I had an opportunity to throw my hat in the ring for one of these openings, but I ultimately decided to sit this one out. Coming to market with only a schizophrenia indication relegates much of your selling to community mental health clinics, as mentioned above. A novel mechanism will certainly raise some eyebrows but the majority of the end users are not being treated in a private practice setting and are a heavily subsidized patient population. In my state, all of the managed medicaid plans require a minimum of two generic atypicals before they will even consider covering a branded agent with a prior auth. In that regard, Caplyta will just be the next branded agent on the non-preferred list. An additional indication for bipolar is the game-changer. Unless you are going to sell this product with a wink and a nod to private psychs under the umbrella of “class effect” efficacy in bipolar’s going to be a bit of a slog in the early stages of launch. Best wishes to you anyway.
I pulled out of the 2nd round interview myself. After everything I read on cafe pharma and just selling another me too Schizophrenia drug, it just didnt make sense for me to leave a company that I love with no issues. I just didnt feel right about the opportunity. Good luck to those who are hired!