will keep pleading my case to every body until i get the answer.. Jamie the 50% quota increase is impossible, which makes TM do the questionable actions to them selves and hospital staff. Every day my family struggles on where to get money for food or rent, I WILL educated every hospital I can reach in the USA on the questionable practices. You have ruined my family's life on a FALSE allegation, Ill do everything I can to return the favor to ZOLL

I am so sorry this happened to you. What I can tell you is that the "strategic" PSR is against HIPPA policy AND every healthcare professional I know in any state in the USA would be FIRED for looking at patient information (including charts) if they are NOT taking care of that specific patient. This is a HIPPA violation for the hospital employee AND they will be terminated once they are caught or someone turns them in.

I think you now have sen able to see that Zoll will do anything and everything to ruin you and your career..it happens to everyone.

I am so sorry this happened to you. What I can tell you is that the "strategic" PSR is against HIPPA policy AND every healthcare professional I know in any state in the USA would be FIRED for looking at patient information (including charts) if they are NOT taking care of that specific patient. This is a HIPPA violation for the hospital employee AND they will be terminated once they are caught or someone turns them in.

I think you now have sen able to see that Zoll will do anything and everything to ruin you and your career..it happens to everyone.

Zoll is very careful yo separate themselves legally. PSRs are contractors not employees. Nominal charges for accredidarion and the "medicare requires this bs" is all done to establish a firewall. However slimy the business practices are (e.g. obtaining documents, bedside pt agreement signing etc.) Its difficultlt to pin on them. Besides the examples above, you need evidence of condoned practice (eg emails).

YES they have tried to cover there butt. IN the end it doesn't matter what Zoll thinks.. I have been told that IF the hospital knows the truth and thinks ZOLL puts there employees in potential danger (for HIPAA violation) they can kick Zoll employees out of the hospital. I mean SHIT that's what were there doing is trying to do "IDENTIFY" the pt. We ALL been in hospital and talking to our "favorite RN" making our rounds and ask if there's any potential PT. OH wait that's considered "educating the staff" YOU ARE LYING IF A REP SAYS HE OR SHE HAS NEVER ASKED THAT!!! our families rely on those MO's. Zoll would say we don't condone that , BUT you need to get the patients or you get fired. AGAIN how are we going to get MO's??? We have all talked to the Dr's till were blue in the face. They say I love the product and Im giving you all of them. Zoll is saying they are lying and WE need to find the other PATIENTS.... HOW the heck are we to do that and stay in HIPAA compliant?? My brother-in-law is the director of HR at one of the hospital. This is where I'm getting all the information. ZOLL should have just given me a severance, it would have cost them a lot less in the end. BUT SCREW ME , were all a dime a dozen. right zoll???

PSR very touchy subject. True they are contractors but Somebody has to be held liable if they tell the patient the wrong information or forget to tell them to take it off in shower and a accident happens or a death. Zoll hold classes to teach them the product and send them to the hospital and pays them. If a PSR does harm to a patient Zoll will be held liable. There was a case where TV company hired some temporary contract people to help out with installment because they were behind. The contracted workers put cameras in the houses and was spying on the customers. TV provider tried that defense "they were not officially our employees" and they were still found accountable for the employees actions and got sued.

They all need to be VCS or Reptrac credentialed. Shoot just call and ask ANY hospitals HR or purchasing director. The reason they don't talk about this is They know that $400+ would be to expensive and would loose a lot of PSR's. Zoll don't want to pay for all of them either. Again Zoll does NOT cares about keeping people in compliance with hospital policies just MO's!!

If you do Zoll then explain why are they not credentialed? Hospitals said they should!!!

Zoll will not change anything until the hospital are aware and suspend them or the corporate office (HCA, TENIT, HHC.ect) are aware of this activity. Hospitals see it as Zoll is putting hospital staff and patients in possible jeopardy.

I also want to know, If Zoll used illegally obtained information to fit a patient isn't that insurance fraud? Or a HIPAA violation?? You used the patients info that I got fired for because I received it with a HIPAA violation... How the HELL does that work???

Zoll is very careful yo separate themselves legally. PSRs are contractors not employees. Nominal charges for accredidarion and the "medicare requires this bs" is all done to establish a firewall. However slimy the business practices are (e.g. obtaining documents, bedside pt agreement signing etc.) Its difficultlt to pin on them. Besides the examples above, you need evidence of condoned practice (eg emails).

I'm not so sure Zoll is as protected as they think. Yes the PSRs are contracted and NOT Zoll employees. They do this for a reason as they are asking these PSRs to identify patients, submit paperwork to clean exceptions, etc. If the PRS is an employee of the hospital the PSR is in violation of HIPPA policy if they even look at a patient chart for someone that they do not have assigned responsibility for and they will be fired as soon as the hospital finds out what is happening as they can trace every single key stoke on the hospital site and see which employees have look at which patient charts and records. Once this happens they will be fired front he hospital. First and for most the PSRs own the issue as they should have known that what they are doing is against HIPPA and they will be fired from their first job. Secondly, when the DOJ or other group looks in to the PSR model they will see a model set up for self referral and illegally obtained documents. The procedure for any PSR to obtain documents and identify patients is against HIPPA policy so Zoll will go down with the PSRs. It will just take a few PSRs to be fired for HIPPA and then when they share how the Zoll model is set up, the lawyers will see that Zoll is a contributor to the violations. Lets be honest Zoll doesn't want their own employees doing the PSR roll as they won't get as many orders as they will have eliminated the self ref feral AND they would be in violation of HPPA. Either way you cut it Zoll has set up a slimy policy and minimally they are accessories and have set up the platform for HIPPA violations all ver the place. Quite honestly even reps getting patient reports violates HIPPA policy.

Amen They are not protected when screwing with corporate hospitals. When the hospitals are informed about this practice they are and will be furious with Zoll. HOSPITALS SEE THROUGH THE BS. The Hospitals spend a lot of money and time getting the RN's up to speed on EMR, policies ect. They all want to protect there RN from any outside influences that could (and will) lead to HIPAA violations in one way or the other. It's the hospitals obligation to protect there own from influences like Zoll. RN's are adults but the TM talk them into it with the lure of money and relationship. That's why TM always talk about relationships with there strategic psr and it takes months or years to develop. Also been hearing alot about the SSR. Shoot I think one sits at Oklahoma heart all day. Wonder how many HIPAA violations they have a day.