CEO was not in Pharma for 20 years before he took over the company. Word is he has a major investment in the company. Since the day he started he operates in panic mode. He hired the SVP of sales and won't acknowledge that she was a bad hire. Doesn't understand today's managed care landscape, which has changed dramatically over the past 20 years. He constantly changes his mind (calls them epiphanies) and expects immediate changes in response to his change in direction. Spends on market research, but ignores what the consistent results say and instead goes with his instincts, which to date have been consistently wrong.
Had 2 massive layoffs including firing 33 home office people without having a plan who will do the work once these people were gone. Has given SVP autonomy and defends her. She is the primary problem as mentioned above. She never did the job, no leadership, no communication, no collaboration and doesn't allow anybody see what she is doing. She doesn't have a strategy or able to execute tactics. Sales force has zero accountability. Just hired the contract sales force and made them company employees. Thinks by making them employees and increasing pay and changing their titles will make them loyal to her. Loves having unproductive and expensive meetings and focuses more on planning her meeting then planning and executing a winning strategy. Works 1/2 days and doesn't spend any time in the field. Always has an excuse why her team isn't performing.
Think you have enough info what the problems are. Hire smart and competent CEO and sales leadership and you have your solution.