Jamie - You have to do something

Please leave and try to find some other place that affords you the opportunity you have here to make serious money while improving the lives of many unfortunate souls. Cry babies never win!

Sorry to break it to you, but there are tons of places that offer the opportunity to make 75K base. The opportunity to make your commissions longer than 18 months or so here isn't real. Even the at plan number of 157K for a rep can be made just about anywhere. You may want to gain insight in what reps make at just about ANY other company. The compensation communicated to reps here when they join IS NOT REAL after 1-2 years.

Sorry to break it to you, but there are tons of places that offer the opportunity to make 75K base. The opportunity to make your commissions longer than 18 months or so here isn't real. Even the at plan number of 157K for a rep can be made just about anywhere. You may want to gain insight in what reps make at just about ANY other company. The compensation communicated to reps here when they join IS NOT REAL after 1-2 years.

The comp is fair and we pay based on performance. Produce whiners or leave! We comp very well compared to industry standards.

The comp is fair and we pay based on performance. Produce whiners or leave! We comp very well compared to industry standards.

What a generic bullshit statement. All medical sales companies pay on performance. It's the process that management has in place, along with the ridiculous quota system,that leads the DME industry in stupidity! The whining as you state, are the cries from the overwhelming number of sales people, who have to put out fires from stupid policies and decisions that your management colleagues have implemented. You guys haven't listened in years. You keep stating how it's only a small minority of people complaining, but every year when you attend the national meeting over 70 percent of the room are new employees! So what is it? Are there real deep rooted problems that are inhibiting people from being successful, or are the managers just unable to do their job and hire good people? Let me answer. The word is out on how ridiculous this organization really is. all your rhetoric is futile. Dont sit back and pretend your Medtronic and your talking to a handful of flunkies that are complaining because they aren't making 250k. The process has been removed from the sales force hands. We can no longer control our destiny and growth. You decide when to send out a PSR to take care of a patient. When patients call in complaining about the vest you don't alert the sales rep, you call logistics so you can have the vest returned. You balance bill patients and we are left confronting angry Doctors and patients. You teach scare tactics and instruct managers to scare the hell out of patients so they won't return the vest. You preach fuzzy math and claim When a patient hasn't passed out, and is shocked in V tach, that it's a save. Don't tell us we're whining either step and address the issues and stop the turnover, or give in to the fact that your a spineless manager that lives by the moto see no evil speak no evil hear no evil.

What a generic bullshit statement. All medical sales companies pay on performance. It's the process that management has in place, along with the ridiculous quota system,that leads the DME industry in stupidity! The whining as you state, are the cries from the overwhelming number of sales people, who have to put out fires from stupid policies and decisions that your management colleagues have implemented. You guys haven't listened in years. You keep stating how it's only a small minority of people complaining, but every year when you attend the national meeting over 70 percent of the room are new employees! So what is it? Are there real deep rooted problems that are inhibiting people from being successful, or are the managers just unable to do their job and hire good people? Let me answer. The word is out on how ridiculous this organization really is. all your rhetoric is futile. Dont sit back and pretend your Medtronic and your talking to a handful of flunkies that are complaining because they aren't making 250k. The process has been removed from the sales force hands. We can no longer control our destiny and growth. You decide when to send out a PSR to take care of a patient. When patients call in complaining about the vest you don't alert the sales rep, you call logistics so you can have the vest returned. You balance bill patients and we are left confronting angry Doctors and patients. You teach scare tactics and instruct managers to scare the hell out of patients so they won't return the vest. You preach fuzzy math and claim When a patient hasn't passed out, and is shocked in V tach, that it's a save. Don't tell us we're whining either step and address the issues and stop the turnover, or give in to the fact that your a spineless manager that lives by the moto see no evil speak no evil hear no evil.

Lol so accurate! Take that Mr clueless manager!!!

What a generic bullshit statement. All medical sales companies pay on performance. It's the process that management has in place, along with the ridiculous quota system,that leads the DME industry in stupidity! The whining as you state, are the cries from the overwhelming number of sales people, who have to put out fires from stupid policies and decisions that your management colleagues have implemented. You guys haven't listened in years. You keep stating how it's only a small minority of people complaining, but every year when you attend the national meeting over 70 percent of the room are new employees! So what is it? Are there real deep rooted problems that are inhibiting people from being successful, or are the managers just unable to do their job and hire good people? Let me answer. The word is out on how ridiculous this organization really is. all your rhetoric is futile. Dont sit back and pretend your Medtronic and your talking to a handful of flunkies that are complaining because they aren't making 250k. The process has been removed from the sales force hands. We can no longer control our destiny and growth. You decide when to send out a PSR to take care of a patient. When patients call in complaining about the vest you don't alert the sales rep, you call logistics so you can have the vest returned. You balance bill patients and we are left confronting angry Doctors and patients. You teach scare tactics and instruct managers to scare the hell out of patients so they won't return the vest. You preach fuzzy math and claim When a patient hasn't passed out, and is shocked in V tach, that it's a save. Don't tell us we're whining either step and address the issues and stop the turnover, or give in to the fact that your a spineless manager that lives by the moto see no evil speak no evil hear no evil.

