Is there anything worse than Cardinal Health?

Who cares...this whole company is rotating slowly around the inside of a toilet bowl. Wait till the next round of layoffs due to the customers running to our competition after the latest gown/quality scandal. Garbage...

At least 200 people being laid off starting in May. Finance and Accounting roles to be eliminated or moved to 3rd party Over seas. Major wave next month of layoffs could top 500-1000(1/2 of finance). Cardinal motto - eliminate corporate accounting and finance altogether

I know some of you are haters and I maybe in the future but I like the emails from Kim A. I am blessed enough to have a job and unlike a lot of our competitors, we are still receiving a paycheck. Now granted, it was already in place before this fiasco started but still....My Medline rep doesn't even know if he's getting paid and they are in the same boat we are - no products and no way to help. Was also glad to see Mike K at the table yesterday at the White House. Praying we can get products out to those who need them.

I wonder how much Cardinal “donated” to get that loser Kauffman in the Covid 19 Whitehouse meeting? This guy is a bold faced liar or just blissfully unaware. His company lacks even basic level efficiencies that could help customers and patients. Not to mention, Marketing is busy trying to get GP from .00004% to .00005% rather than being a ally against this virus. What a sunk ship!

I know some of you are haters and I maybe in the future but I like the emails from Kim A. I am blessed enough to have a job and unlike a lot of our competitors, we are still receiving a paycheck. Now granted, it was already in place before this fiasco started but still....My Medline rep doesn't even know if he's getting paid and they are in the same boat we are - no products and no way to help. Was also glad to see Mike K at the table yesterday at the White House. Praying we can get products out to those who need them.
Medline rep not getting paid? Medline is rolling right now, they make twice as much as we do!

I wonder how much Cardinal “donated” to get that loser Kauffman in the Covid 19 Whitehouse meeting? This guy is a bold faced liar or just blissfully unaware. His company lacks even basic level efficiencies that could help customers and patients. Not to mention, Marketing is busy trying to get GP from .00004% to .00005% rather than being a ally against this virus. What a sunk ship!

Seeing as how the Mills family hosted fundraisers for Hillary at their Illinois mansions, I highly doubt you had to “donate” to be at that meeting.

Seeing as how the Mills family hosted fundraisers for Hillary at their Illinois mansions, I highly doubt you had to “donate” to be at that meeting.

Seeing as how you live in a hospital basement and know who the Mills family is, I highly doubt you have a life or any friends. You certainly don’t understand sarcasm.

.... Or they refuse to leave without a severance package, as back-compensation for the mass quantities of BS and disrespect they have endured.

.... Or they refuse to leave without a severance package, as back-compensation for the mass quantities of BS and disrespect they have endured.

I’m glad CAH is having to pay out loads of severance. For those that are getting laid off, I really question whether you are really better off in the long run. Yeah, you receive a few months of compensation without having to work. That eventually runs out though. And you’ll be forced to find a job, and competing against many others who have been laid off by CAH and by other companies, probably at a lower rate. Trying to find a job now with many people out of work? You’d prob would have been better off proactively trying to find a job in the December/January time frame when companies were hiring and willing to offer a pay raise. The writing was clearly on the wall. That would have set you up better for the future vs waiting it out. Just my personal opinion, but good for those forcing CAH to pay out severance.