I am beginning to feel so hopeless. I don't understand why changes are not communicated to us. I am so tired of being blamed for things I am not told. And I'm so tired of their changes undermining my efforts instead of supporting them. They can't possibly understand what we do out here and what we are up against given the decisions that are made and they way we are left in the dark about them.
For the life of me, I don't understand why people who appear to be so uninformed about industry standards have the amount of responsibility and control that they do. The Director of Operations is so out of touch at this point ... I don't know how he continues in his role given the amount of damage his decisions have made.
I was so invested in this company. Really in it for the long haul and I have been here for many years. From my perspective, Jamie appears to be the only one that cares about the sales force. Whether anyone feels he is competent or not (I personally do), at least he is trying. The Director of Operations couldn't care less .. we are viewed as problem with which to contend, not a bunch of hard working people, on call 24 hours a day, trying to sell something that is extremely difficult to sell.
Jamie, I hope you will consider calling your senior reps and canvassing what we think the biggest issues are. We are all afraid of being viewed as complainers, but the are some serious issues out there that are causing the turnover you see. If you take some time and interview us, we'll tell you. I imagine you will be as surprised as we are at the issues we contend with ... the HARDEST part of selling the LifeVest is navigating our own company. Not the patients or doctors, but our own company.