Jaime Nassar

I hoping Hi me’s team recently. I was shortly after I started feeling incompetent, insecure and unworthy. Twice I have gone to HR as he has directed me to go against company policy.

After having been brow beaten by Hi me, I turned to a colleague and they sent me all of the threads on here… wow, wow, wow!

Would anyone like to join with me in contacting the EEOC for a class action?
Yes! And we can name a few other managers as well. This place is out of control. Others need to grow a spine and start speaking up!

Dear leadership,

It’s hard to work for an individual who puts us in compromising positions. This has been brought to your attention multiple times and you do nothing about it. This is not right.

When you do the infamous exercise with us in Dallas we will be on survival mode. We will tell you what you want hear about hi me not what you need to hear. Some of us don’t what the the passive aggressiveness that would follow.

And don’t forget when he goes on tangents when he was in charge of marketing campaigns. I, I, I.
Jaime as reminder just because we in the team have a different opinion than you do it doesn’t give you the right to shut us down. That includes your facial expressions and the rolling of your eyes. It’s called professional respect. We realize that everything is about your agenda but try to make an effort.

The South Central Region

I worked at Intercept a few years ago and am now a director elsewhere and recently Jaime’s resume came through as an applicant. He is now blacklisted at my company. Maybe Buccee’s is hiring? Bless your heart Hi Me and you deserve to never work again.

I worked at Intercept a few years ago and am now a director elsewhere and recently Jaime’s resume came through as an applicant. He is now blacklisted at my company. Maybe Buccee’s is hiring? Bless your heart Hi Me and you deserve to never work again.
Jaime has burned so many bridges even Buccee’s wouldn’t hire him. He is a poor leader and the most unethical individual I have ever met in my professional career.

Jaime as reminder just because we in the team have a different opinion than you do it doesn’t give you the right to shut us down. That includes your facial expressions and the rolling of your eyes. It’s called professional respect. We realize that everything is about your agenda but try to make an effort.

The South Central Region
She left because of you Jaime.