Jamie - You have to do something

You have to do something? Do something like you did when you and JR swept the KS FVR situation under the rug. How can either of you support a RM who writes coaching reports on people, and never provides the TM a report? JP never told ML and KS was promoted.

Jamie, if you read these boards and see this post then please - you have to do something.
We know you care about the sales force but if you dont do something, then all your hard work will crumble.
-The goals are unreasonable (2week increase will exceed potential)
-Sales reps CANNOT control revenue (managed care plans that will not pay)
-Over-expansion creating frustrations among representatives that got you to this point

I invite other field based reps to add to the list...

The problem is, demorilization do to a pressure cooker culture!
control what we can control and we will be OK? - were not OK
I have been a top performer and not missed many segments
I have made a lot of money here at Zoll - but im at the end of the rope!
I have had multiple "saves"
I enjoy selling lifevest but the market is limited to the indications and data that we currently have.
I am forced to put more pressure on my physicians, straining relationships for patients they will not protect.
Lifevest is seasonal - goals need to reflect potential.

The truth is... you know all this and want to do something about it but you are like a Lame Duck VP.
until SB and ML are gone... you have no say.
Be the man we think you are

Check back next week, Jamie is working out and rolling up his sleeves to show his arms off?

You have to do something? Do something like you did when you and JR swept the KS FVR situation under the rug. How can either of you support a RM who writes coaching reports on people, and never provides the TM a report? JP never told ML and KS was promoted.

Let's put this in perspective. JR and KS are best of buddies as they were college roommates. JR will do anything and everything for KS because he favors him, everyone in management knows this. If it helps any JR does the exact same thing with his managers and doesn't send them follow ups to their meetings/visits/talks either. Another manager BE that also works for JR doesn't even work with his reps and files FVRs on his reps. Can you say illegal??? all over the place from KS, BE and JR. As you can see it's the standard in JR's area and since JR favored by JP and RP there are no consequences. When will someone hold JR accountable for anything?

You have to do something? Do something like you did when you and JR swept the KS FVR situation under the rug. How can either of you support a RM who writes coaching reports on people, and never provides the TM a report? JP never told ML and KS was promoted.

Unfortunately, KS is not the only RM to do this. Additionally, how can JR fault KS for something he utilizes himself?

For JR and KS, they are part of the ZOLL fraternity. Once you are on the inside you are protected...almost like the mob!

Lastly, telling ML would not have done one bit of good. ML hates the TM's anyway and would have looked at it as the TM wasn't performing, so let's get rid of him/her anyway (yes I know the real situation in every regard - TM, FVR's, numbers, etc...).

Let's put this in perspective. JR and KS are best of buddies as they were college roommates. JR will do anything and everything for KS because he favors him, everyone in management knows this. If it helps any JR does the exact same thing with his managers and doesn't send them follow ups to their meetings/visits/talks either. Another manager BE that also works for JR doesn't even work with his reps and files FVRs on his reps. Can you say illegal??? all over the place from KS, BE and JR. As you can see it's the standard in JR's area and since JR favored by JP and RP there are no consequences. When will someone hold JR accountable for anything?

KS and JR's brother were roommates!

JR and KS are in the ZOLL fraternity. This elite group is protected, and can do no wrong! This is why JR will never be held accountable for anything. Also, his area is hitting it's number, and that is all ML/JP/SB really care about!

KS and JR's brother were roommates!

JR and KS are in the ZOLL fraternity. This elite group is protected, and can do no wrong! This is why JR will never be held accountable for anything. Also, his area is hitting it's number, and that is all ML/JP/SB really care about!

Geez, I wish CP would have a separate board for positive comments only. I know there's some positive reps in this company who are making good money and are satisfied with their job. Unfortunately, it usually comes down to a handful of negative people that make the most noise and often times respond to their own posts.

Can we here from those folks that are happy here?

Geez, I wish CP would have a separate board for positive comments only. I know there's some positive reps in this company who are making good money and are satisfied with their job. Unfortunately, it usually comes down to a handful of negative people that make the most noise and often times respond to their own posts.

Can we here from those folks that are happy here?


Geez, I wish CP would have a separate board for positive comments only. I know there's some positive reps in this company who are making good money and are satisfied with their job. Unfortunately, it usually comes down to a handful of negative people that make the most noise and often times respond to their own posts.

Can we here from those folks that are happy here?

Be careful. Non sales at Zoll also posts on this website. If you do get a positive response, I would suggest verifying the information and poster. A positive employee in any company would be willing to share their experiences with a prospective colleague. Just be sure to ask the right questions.

Geez- so I guess all the trends of discussion are inaccurate? Geez- posi-pants why not "help" the rest of us "unenlightened" see the light via your transparency. Geez-I guess its just easier to say everyone is negative and its us vs. them dribble. The majority of comments on this site are directed at the culture and operations. Essentially how the company treats employees, customers/patients. The critics have been very, very specific AS HAVE NON-EMPLOYEES and CUSTOMERS. Nothing which you could spin and post will excuse the historical behavior and current operations of the organization.

Geez, I wish CP would have a separate board for positive comments only. I know there's some positive reps in this company who are making good money and are satisfied with their job. Unfortunately, it usually comes down to a handful of negative people that make the most noise and often times respond to their own posts.

Can we here from those folks that are happy here?

