IS is 100% safe for another year, but...

For me, it's not wishful. Just thinking we need to be aware. No faith anymore. Work, yes. But keeping my eyes open.

Price increase after price increase after price increase.
Start consolidating territories and districts now when people leave for other opportunities in anticipation of future reps in a hospital environment can take years to build access, might as well have someone that is already in the district pick up extra accounts where it geographically makes sense. Good news is there is hope in 2013....then it will be chaos like it always is and playing catchup the whole year when sales numbers start showing up and we are way behind again.

I love the steep price increases by Pfizer when hospitals are slashing costs in advance of severe reimbursement cutbacks forthcoming to balance the federal and state budgets in Medicare, Medicaid and soon to be created Insurance Pool Exchanges to cover the uninsured.

That's what Pfizer calls Strategic Selling with a touch of TLC Customer Focus. It's not just a tactic, it's also our core value.

Like $175 a day for Tygacil to cause increases in mortality with inferior efficacy data, are they nuts? Meropenum is $40 and Invanz is about $55 and Doxy and minocycline are 1-2 bucks. What the Pfuck!!!

I love the steep price increases by Pfizer when hospitals are slashing costs in advance of severe reimbursement cutbacks forthcoming to balance the federal and state budgets in Medicare, Medicaid and soon to be created Insurance Pool Exchanges to cover the uninsured.

That's what Pfizer calls Strategic Selling with a touch of TLC Customer Focus. It's not just a tactic, it's also our core value.

Like $175 a day for Tygacil to cause increases in mortality with inferior efficacy data, are they nuts? Meropenum is $40 and Invanz is about $55 and Doxy and minocycline are 1-2 bucks. What the Pfuck!!!

dont forget pcv13 price increase

And how many of these genius planners and "job creators" will be around themselves in 1-2 years ???

No way there are not cuts in the next year in this group. If PFE was smart they would utilize this group to sell more of the drugs pfizer currently has in the hospital channel. I am sure there will be naysayers, but this group really is about as good as Pfizer offers when it comes to capabilities and selling in the most difficult environment.

No way there are not cuts in the next year in this group. If PFE was smart they would utilize this group to sell more of the drugs pfizer currently has in the hospital channel. I am sure there will be naysayers, but this group really is about as good as Pfizer offers when it comes to capabilities and selling in the most difficult environment.

You aren't selling your high priced drugs on any slash and burn hospital budget in a resource free fall. That's for sure.

European Medicine is here. Generics only please, unless maybe VP Joe Biden signs off on your orders.

You aren't selling your high priced drugs on any slash and burn hospital budget in a resource free fall. That's for sure.

European Medicine is here. Generics only please, unless maybe VP Joe Biden signs off on your orders.

Uhhh...slash and burn budget...those hospitals probably never used it in the first place. Get off here troll.

Uhhh...slash and burn budget...those hospitals probably never used it in the first place. Get off here troll.

Hospital operating margins are -15% to 5% today. You are such a fool. Most hospitals exceed their budgets to provide services to ever more Medicare, Medicaid and uninsured.

Stick to being a naive primary care rep.

Safe for another year? Try about 10 more months to 11/25 traditional Thanksgiving notice of pending cuts to occur before Christmas break 2013.

Time to plan your jump for a controlled exit or stay down with the Titanic iceburg about to hit!

You can tell something is about to happen when the captains of enterprise tell you in March to stay calm, don't panic. Help in the form of a white knight rescue acquisition is underway (total bullsh**t lie).

Why do you think the head of the Zyvox/Tygacil Brand, Manager left for 'lil Otsuka Hospital in Princeton. NJ about 100 minutes one way drive from Collegeville?

Again, another useless post. Let's stick to facts folks. There are none at this time so until we know anything, business as usual with the occasional interview on the side!