Jaime Nassar

I was one of those bodies. It had an impact on my family as well. Luckily I was able to bounce back and now I’m in a better place both professionally and mentally. This man should not be leading people.

I’m a former RBD and DD knows exactly who I am. My situation was handled inappropriately by him and HR. I quit and I’m in a better place as well. Hi me is not a good leader. He comes first and everything is about him.

Apparently you have a reason for feeling this way, do you mind if I ask why that is?
He isn't kind to his reps. I understand wanting to win, buuuuuut you don't have to be a jerk to get it done. His reps are so beaten down that every single one that I have talked to says there is no point in speaking up. Not a single one of them will go to HR. There are literally scared of him. He makes threats from what I have been told. I am one of the lucky ones that doesn't have either one of these two.

Jaime is the opposite of a G.O.A.T. (greatest of all time)

He is a T.O.A.D (terrible on any day).
T.O.A,D. is an accurate description for hi me. People leave managers not organizations. The sad part about this is that this a known fact across ICPT. But don’t worry HR I’m not going on medical leave. I’m aggressively looking for a good fit and will resign as soon as I can land somewhere. In the meantime I will continue to do my job. Patients don’t care about the Hi Me’s of the world.

Hi me doesn’t work well with:
1. Women
2. Blacks
4. Cross functional teams
5. Sr. Leadership
6. Peers
7. HCPs
8. Direct reports

He is and will always be a poor leader.