Jaime Nassar

Meanwhile back in Hi Me Land we are all dreading the upcoming POA in NJ that some genius thought it was a great idea. We hope we are paired with another region so we can share the pain when Hi Me gets on the pulpit or manages up when someone he perceives important walks in the room. Except for Compliance he hates that lady. Jaime yet another opportunity for you to talk over everyone including any partner that draws the short straw. Just know that inside we are all laughing at you.

Stop talking about the access team we don’t report to you Hi Me. We can’t break compliance guidelines in order to keep you happy. Contrary to your beliefs Megan and her team are not idiots. Do yourself a favor and try listening a bit more and be happy for other people’s success vs. being so self centered.

Women have come a long way but unfortunately we still have individuals who don’t value or respect the worth we bring. He serves as a reminder to all of what not to be.

What most you fail to understand is hi me point of view. Can you imagine living in a world where you have all the answers. Having to listen to medical, marketing, access and leadership. If they would all listen to you or do it your way all would be fine. It must be hell. I can’t even imagine what he goes through.