Is there anything worse than Cardinal Health?

Dear Cardinal management, you convinced me to stay with the promise of things will be better now. You finally acknowledged that our systems do not accurately track our sales and that, gee, until fixed, maybe we should be stabilized. But that doesn't make up for the last year where I had the joy of paying you for the privilege of working here. After much digging and detective work, I found my money only to be told it doesn't matter any more because again - everything will be made right. So I got paid Friday. Well, I think that was supposed to be a paycheck. Can't really tell if it was a paycheck because it was less than the tip Donny Wahlberg left a waitress on New Year's Day ($2020.20). When exactly am I supposed to be paid? And after the gown shenanigans, when do you think my customers are going to willingly buy anything from me again?? I can't even walk into my facilities without getting the evil eye. KA, I was hopeful for our future. I drank the Koolaid in Austin, but when I'm in debt for the joy of working for you, something is seriously wrong. Please address our pay.

You’ve specifically quoted over two years your pay has been inaccurate. I question why you are still with this company. Stop complaining and find a new job. Their process to pay and track sales will never be correct, so if that’s a priority for you, then you’re at the wrong company. Even if KA tried to change things, the systems and processes are broken and will require stabilization for the foreseeable future. Stop and ask yourself, why are you still at Cardinal?

As one of those recently laid-off, it initially sucked, but thinking about it more, what a blessing. No more migraines, endless stress, insomnia, inane leadership. Not every departure has been one to cry over, Do any of you miss Doug "Captain Obvious" Katz? Didn't think so. Or Don Casey? Ugh. Let's hope two longer departed bottom feeders, George Barrett and Kerry Clark, receive the Federal scrutiny they deserve for their roles in the nationwide opioid scandals. Greedy parasites in the distribution and manufacturing opioid businesses deserve punishment and let's hope these two receive the justice they deserve. Sadly, statute of limitations may protect Clark. Cardinal has truly become a corrosive entity. Good riddance

You’ve specifically quoted over two years your pay has been inaccurate. I question why you are still with this company. Stop complaining and find a new job. Their process to pay and track sales will never be correct, so if that’s a priority for you, then you’re at the wrong company. Even if KA tried to change things, the systems and processes are broken and will require stabilization for the foreseeable future. Stop and ask yourself, why are you still at Cardinal?

So you will continue to work for free? I'm still here because I actually believe I make a difference. A company is in trouble when it's most vocal employees are silent. I refuse to remain silent. I actually love what I do and I do it well. It's not wrong to challenge management on where they are wrong. It is wrong to sit back and silently take it. If you're not concerned about your pay, good for you. But, I have a family to feed and although I drink the Koolaid and believe we can make it better and make it right, No One can do this job forever for free. Including you.

So you will continue to work for free? I'm still here because I actually believe I make a difference. A company is in trouble when it's most vocal employees are silent. I refuse to remain silent. I actually love what I do and I do it well. It's not wrong to challenge management on where they are wrong. It is wrong to sit back and silently take it. If you're not concerned about your pay, good for you. But, I have a family to feed and although I drink the Koolaid and believe we can make it better and make it right, No One can do this job forever for free. Including you.

Who said anything about working for free? There is a difference between Inaccurate pay and no pay. Keep “doing your job well”, paying attention to details may help.

So you will continue to work for free? I'm still here because I actually believe I make a difference. A company is in trouble when it's most vocal employees are silent. I refuse to remain silent. I actually love what I do and I do it well. It's not wrong to challenge management on where they are wrong. It is wrong to sit back and silently take it. If you're not concerned about your pay, good for you. But, I have a family to feed and although I drink the Koolaid and believe we can make it better and make it right, No One can do this job forever for free. Including you.
And by saying you think you make a difference you actually mean you have no better options at another job. Everyone that had other options took them, myself included. Customers are at the point of exhaustion. They pendulum is swinging and cah will see an exodus similar to omi, especially since leadership was gloating about omi last year. The gowns give customers the excuse they have been looking for. The final straw.

