Is there anything worse than Cardinal Health?

I have to ask this question. Please explain to me how someone can increase surgeons glove sales by $100K to win president's club. I don't know the person and Im sure she's a hard worker - this goes to more of how fair are the allocations really? Should have been impossible and yet it wasn't. $100K in surgeons gloves...
Perhaps, if you spent more time tossing her salad and less time complaining about her, she’d offer you the secrets to her success.

Perhaps, if you spent more time tossing her salad and less time complaining about her, she’d offer you the secrets to her success.

Yeah I thought about that. I can toss a salad but I don't think it would help. Maybe should have tossed Ben's a little more before he got outed. Not complaining about her - more of a complaint about how screwed up this company is. If my customers knew someone else could get gloves when they can't - they would lose it.

Yeah I thought about that. I can toss a salad but I don't think it would help. Maybe should have tossed Ben's a little more before he got outed. Not complaining about her - more of a complaint about how screwed up this company is. If my customers knew someone else could get gloves when they can't - they would lose it.
Stop whining, silly bitch

Why is called “tossing a salad” anyway??? I could never get the connection???
LOL me either. Guess its because I'm just a "whiny bitch". Apparently I'm the only one who doesn't get how anyone made their number if we all had a level playing field. Apparently someone doesn't like me pointing out the huge disparities going on.

No, you’re a whining silly bitch!

Whatever dude. At least I'm not an asshole. If you're not asking questions, you should be. Major clues about how bad our supply chain is messed up came from the meeting. So either you are too stupid to see it, or you're one of the ones who profited from it. I'm guessing both.

To add to things, cardinal just laid off all inventory personnel (up to and including directors). Hundreds of jobs gone. You won’t see them talking about it though, only about how they’re “creating one functional inventory planning and purchasing team”. I’m sure it has absolutely nothing to do with the hundreds of millions they’re paying out to settle this lawsuit they got themselves into.

Just when you think it can't get any worse... magically it does. Not that other vendors aren't having issues. We know they are but, dang CAH, can we get anything? And why is upper management constantly surprised at how bad we suck? Do they not hear the chatter from the field and customers? These issues aren't new. Inventory did suck but what are you replacing it with? Got a clue cause so far I'm not seeing anything and dusting off the resume. I just can't anymore.

Matt M always looked out for himself and knew which asses to kiss. Shrewd guy but never trusted him

Matt McLeod? Whatever happened to him? Unfortunately knew him quite a few years ago. He was a bully to those he could torment and the consummate bootlicker of those he needed to impress. Dreadful human being.

Sad to hear of the coaches abuse of US Soccer women's players. As we just heard again it is NEVER a consensual relationship when the power role gap exists. Sadly CAH execs turned a blind eye to this issue in the past and destroyed morale. Yes, offenders are gone, but they/he treated his direct reports weirdly and never bonded either them in a normal way. He knew they did not respect him.