Perform your job more effectively and we wouldn't have to return as many vests. And be more professional managing the angst of your doctors and patients when expectations don't materialize. We pay you to do that, have you forgotten about that part of your job? Its a shame our sales people cant even live up to the standards of what you call MDT "flunkies". You're a prime example of that!

Please leave and try to find some other place that affords you the opportunity you have here to make serious money while improving the lives of many unfortunate souls. Cry babies never win!

Hear hear! Find a place that doesn't encourage lying, incompetence and blaming others! Let that be a lesson to you puny reps since Zoll customers are obviously stupid!

Be all thankful you have a place to call home and that compensates you fairly in a way that permits more than a reasonable means to take care of your family!!!

NO! You thank us for having a job!!! It really pisses me off when I hear a manager say be happy you have a job or thank us for allowing you to work here and rub your nose in shit. SALES has put this company on the map! Not engineering! Not managers without cardiology experience! Zoll used to hire sales people who had solid cardiology contacts in Hospitals and in offices, who used there relationships to put this company on the map. Few of us are still around who remember our fearless leader wanting to by pass a sales force, and mail the vest, with instructions of course lol, to customers who would then put the vest on a patient! Lol. When our fearless leader came to from his delusion, he realized he needed people with cardiac contacts to SELL the device!!! Those days are over as the majority of sales people who created a market and gave this product creadability, have left due to stupid policies involving tech support and the creation of inventory controlling account reps. So listen here mr or mrs manager, thank us for allowing you to be able to provide invaluable insite, such as parachutes and car seats! You know what? I think I'll keep doing it the old fashioned way and use my contacts and cardiology knowledge to sell the vest correctly. You just sit back and continue to have meetings to come up with ways to screw my customers and create policies that inhibit me to grow my territory. In other words shut up and thank us that we are allowing you to continue to be an idiot!!!

NO! You thank us for having a job!!! It really pisses me off when I hear a manager say be happy you have a job or thank us for allowing you to work here and rub your nose in shit. SALES has put this company on the map! Not engineering! Not managers without cardiology experience! Zoll used to hire sales people who had solid cardiology contacts in Hospitals and in offices, who used there relationships to put this company on the map. Few of us are still around who remember our fearless leader wanting to by pass a sales force, and mail the vest, with instructions of course lol, to customers who would then put the vest on a patient! Lol. When our fearless leader came to from his delusion, he realized he needed people with cardiac contacts to SELL the device!!! Those days are over as the majority of sales people who created a market and gave this product creadability, have left due to stupid policies involving tech support and the creation of inventory controlling account reps. So listen here mr or mrs manager, thank us for allowing you to be able to provide invaluable insite, such as parachutes and car seats! You know what? I think I'll keep doing it the old fashioned way and use my contacts and cardiology knowledge to sell the vest correctly. You just sit back and continue to have meetings to come up with ways to screw my customers and create policies that inhibit me to grow my territory. In other words shut up and thank us that we are allowing you to continue to be an idiot!!!

Again, complaining will get you no where. it is wasted time and not productive here. Leave if you dont like us. We bust our ass as much as you do and management does what it can to take care of our people. Yes, be thankful you have a job and dont make it sound like you are the reason we have become what we have become. Engineering DOES play an instrumental role here and its the sales people that forget that. Stop whining and please get off here and go sell something!!

Perform your job more effectively and we wouldn't have to return as many vests. And be more professional managing the angst of your doctors and patients when expectations don't materialize. We pay you to do that, have you forgotten about that part of your job? Its a shame our sales people cant even live up to the standards of what you call MDT "flunkies". You're a prime example of that!