And by saying you think you make a difference you actually mean you have no better options at another job. Everyone that had other options took them, myself included. Customers are at the point of exhaustion. They pendulum is swinging and cah will see an exodus similar to omi, especially since leadership was gloating about omi last year. The gowns give customers the excuse they have been looking for. The final straw.

If you took another job, why are you still trolling here? I was truly hoping things would get better but you are right. Mass exodus by employees and customers. We are all exhausted. It is time to move on for me. Hopefully I won't be like you and still hanging on.

Because it’s fun to watch this train wreck! Much of the leadership treated their employees like trash and quite frankly Cardinal should have had a class action lawsuit for failure to compensate accurately which they’ve never done. I like to check in from time to time and I’m never shocked. The shit show continues and it’s going down in flames.

Dear Cardinal management, you convinced me to stay with the promise of things will be better now. You finally acknowledged that our systems do not accurately track our sales and that, gee, until fixed, maybe we should be stabilized. But that doesn't make up for the last year where I had the joy of paying you for the privilege of working here. After much digging and detective work, I found my money only to be told it doesn't matter any more because again - everything will be made right. So I got paid Friday. Well, I think that was supposed to be a paycheck. Can't really tell if it was a paycheck because it was less than the tip Donny Wahlberg left a waitress on New Year's Day ($2020.20). When exactly am I supposed to be paid? And after the gown shenanigans, when do you think my customers are going to willingly buy anything from me again?? I can't even walk into my facilities without getting the evil eye. KA, I was hopeful for our future. I drank the Koolaid in Austin, but when I'm in debt for the joy of working for you, something is seriously wrong. Please address our pay.

For all the haters, KA did mention comp today. Thank you, KA.

The total idiot can mention comp all she wants. Do you see her behind the computer calculating anything? What about finding tracings that have been screwed up for years? It’s a completely different team. I’m well aware of this team, their management, their processes, and I’m telling you now UNTIL they get out of excel and access databases, nothing is changing. She can talk all she wants about comp. reality paints a different picture. It’s not hating, it’s stating truth.

Because it’s fun to watch this train wreck! Much of the leadership treated their employees like trash and quite frankly Cardinal should have had a class action lawsuit for failure to compensate accurately which they’ve never done. I like to check in from time to time and I’m never shocked. The shit show continues and it’s going down in flames.
Bingo. Always good to look back thanking God I am not still part of this disaster. Comp has been this way since Baxter screwed the reps out of their pensions. Allegiance was no better, Cardinal is worse yet.

Sad to see the gown fiasco. So Cardinal is hiring 3rd party to assess QA and mfg. Cardinal pushed out more outstanding QA and Mfg people in last 5 years who could have prevented this. And sooooo short sighted on Resources like cutting expat rule in Shanghai as one small example.

The total idiot can mention comp all she wants. Do you see her behind the computer calculating anything? What about finding tracings that have been screwed up for years? It’s a completely different team. I’m well aware of this team, their management, their processes, and I’m telling you now UNTIL they get out of excel and access databases, nothing is changing. She can talk all she wants about comp. reality paints a different picture. It’s not hating, it’s stating truth.

Kim is not an idiot! I knew her from the day she started with Cardinal. Classy, smart, and caring. Would you rather have scum bags Barrett and Casey back? Or inept Kohut? Dave Testa, yes! Kimberly was a protege of Dave's and he knew class acts because he was one while at Cardinal! Give her a chance

I can name several companies that are much worse to work for and CAH is headed in that direction - unfortunately.

I don't know. McKesson is a cluster F*** too. Same thing, different name. Laid off good people and upper management is a joke. It's a very selfish hierarchy, management and C-Suite, in it for themselves, not for the customers.

Kim is not an idiot! I knew her from the day she started with Cardinal. Classy, smart, and caring. Would you rather have scum bags Barrett and Casey back? Or inept Kohut? Dave Testa, yes! Kimberly was a protege of Dave's and he knew class acts because he was one while at Cardinal! Give her a chance

The only thing KA cares about is herself and whatever ass she’s kissing at the moment to further her career. If you think she cares about those under her, you are sadly mistaken.