Jamie - You have to do something

leave jamie alone. I like him and he knows how to do his job you dbag. Be fortunate you you have an opportunity to work for a company like Zoll that values its field people and doesn't spew useless rhetoric like frustrated reps that don't know how to sell with great data!!

Really!!! OMG you really are naïve and frankly comprehensively challenged. You honestly think the company has been sincere in its operations, commitments and meaningful data (transparency). First off, take your meds the focus of the conversation was on lack of sales leadership and not the spewing of "rhetoric". I would argue with you that the information regarding the company is spot on and therefore not useless.

As for fortune-I would say that the vast majority of the sales team want to control their destiny and are self -actualized towards real results and performance. Many have earned the trust to treat patients and therefore garner some physician respect/rapport. You perhaps have lost sight of real values and that is sad.

leave jamie alone. I like him and he knows how to do his job you dbag. Be fortunate you you have an opportunity to work for a company like Zoll that values its field people and doesn't spew useless rhetoric like frustrated reps that don't know how to sell with great data!!

SHUT UP Barton. Your a hack go pump more juice.

Really!!! OMG you really are naïve and frankly comprehensively challenged. You honestly think the company has been sincere in its operations, commitments and meaningful data (transparency). First off, take your meds the focus of the conversation was on lack of sales leadership and not the spewing of "rhetoric". I would argue with you that the information regarding the company is spot on and therefore not useless.

As for fortune-I would say that the vast majority of the sales team want to control their destiny and are self -actualized towards real results and performance. Many have earned the trust to treat patients and therefore garner some physician respect/rapport. You perhaps have lost sight of real values and that is sad.

You are awesome!

leave jamie alone. I like him and he knows how to do his job you dbag. Be fortunate you you have an opportunity to work for a company like Zoll that values its field people and doesn't spew useless rhetoric like frustrated reps that don't know how to sell with great data!!

LOL! Thank you for the self promotion Jamie! Hilarious that you or anyone would think that there is good data. As you know there isn't any data period. And that my friends is exactly why people leave. No sales leadership and self promotion at the highest level that is so off base and there is such a disconnect with what the reality is in the field from corporate. This place is a joke.

leave jamie alone. I like him and he knows how to do his job you dbag. Be fortunate you you have an opportunity to work for a company like Zoll that values its field people and doesn't spew useless rhetoric like frustrated reps that don't know how to sell with great data!!

I'm speechless....great data? Because YOU like Jamie were supposed to ignore all of the managerial decisions that have lead to turnover in the 70% range? Frustrated doesn't begin to describe the feelings of a sales team that is not provided a PROCESS to due their job!! Are you happy with tech support? The approval process for putting the vest on? The inability to send out PSRs to fix a problem (not in your control, tech support makes the call) , managers with NO cardiac experience talking to your customers and then teaching you customer focused selling, your ever increasing quota? Your comp plan that is immaterial because you can't hit your plan after a year?? Ok you like Jamie so I guess the rest of use should go on unemployment. Asshole!!

Don't get too upset with the idiot who "likes" Jamie, they are clearly a manager or director trying to save their own ass and playing kiss ass. This place blows and everyone knows it which is why there continues to be 70% or more turn over. Who hires managers that have never sold in Cardiology to manager in a Cardiology Company? Only a company like Zoll who can't get anyone else.

I'm speechless....great data? Because YOU like Jamie were supposed to ignore all of the managerial decisions that have lead to turnover in the 70% range? Frustrated doesn't begin to describe the feelings of a sales team that is not provided a PROCESS to due their job!! Are you happy with tech support? The approval process for putting the vest on? The inability to send out PSRs to fix a problem (not in your control, tech support makes the call) , managers with NO cardiac experience talking to your customers and then teaching you customer focused selling, your ever increasing quota? Your comp plan that is immaterial because you can't hit your plan after a year?? Ok you like Jamie so I guess the rest of use should go on unemployment. Asshole!!

The turnover is much better here it's down to 73%.

Be all thankful you have a place to call home and that compensates you fairly in a way that permits more than a reasonable means to take care of your family!!!

So, you are going with the "be glad you have a job, story." This is a sad statement. In reality. what you are saying is.....this is one step above being homeless or moving your family in to your in-laws. Now that is motivation. The economy will improve at some point over the next couple of years and companies like Zoll will be left holding an empty bag.

Be all thankful you have a place to call home and that compensates you fairly in a way that permits more than a reasonable means to take care of your family!!!