How do you manage patients that call up Zoll customer service complaining the vest is rubbing on there sternotomy, only to be told by some half ass want to be dr customer service rep, that nothing can be done? Maybe I shold mange expectations by having all the patients call your house, so we can avoid customer service transferring the call to logistics, so the vest can be returned. Maybe you should learn the process before you offer solutions to problems that are affecting our ability to expand our business. Maybe you should learn a little cardiology before you tell people how to manage expectations. You don't pay me for anything! In fact it's your policies that have created the frustration and turnover that plagues this company. I have exceeded my quota each year in spite of policies you create! It's a shame you have your head so far up your ass you can't see the light of day! What's it like being a yes man? What's it like knowing when you interview, that qualified people with cardiac backgrounds laugh at the opportunity? You ever worked for a company that designed a quota system that forces reps to look elsewhere after a year or two? Why don't you be specific instead of talking in rhetoric about how to manage tech support?? Physicians that are angry over balance billing? The fact that you would like to strap the vest on your dog to make a number rather than people that actually need it? Matter of fact let's see how much cardiac knowledge you really have. What type of patients really need the vest? Pass on the scare tactics I've got 25 years of cardiac experience. Pass on the rhetoric I was a previous cardiac medical device regional manager. Pass on the bull shit I was a previous director of sales for a radiology company. So hit us with your best shot. Who should wear the vest? After we see your answer let's see if it matches your regions quota? Better yet let's pull out the PCI calculator. When we don't get the answer we want, we'll just throw some magic fairy dust in the air and tell you to double it!!! Why don't you just get in one of your reps automobiles, shut up, and get out of the way. And make sure you bring your neck brace your bobble head routine is a cause for concern.

Again, complaining will get you no where. it is wasted time and not productive here. Leave if you dont like us. We bust our ass as much as you do and management does what it can to take care of our people. Yes, be thankful you have a job and dont make it sound like you are the reason we have become what we have become. Engineering DOES play an instrumental role here and its the sales people that forget that. Stop whining and please get off here and go sell something!!

Really? Soooo engineering purchased the algorithm from Phillips?? Oh you mean they designed a new cloth vest. Lol genius!!! Thank you Jesus !!!


Yeah good luck with that. At the end of the day, you're only a sales rep and should have included returning the monies your parent's put up for your college education in your above dreams. Look it is no secret, sales are disposable prima donna's and companies own the customer and build process to ensure so. I guess I would be better served speaking to someone with intelligence rather than sales people. Your plans above will undoubtedly go belly up as you go into self-induced debt. Since it is not in your nature to actually build something just be quiet and do what you are hired for; be a mouth piece. The management team here does care for you and your family and we hope you will follow our leadership. If you do, you will be rewarded and build a good life. If you don't want to follow then don't worry we will help you leave quickly so you can be on your way to a calamity that awaits your sales destiny. 1

Lol I've been doing the same thing since I came back from last years disastrous national sales meeting. I saw the writing on the wall. Room full of new people, Jamie telling the woman to shack up 3 to a room. Management didn't care about me so I found another job. Base was 80 plus Zoll base makes it 150. I'm still hitting my Zoll number because I have terrific contacts at the last 2 hospitals Zoll hasn't taken away from me. All together 300k and I work about 7-10 hours a week for Zoll. They don't want to listen than good who cares. My new manager has sold our current product understands the market and the company goes out of there way to help me sell. Thanks for the money Zoll. I figure maybe another year and a half before their quota is unattainable. Manager is clueless so it works our perfectly!!!


Its not that bad here. I may be a minority commenting here on behalf of management, but this is a great place to work. Reps will be reps. Its never good enough wherever the whiners go. Haters can leave. This company takes care of its people better than most and gives them a lot. My two cents

Again, complaining will get you no where. it is wasted time and not productive here. Leave if you dont like us. We bust our ass as much as you do and management does what it can to take care of our people. Yes, be thankful you have a job and dont make it sound like you are the reason we have become what we have become. Engineering DOES play an instrumental role here and its the sales people that forget that. Stop whining and please get off here and go sell something!!

