Iveric Bio

Can’t trust leadership, don’t want to work for a VP that doesn’t know how to communicate with customers.

Experienced first hand what good doesn’t look like. Doctor asked that I never bring him back to the office ever again.

Time to get the band back together and piss off more RS!!

Can’t trust leadership, don’t want to work for a VP that doesn’t know how to communicate with customers.

Experienced first hand what good doesn’t look like. Doctor asked that I never bring him back to the office ever again.

Time to get the band back together and piss off more RS!!

You applied and didn't get the job. Move along. You sound like a complete sour loser. I think Iveric will be ok without you.

I’ve heard this story before. Except it was told by the new TLL they hired from Atlanta. She hated all the old leadership she’s now working with. I thought I happened to her but maybe she was just taking credit for others as per usual. I’m gonna just watch this dumpster fire and laugh.

Can’t trust leadership, don’t want to work for a VP that doesn’t know how to communicate with customers.

Experienced first hand what good doesn’t look like. Doctor asked that I never bring him back to the office ever again

Time to get the band back together and piss off more RS!!

The leadership team wants to tell everyone how great they are. But how completely telling is it that NONE of their supposed connections in actual sales at good companies (Genentech, Regeneron) have followed them. NONE. Except marketing. Because that’s what/all they do. Even their “medical” is an extension of marketing. The BS data they’re now spinning on visual acuity is silly. It’s fakery. They need to stop.

The leadership team wants to tell everyone how great they are. But how completely telling is it that NONE of their supposed connections in actual sales at good companies (Genentech, Regeneron) have followed them. NONE. Except marketing. Because that’s what/all they do. Even their “medical” is an extension of marketing. The BS data they’re now spinning on visual acuity is silly. It’s fakery. They need to stop.
This place is a monkey show. Just remember, a fish rots from the head down.

I’d like to see someone step up at the launch training when Simms is taking Q&A and ask what happened at Novartis,

Ask Dr. Patel. Head of sales here was in the room with the fda when that product PI was discussed. You’re telling us he didn’t see their side effects? And this drug has way less enrolled in trials. You should definitely trust them all.

All cultural feedback aside… I’m relocating and this is one of the only field reimbursement postings in the area so I may just have to roll the dice on it. With that said, does anyone know the details on the field reimbursement openings? Pay range? Bonus? Vacation? I’d appreciate any details anyone has to share!

I'm part of this great Iveric launch as well and I do feel that I am surrounded by other truly fantastic, talented reps. Glad to be here!

oh yes. You have the best of the best. The truly talented people who stand out from the mediocre people.

you have 2 lbs of bolagna in TX who stole a job right out from under the feet of one of her aerie colleagues during the alcon takeover. Only to bail and join your illustrious iveric blah blah.

whoever has to report to that witch is in for a world of hurt.

All cultural feedback aside… I’m relocating and this is one of the only field reimbursement postings in the area so I may just have to roll the dice on it. With that said, does anyone know the details on the field reimbursement openings? Pay range? Bonus? Vacation? I’d appreciate any details anyone has to share!
You are relocating for this company? Without any details? C'mon man....you have to be smarter than that!