We in sales generate revenue for shareholders! We expect results and leadership to help us drive sales and strategy, none of which is evident in this shit hole. I do not call this place home, a funny farm run by misfits and non-leaders is more like it. Your comments about "liveable wages" exemplifies your outdated arrogance and how out of touch you are with the economy. Such comments would only be attributable to someone who is set to retire and has been bilking companies for years or someone in a secure position of equity (CxO). Either way your comments are without vision, integrity or overall morale fiber that one could follow for a future. Go home Marshall you should have spent these years learning how to be a better man and father.

Maybe ML and team of misfits can start with being better leaders. That starts with admitting they have been screwing everyone for years, that the compensation plan is set up for you to fail and that they do not understand the industry. Yes, I know some people are surpassing their goal and you can wave around your "rookie of the year". The problem is that individual or a few people are new and in their first year, so the quotas were lowered to what the territory was actually doing. In a year or 18 months the quota will be back up to what the level that the previous rep (who left) and then they will start to miss their goal and only make their crappy 75K and then be put on a plan. Until ML and team admits they set up everyone to fail long term they will not have credibility with the sales force as leaders. How many people have to leave and tell you the same thing that the ever increasing 2 week quotas do NOT work long term? But then again, if you don't care about 70% turn over and are ok with getting the next new face in the door (yup you lied/snowed them in the interview) that's ok. Your actions speak louder than words, Zoll does NOT care that the sales force keeps turning over. They want us to think they do, but the really don't. Once you realize this, you're planning your exit strategy lie everyone else! Great leadership!

Maybe ML and team of misfits can start with being better leaders. That starts with admitting they have been screwing everyone for years, that the compensation plan is set up for you to fail and that they do not understand the industry. Yes, I know some people are surpassing their goal and you can wave around your "rookie of the year". The problem is that individual or a few people are new and in their first year, so the quotas were lowered to what the territory was actually doing. In a year or 18 months the quota will be back up to what the level that the previous rep (who left) and then they will start to miss their goal and only make their crappy 75K and then be put on a plan. Until ML and team admits they set up everyone to fail long term they will not have credibility with the sales force as leaders. How many people have to leave and tell you the same thing that the ever increasing 2 week quotas do NOT work long term? But then again, if you don't care about 70% turn over and are ok with getting the next new face in the door (yup you lied/snowed them in the interview) that's ok. Your actions speak louder than words, Zoll does NOT care that the sales force keeps turning over. They want us to think they do, but the really don't. Once you realize this, you're planning your exit strategy lie everyone else! Great leadership!

Take this place for what it is nothing...I for one love the incompetence. I get paid for doing nothing and I mean nothing. Let's see in the past quarter I have worked maybe 40hrs. I recycled some reports and make sure my expenses are in on time. This has afforded me to sell for another company at the same time. The laughable fact is that my second company in which I work and have call with is vastly smoother, organized, driven and understandable than Zoll. Hey pulling $160K in base and benes alone is nothing to sneeze about. Bonus wise Zoll........I could care less as it would at times cover the groceries (assuming they aren't expensed). For the past 3yrs, I have W2'd $320k+, my wife works as well ($95K/yr). Between the two of us we max our 401k ($32K/yr), IRA ($10K), 512plan (3kids-$8K-along with Grandma/pa). We are topside of our mortgage, purchased other property which is valuating (thankfully!). Our goal is to be debt free ($0balance), kids have education funds set, retirement set with dividends/market growth driving up the balance. In 5yrs, its check out time maybe open an ice cream parlor or something B2B service wise. BE YOUR OWN COMPANY AND SET GOALS AND OBJECTIVES. LET THE LOSERS (CxO) STAY WHERE THEY ARE, THIS IS ALL THEY HAVE..

Here here to using this place as your second job. I never looked at it this way before. Who care if you don't make bonus? I'll put in a few hours of work, don't care if I make bonus or not and then work for another company where I can make bonus. It's brilliant. I'm in.