Let's talk about setting expectations since you don't get out of the office much. I guess I better change my sales strategy to include the following topics so that my customers can fully understand the process that management has come up with. I will let my customers expect to...have patients approved internally and then fitted with the vest only to learn that insurance has denied. The result will be the patient paying 3k a month or as management likes to say 10 dollars a week for life. I will tell them that I put orders in with supporting paperwork that shows clearly a previous MI and an EF under 35, only to learn that the patient is denied because the 5 dollar an hour employee you hired to interpret documents can only read swahealy. I will also set the expectation that the Dr might get a phone call on a Friday evening around 11 pm, because a patient called in and complained about something in which a PSR visit could easily rectify, but tech support told the patient to call their Dr and the vest is now being removed. I will then tell the Dr not to worry about the vest being removed on our end without his written or verbal orders because we have a policy in place. This policy will inform sales before any action is taken with the patient. Problem is no one inside has a copy of the policy or doesn't give a shit or is compensated to get vests back from customers for some godly reason. Next I will let the dr know that there is a pretty good chance of an inappropriate shock and if that doesn't kill em Zoll will balance bill the patient to make sure he certainly dies. I will let the Dr know that there is a good chance that if one of his patients dies with the vest on, that customer service will call the day of the funeral and try and retrieve the vest. I will let the Dr know I will be speaking with him with catch phrases such as car seats and parachutes, instead of cardiology terminalogy. I will make sure I tell the Dr that I don't have any more vests in my territory because my account rep is paid to control my inventory. I will also let the Dr know that my PSR may not be in a good mood because my account rep took money away from her, after she drove 3 hours in a snow storm, because she didn't fax back some stupid form that we shred 5 minuets after it hits the Zoll fax machine. In conclusion per one of your previous posts, thank you management and engineering for the well oiled cluster fuck you created. I thank you for "the job" and appreciate all the extra work you have created for me so I can continue to be employed. One question, can you find anymore incompetent people and continue hiring them as managers, tech support and execs? This way you'll always need me to clean up the mess they create!

Its not that bad here. I may be a minority commenting here on behalf of management, but this is a great place to work. Reps will be reps. Its never good enough wherever the whiners go. Haters can leave. This company takes care of its people better than most and gives them a lot. My two cents

3 strikes:

- You're in management
- You believe Zoll is a "great place to work"
- You're in the minority

and you're out!!!

Again, complaining will get you no where. it is wasted time and not productive here. Leave if you dont like us. We bust our ass as much as you do and management does what it can to take care of our people. Yes, be thankful you have a job and dont make it sound like you are the reason we have become what we have become. Engineering DOES play an instrumental role here and its the sales people that forget that. Stop whining and please get off here and go sell something!!

I guess you don't get the concept of cafe pharma. We the employees, let prospective hires or customers, fully understand the shit hole you've created. Nobody's complaining. We've already did that and you didn't listen. So we expose and let people know what to expect if they come here. And by the way, we are taking your advice as over 100 reps leave every year!!! More impactful than saying 70 percent isn't it?

Let's talk about setting expectations since you don't get out of the office much. I guess I better change my sales strategy to include the following topics so that my customers can fully understand the process that management has come up with. I will let my customers expect to...have patients approved internally and then fitted with the vest only to learn that insurance has denied. The result will be the patient paying 3k a month or as management likes to say 10 dollars a week for life. I will tell them that I put orders in with supporting paperwork that shows clearly a previous MI and an EF under 35, only to learn that the patient is denied because the 5 dollar an hour employee you hired to interpret documents can only read swahealy. I will also set the expectation that the Dr might get a phone call on a Friday evening around 11 pm, because a patient called in and complained about something in which a PSR visit could easily rectify, but tech support told the patient to call their Dr and the vest is now being removed. I will then tell the Dr not to worry about the vest being removed on our end without his written or verbal orders because we have a policy in place. This policy will inform sales before any action is taken with the patient. Problem is no one inside has a copy of the policy or doesn't give a shit or is compensated to get vests back from customers for some godly reason. Next I will let the dr know that there is a pretty good chance of an inappropriate shock and if that doesn't kill em Zoll will balance bill the patient to make sure he certainly dies. I will let the Dr know that there is a good chance that if one of his patients dies with the vest on, that customer service will call the day of the funeral and try and retrieve the vest. I will let the Dr know I will be speaking with him with catch phrases such as car seats and parachutes, instead of cardiology terminalogy. I will make sure I tell the Dr that I don't have any more vests in my territory because my account rep is paid to control my inventory. I will also let the Dr know that my PSR may not be in a good mood because my account rep took money away from her, after she drove 3 hours in a snow storm, because she didn't fax back some stupid form that we shred 5 minuets after it hits the Zoll fax machine. In conclusion per one of your previous posts, thank you management and engineering for the well oiled cluster fuck you created. I thank you for "the job" and appreciate all the extra work you have created for me so I can continue to be employed. One question, can you find anymore incompetent people and continue hiring them as managers, tech support and execs? This way you'll always need me to clean up the mess they create!

"Well oiled cluster fuck"...SO accurate! Can I get that on my business cards?