Be careful. Non sales at Zoll also posts on this website. If you do get a positive response, I would suggest verifying the information and poster. A positive employee in any company would be willing to share their experiences with a prospective colleague. Just be sure to ask the right questions.

Most if not all the positive posts on this web site are from desperate managers trying to fill roles. They do not want you to find out what is really going on here. I didn't have anyone telling me about the lies and what this company was really like before I came on board. I'm glad that prospective new reps will have the ability to now know what it's like here before they give up a great career for this place.

Geez, I wish CP would have a separate board for positive comments only. I know there's some positive reps in this company who are making good money and are satisfied with their job. Unfortunately, it usually comes down to a handful of negative people that make the most noise and often times respond to their own posts.

Can we here from those folks that are happy here?

Fuck off! You are the kind of dickhead we have in management/corporate at this hellhole!

You have the two groups backwards...there are a handful of happy/positive TM's and the other ~320 are miserable!

I only wish this tab was on Cafe Pharma when I joined this turd of a company...would have saved me a lot of frustration!!!

Fuck off! You are the kind of dickhead we have in management/corporate at this hellhole!

You have the two groups backwards...there are a handful of happy/positive TM's and the other ~320 are miserable!

I only wish this tab was on Cafe Pharma when I joined this turd of a company...would have saved me a lot of frustration!!!

Then, why don't you leave if you're so down on the company? What is holding you back? With all your experience, you shouldn't have a problem finding a great job!

Because ZOLL is like AIDS...no one wants to fuck with you after you have it!!!

Meeting with this guy is a total brain suck. He just doesn't get it...he literally doesn't get it. Spelling it out doesn't help, hearing it multiple ways from multiple areas doesn't help. Great example of lack of comprehension skills or self-awareness. He is so punching above his weight in this position and as such will not drive the growth expectations sought after.

I am beginning to feel so hopeless. I don't understand why changes are not communicated to us. I am so tired of being blamed for things I am not told. And I'm so tired of their changes undermining my efforts instead of supporting them. They can't possibly understand what we do out here and what we are up against given the decisions that are made and they way we are left in the dark about them.

For the life of me, I don't understand why people who appear to be so uninformed about industry standards have the amount of responsibility and control that they do. The Director of Operations is so out of touch at this point ... I don't know how he continues in his role given the amount of damage his decisions have made.

I was so invested in this company. Really in it for the long haul and I have been here for many years. From my perspective, Jamie appears to be the only one that cares about the sales force. Whether anyone feels he is competent or not (I personally do), at least he is trying. The Director of Operations couldn't care less .. we are viewed as problem with which to contend, not a bunch of hard working people, on call 24 hours a day, trying to sell something that is extremely difficult to sell.

Jamie, I hope you will consider calling your senior reps and canvassing what we think the biggest issues are. We are all afraid of being viewed as complainers, but the are some serious issues out there that are causing the turnover you see. If you take some time and interview us, we'll tell you. I imagine you will be as surprised as we are at the issues we contend with ... the HARDEST part of selling the LifeVest is navigating our own company. Not the patients or doctors, but our own company.

I am beginning to feel so hopeless. I don't understand why changes are not communicated to us. I am so tired of being blamed for things I am not told. And I'm so tired of their changes undermining my efforts instead of supporting them. They can't possibly understand what we do out here and what we are up against given the decisions that are made and they way we are left in the dark about them.

For the life of me, I don't understand why people who appear to be so uninformed about industry standards have the amount of responsibility and control that they do. The Director of Operations is so out of touch at this point ... I don't know how he continues in his role given the amount of damage his decisions have made.

I was so invested in this company. Really in it for the long haul and I have been here for many years. From my perspective, Jamie appears to be the only one that cares about the sales force. Whether anyone feels he is competent or not (I personally do), at least he is trying. The Director of Operations couldn't care less .. we are viewed as problem with which to contend, not a bunch of hard working people, on call 24 hours a day, trying to sell something that is extremely difficult to sell.

Jamie, I hope you will consider calling your senior reps and canvassing what we think the biggest issues are. We are all afraid of being viewed as complainers, but the are some serious issues out there that are causing the turnover you see. If you take some time and interview us, we'll tell you. I imagine you will be as surprised as we are at the issues we contend with ... the HARDEST part of selling the LifeVest is navigating our own company. Not the patients or doctors, but our own company.

Ahhh, I see you a rep that has finally been here a while and is starting to wee what Zoll is about. I disagree with you about Jamie as I think he ttys to make the field force think he really cares when actually he is just going through the motions and implementing what the other corporate yahoos want him to do. He will never stand up t them as he is just collecting a pay check and knows that if he stands up to them he will be gone. So, putting your faith in him isn't going to change anything. Asking him to talk with the more tenured reps isn't going to change anything, as he will go through the motions so you think he cares and nothing will change as it's all about securing his own job.

Jamie is doing something..........he's traveling to potential national meeting sites testing the size and depth of their hot tubes. Wants to make sure he can fit at least 3 or 4 potential blond management candidates. Some leader....

Jamie is doing something..........he's traveling to potential national meeting sites testing the size and depth of their hot tubes. Wants to make sure he can fit at least 3 or 4 potential blond management candidates. Some leader....

leave jamie alone. I like him and he knows how to do his job you dbag. Be fortunate you you have an opportunity to work for a company like Zoll that values its field people and doesn't spew useless rhetoric like frustrated reps that don't know how to sell with great data!!