Take this place for what it is nothing...I for one love the incompetence. I get paid for doing nothing and I mean nothing. Let's see in the past quarter I have worked maybe 40hrs. I recycled some reports and make sure my expenses are in on time. This has afforded me to sell for another company at the same time. The laughable fact is that my second company in which I work and have call with is vastly smoother, organized, driven and understandable than Zoll. Hey pulling $160K in base and benes alone is nothing to sneeze about. Bonus wise Zoll........I could care less as it would at times cover the groceries (assuming they aren't expensed). For the past 3yrs, I have W2'd $320k+, my wife works as well ($95K/yr). Between the two of us we max our 401k ($32K/yr), IRA ($10K), 512plan (3kids-$8K-along with Grandma/pa). We are topside of our mortgage, purchased other property which is valuating (thankfully!). Our goal is to be debt free ($0balance), kids have education funds set, retirement set with dividends/market growth driving up the balance. In 5yrs, its check out time maybe open an ice cream parlor or something B2B service wise. BE YOUR OWN COMPANY AND SET GOALS AND OBJECTIVES. LET THE LOSERS (CxO) STAY WHERE THEY ARE, THIS IS ALL THEY HAVE..

Yeah good luck with that. At the end of the day, you're only a sales rep and should have included returning the monies your parent's put up for your college education in your above dreams. Look it is no secret, sales are disposable prima donna's and companies own the customer and build process to ensure so. I guess I would be better served speaking to someone with intelligence rather than sales people. Your plans above will undoubtedly go belly up as you go into self-induced debt. Since it is not in your nature to actually build something just be quiet and do what you are hired for; be a mouth piece. The management team here does care for you and your family and we hope you will follow our leadership. If you do, you will be rewarded and build a good life. If you don't want to follow then don't worry we will help you leave quickly so you can be on your way to a calamity that awaits your sales destiny. 1

Yeah good luck with that. At the end of the day, you're only a sales rep and should have included returning the monies your parent's put up for your college education in your above dreams. Look it is no secret, sales are disposable prima donna's and companies own the customer and build process to ensure so. I guess I would be better served speaking to someone with intelligence rather than sales people. Your plans above will undoubtedly go belly up as you go into self-induced debt. Since it is not in your nature to actually build something just be quiet and do what you are hired for; be a mouth piece. The management team here does care for you and your family and we hope you will follow our leadership. If you do, you will be rewarded and build a good life. If you don't want to follow then don't worry we will help you leave quickly so you can be on your way to a calamity that awaits your sales destiny. 1

The following post was generated from Sr. Management and they do not appear happy with the fact that someone turned the tables. Some employees can pull this off. Me...not so much. Too spooked and fearful of data that can surface today. But I do admire the corporation of ME.

I have grown to dislike the industry and management even more. They keep holding up the house of cards in order to have a house and BMW, otherwise they are at Target with everyone else. If you can milk your kid's college tuition out of them, so be it.

Yes that response was management generated from the top I suspect. It does though clearly outline what senior management thinks of the sales representatives and is one big reason why the constant turnover. We see it every day in the way they respond to issues from tech support, to reimbursement to inventory and the list goes on and on. Thank you to the person in management that posted the message as it does help the sales force and prospective employees understand and see things for what they really are and validates the posts on this sight.

Yeah good luck with that. At the end of the day, you're only a sales rep and should have included returning the monies your parent's put up for your college education in your above dreams. Look it is no secret, sales are disposable prima donna's and companies own the customer and build process to ensure so. I guess I would be better served speaking to someone with intelligence rather than sales people. Your plans above will undoubtedly go belly up as you go into self-induced debt. Since it is not in your nature to actually build something just be quiet and do what you are hired for; be a mouth piece. The management team here does care for you and your family and we hope you will follow our leadership. If you do, you will be rewarded and build a good life. If you don't want to follow then don't worry we will help you leave quickly so you can be on your way to a calamity that awaits your sales destiny. 1

Thanks ML/JW/SB. Enjoy the power trip while you have it, and keep deluding yourselves that you're good people. You've managed to build a culture around lies, and it comes from the core. I know you see yourself on the throne, and your opinion about "building" something means you're into widgets and have no idea what a reputation or customer relationship is (again, ML, JW or SB). We are being a mouth piece for what a shitty place this is and how awful we think you are despite building a wear-able defibrillator, so thanks for the blessing to continue the thread.

Thanks ML/JW/SB. Enjoy the power trip while you have it, and keep deluding yourselves that you're good people. You've managed to build a culture around lies, and it comes from the core. I know you see yourself on the throne, and your opinion about "building" something means you're into widgets and have no idea what a reputation or customer relationship is (again, ML, JW or SB). We are being a mouth piece for what a shitty place this is and how awful we think you are despite building a wear-able defibrillator, so thanks for the blessing to continue the thread.

Please leave and try to find some other place that affords you the opportunity you have here to make serious money while improving the lives of many unfortunate souls. Cry babies never win!