Is there anything worse than Cardinal Health?

Cardinal why don’t you try and learn something from St. John’s Properties and value your employees. Not saying you have to give out 10 million at the NSM, but stop giving failed executives golden parachutes, and at least pay us competitively to the market.

If only Cardinal had let go execs who had affairs w their reports years ago, like McDonalds CEO recently, that would have saved us so much aggravation and personnel morale issues.

The people who had their last day on 12/6 were informed of it in early October and all received severance packages. The packages were very generous! I was kind of hoping for one....

I heard my old drinking buddy, Matt M from NYC, was let go. We had some interesting chats especially about how Cardinal was failing its employees. Where is he working now as we lost touch?

Well now that all the "drama" is supposed to be done, I am left wondering who is doing what? We still have no direction, no leadership and a lot of cheerleaders. Customers are asking questions and there is STILL no answers... just "we're in the process" or "we're hiring for that soon..."

Whew, I can’t express how relieved I am that I dodged this bullet (actually more like a grenade)! Not many people have understood why I was so upbeat and happy when I found out that I was being laid off after a 15+ year career at Cardinal. Well, there’s a very long list of reasons but not having to deal with crap like this is definitely top 3.
However, I truly feel sorry for my now former colleagues that are having to deal with this nightmare. You just have to wonder when the reps will get a break from dealing with one crisis after another which have all been handed down from or caused at the corporate level?

I will say that after reading the statement from Cardinal about the recall, something doesn’t add up when it comes to “environmental conditions” at a contract manufacturers facility raising concerns of whether the gowns are sterile. What type of “environmental concern” could withstand a stringent sterilization process?

Something seems fishy and I bet customers are thinking the same thing....

Of course relentless cost cutting and cutting back on key CAH people in China has bitten the business and customers hard, sadly. Did you know CAH used to have an expat in Shanghai, in addition to Singapore? Trust, but verify....and pay for talent surely lacking. Supply chain important, but knowing which end is up in Manufacturing, own and 3rd parties,perhaps as important.

Whew, I can’t express how relieved I am that I dodged this bullet (actually more like a grenade)! Not many people have understood why I was so upbeat and happy when I found out that I was being laid off after a 15+ year career at Cardinal. Well, there’s a very long list of reasons but not having to deal with crap like this is definitely top 3.
However, I truly feel sorry for my now former colleagues that are having to deal with this nightmare. You just have to wonder when the reps will get a break from dealing with one crisis after another which have all been handed down from or caused at the corporate level?

I will say that after reading the statement from Cardinal about the recall, something doesn’t add up when it comes to “environmental conditions” at a contract manufacturers facility raising concerns of whether the gowns are sterile. What type of “environmental concern” could withstand a stringent sterilization process?

Something seems fishy and I bet customers are thinking the same thing....

Not only am I getting hammered by my customers and desperately trying to find pertinent information in the hundreds of reports being sent out, I find myself wondering, "how and when am I ever going to be paid again?"

Am I selling? No. No damn time. Do you honestly think my customers will ever trust me to deliver on anything I do try to sell??? Nope. They haven't even mentioned our pay. I think we are on stabilization right now because - shocking - our systems can't follow our tracings - but what happens next? This is going to go on for MONTHS if not the rest of the year.

Newsflash, you aren’t going to get paid. Cardinal screws it’s reps over year after year in one way or another. If you want to get paid fairly for your work, you need to leave. Ask all your colleagues who have left if they are happy with their decision. You will be hard pressed to find anyone who does not say it was the best decision they ever made for themselves!!

I know you're right. Just so sad - I used to love my career here but the constant screw ups just make it impossible to even come close to doing my job. My customers have a very long memory and this just justifies all the negative that they believe about us. I feel like an old timer - remember the good ole days? But there never really were any.

Everything above has been stated correctly. Those of us that have left are happy with our decisions and feel terrible about the positions our friends & former colleagues are in. You are better and smarter than this. Time to move on. We can confirm that life is great out here.

Dear Cardinal management, you convinced me to stay with the promise of things will be better now. You finally acknowledged that our systems do not accurately track our sales and that, gee, until fixed, maybe we should be stabilized. But that doesn't make up for the last year where I had the joy of paying you for the privilege of working here. After much digging and detective work, I found my money only to be told it doesn't matter any more because again - everything will be made right. So I got paid Friday. Well, I think that was supposed to be a paycheck. Can't really tell if it was a paycheck because it was less than the tip Donny Wahlberg left a waitress on New Year's Day ($2020.20). When exactly am I supposed to be paid? And after the gown shenanigans, when do you think my customers are going to willingly buy anything from me again?? I can't even walk into my facilities without getting the evil eye. KA, I was hopeful for our future. I drank the Koolaid in Austin, but when I'm in debt for the joy of working for you, something is seriously wrong. Please address our pay.