Is trokendi XR ever going to launch?

Word on the street is this won't launch till after the New all we have is Oxtellar XR whick sucks! I don't know why they would have a meeting for it if they didn't let us hit the ground running with is kind of a momentum killer coming out of an exciting meeting like that..pretty anti-climactic but I still have confidence we will get to launch it soon

Well then why do our RD's keep telling us the 26th? If they know it will not be approved until January. Oh that's right because they know there will be mass exodus if we have to keep selling OXR alone until then. They better hope it gets approved ASAP!

The word on the street? Are you guys over at Shire even putting any effort into your posts on this board anymore? Too funny.
The amount of uninformed Hobbits on this board never fail to amuse with all of their efforts to be a part of what we are doing here. Spreading rumors on an anonymous board? You guys really must be bored to death. So filled with hate. Very ugly.
Anyways, it was approved on Friday. Thanks for all your concern!

That's what it's going to sound like in your doctors office, crickets. This product is going to be horrible too, stock price go downs when you get approval?? Lol what a mess

Stock price went up with a volume over 11million.

Can you please tell me why you folk from the Shire care about us so much? You spend an awful amount of time thinking about us, checking our board constantly, and writing derogatory posts regularly for someone who isn't fueled by some pretty strong emotions.

Again, no answer to the question from the expert sales reps from another company as to why they hang out here and drool on a company's board they are in no way affiliated with. Just more hate stones lobbed anonymously. Impressive.
What kind of person feels better about themselves by wishing others ill will? Am guessing we will "get crickets" again on this one...

Again, no answer to the question from the expert sales reps from another company as to why they hang out here and drool on a company's board they are in no way affiliated with. Just more hate stones lobbed anonymously. Impressive.
What kind of person feels better about themselves by wishing others ill will? Am guessing we will "get crickets" again on this one...

WP shouldn't you be more worried about Trokendi XR than "wasting" your time on CF. Your words not mine.

Again, no answer to the question from the expert sales reps from another company as to why they hang out here and drool on a company's board they are in no way affiliated with. Just more hate stones lobbed anonymously. Impressive.
What kind of person feels better about themselves by wishing others ill will? Am guessing we will "get crickets" again on this one...

I love how Supernus RD's think we don't post on here as reps but think that all the Shire people post here. Are they naive to think we live and breathe Supernus? We realize if we don't launch Trokendi XR right we won't be around to launch this ADHD product they speak of. So quit calling us hobbits when we are concerned Supernus reps trying to learn information since our RD"s always fill u full of optimistic smoke!

I love how Supernus RD's think we don't post on here as reps but think that all the Shire people post here. Are they naive to think we live and breathe Supernus? We realize if we don't launch Trokendi XR right we won't be around to launch this ADHD product they speak of. So quit calling us hobbits when we are concerned Supernus reps trying to learn information since our RD"s always fill u full of optimistic smoke!

BOOM! RD's we don't drink the koolaid like you do.

I love how Supernus RD's think we don't post on here as reps but think that all the Shire people post here. Are they naive to think we live and breathe Supernus? We realize if we don't launch Trokendi XR right we won't be around to launch this ADHD product they speak of. So quit calling us hobbits when we are concerned Supernus reps trying to learn information since our RD"s always fill u full of optimistic smoke!

Learn information? On CP? Bah aha bahahahaha
Nice try. You posted on Shire website at the same time this morning. If you want to play games you should be better at it. Multiple posts at 4 am on both boards? Guess you are a rookie troll!

We all know this is DK, the Portland RD for Supernus...he favorite words he used when he worked over here..."trolls" and "hobbits"...i don't think VV would like you posting on cafepharma and especially doing it during work hours

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