This place has no heart and is rotting from the inside out. Let’s review why this place is the worst shall we?
1.) They overwork you to the point of exhaustion and zero work life balance. A lot people here have crazy health issues from this place and the stress.
2.) After being stressed and maxed out, push even tighter deadlines on you without even thinking through them. They don’t care if or if not anything is realistically feasible they just want it done. But it’s our bonuses that get docked if we miss it.
3.) Then when people finally have had enough, reach out to explain how toxic and horrible the environment is along with our workload, our HR leader is just like “the industry standard….” (Spoiler alert just because it’s the standard doesnt mean it works here, you need to change things) but then expects us to refer people to work at this hell hole.
4.) leadership just assumes we are all idiots and are happy with their non answers and glanced questions. We aren’t thats why droves of the employees quit monthly.
5.) leadership has turned into a good old boys club and no one who does a shitty job is held accountable in management. They just cover it up, I can name several executive directors, vps, who are literally the worst at their job but they still get taken care of. It’s disgusting.
6.) rewarding actual good and caring employees is NON EXISTENT!!! You are better off being a total shit employee to move up then you are a hard working and loyal employee. The HR SVP totally has biases and it’s bull shit.
7.) This company is beyond top heavy. There are not enough people to do the work, and they keep hiring managers and directors who think they are above the work that needs to be done. However, no one wants to work here without a title so everyone at the bottom gets used and abused.
I really could go on, but alas I only have so much time for letting people know this place sucks. Just know this place is rotting from the inside, and leadership has no idea what they are doing, so the company will never amount to anything. I hope the investors enjoy losing money or at minimum breaking even.